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Official Statistics and ICT in MDGs. Dr. A.C. Kulshreshtha UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific Third Group Training Course in Application of Information and Communications Technology to Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics. Contents.
Official Statistics and ICT in MDGs Dr. A.C. Kulshreshtha UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific Third Group Training Course in Application of Information and Communications Technology to Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics
Contents • Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) • MDGs –Targets, Indicators • MDGs –Policy Implications • MDGs –Monitoring-Requirements of Official Statistics • Application of ICT to Production and Dissemination of Official Statistics on MDGs
Purpose of this session • Raise awareness of MDGs and MDG Indicators • Flag their role in Policy making • Needed Official Statistics for implementation • Application of ICT for efficient Production and Dissemination of MDG Indicators
What are MDGs? • Introduction to Millennium Development Goals • MDGs, Targets and Indicators • Individual MDGs • Global, Regional, National and Sub-national Indicators
Introduction to MDGs • Where did they come from? • What are they? • Why do they matter? • Global, regional, national and sub-national MDGs
The Millennium Declaration World leaders at United Nations in September, 2000 • called for the creation of an “environment... conducive to development and to the elimination of poverty” • specified “fundamental values” • freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect for nature, shared responsibility
The Millennium Declaration (Contd.) UN member countries • committed themselves to 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) • affirming that they would “spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty”
The Millennium Declaration (Contd.) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4. Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 7. Ensure environmental sustainability 8. Develop a global partnership for development
The Millennium Declaration (Contd.) • The MDGs represent a new development agenda focusing on greater involvement and participation, better governance, enhancement of rights, expanded choice, and economic and social development with equity http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/mi_goals.asp Human Development Report
The Millennium Declaration (Contd.) • Since 1990 series of world submits/ global conferences to lay comprehensive rights-based development agenda-International Development goals (IDGs) • IDGs and development goals in Millennium Declaration are similar. Merging these we have the MDGs with Targets and Indicators
The Millennium Declaration (Contd.) • MDG monitoring at global & country levels • Secretary General reports progress to General Assembly annually/quinquennially
The Millennium Declaration (Contd.) Statistical Requirements • UN Secretary General (September 2001) formulated a framework of • 8 Goals, • 18 Targets and • 48 Indicators to measure progress towards human development and broadening its benefits • Based on inputs from a consensus of experts from the United Nations Secretariat and IMF, OECD and the World Bank
The Millennium Declaration(Contd.)Goals, Targets and Indicators GOAL: An objective expression of what is to be achieved, usually non technical and often not quantified TARGET: Individual, observable achievement directly related to the goal INDICATOR: Variable used to measure progress towards the target
The Millennium Declaration (Contd.) Statistical Requirements • While the Millennium Declaration was signed by an overwhelming majority of countries, NSOs were not engaged nor consulted adequately on the ensuing development of the MDG monitoring process in general, and on the choice of indicators in particular
The Millennium Declaration (Contd.) Statistical Requirements • Changes in the indicators were being made until May 2002 by the international agencies assigned as compilers/ custodians, in meetings attended mostly by the same agencies
The Millennium Declaration (Contd.) Statistical Requirements • Some MDG indicators are compiled by international agencies but not by the countries, e.g., • $1 a day poverty line/incidence • Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy • Energy use in kg. oil equiv. per capita • However, these indicators still require country data as inputs
The Millennium Declaration (Contd.) Statistical Requirements • There are possibilities of discordance with otherwise conceptually highly correlated national indicators • or with indicators compiled by the other international agencies
The Millennium Declaration (Contd.) Statistical Requirement Assessment • Availability of the MDG indicators, varies from country to country • In most developing countries all the 48 recommended MDG Indicators are not available • Several indicators are not applicable in some countries
MDGs: Targets and Indicators Goal 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Headcount Index • The Headcount Index (denoted as P0) is the proportion of the population for whom consumption (or some other welfare indicator) is below the poverty line, that is, the share of the population that cannot afford to buy a basic basket of goods • It is ratio of the number of poor people to the total population • It measures the incidence of poverty • It is also called the poverty rate or poverty incidence
Headcount Index (Contd.) Formally, where N = total population I(.) = an indicator function that takes on a value of 1 (poor) if the bracketed expression is true, and 0 (non-poor) otherwise yi = welfare indicator, e.g., consumption per cap z = poverty line NP= number of poor in the population yi , …, yq < z < yq+1 … yn
Poverty Gap Index • The poverty gap index is the average, over all people, of the proportionate gaps between poor people’s living standards and the poverty line (as a proportion of the poverty line). • More specifically, define the gap (Gn) as the difference between the poverty line (z) and the actual consumption (yi) for poor individuals; the gap is considered to be zero for everyone else, then the
Poverty Gap Index (Contd.) • poverty gap index P1 is This measure reflects the average shortfall of poor people so it gives a better idea of the depth of poverty
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 2. Achieve universal primary education
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 3. Promote gender equality and empower women
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 4. Reduce child mortality
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 5. Improve maternal health
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, & other diseases
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, & other diseases
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, & other diseases
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 7. Ensure environmental sustainability
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 7. Ensure environmental sustainability
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 7. Ensure environmental sustainability
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 7. Ensure environmental sustainability
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development
MDGs: Targets and Indicators (Contd) Number of Targets and Indicators in Goals