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Developments for the Italian Power Exchange Alberto Pototschnig, CEO Gestore del Mercato Elettrico Spa (Italian Electricity Market Operator) 8 th APEx Annual Conference Cartagena de Indias – Colombia October 14 th & 15 th , 2003. Presentation Outline Regulatory Framework About GME
Developmentsfor the Italian Power ExchangeAlberto Pototschnig, CEOGestore del Mercato Elettrico Spa(Italian Electricity Market Operator)8th APEx Annual ConferenceCartagena de Indias – ColombiaOctober 14th & 15th, 2003
Presentation Outline • Regulatory Framework • About GME • Main Features of the Italian Power Exchange • Market Development • Prospective Market Participants and Liquidity
Regulatory Framework The Legal framework • Directive 96/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 1996 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity • Law no. 128 of 24 April 1998 concerning provisions deriving from Italian membership of the European Communities:art. 36empowering Government to enact one or more legislative decrees for implementing Directive 96/92/EC and for redefining all relevant aspects of the Italian electricity supply industry • Legislative Decree no. 79 of 16 March 1999, implementing Directive 96/92/EC
Regulatory Framework The Legal framework and the Market Concept • Directive 96/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 1996 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity (no Market Concept) • Law no. 128 of 24 April 1998 concerning provisions deriving from Italian membership of the European Communities:art. 36empowering Government to enact one or more legislative decrees for implementing Directive 96/92/EC and for redefining all relevant aspects of the Italian electricity supply industry (no Market Concept) • Legislative Decree no. 79 of 16 March 1999, implementing Directive 96/92/EC
Regulatory Framework Legislative Decree n. 79/99: • The economic management of the electricity market (electricity and ancillary services) shall be entrusted to a Market Operator • The Market Operator shall be a company to be set up by GRTN (the Transmission System Operator) • The Market Rules are drafted by the Market Operator and are approved by the Minister of Industry (now Minister for Productive Activities), having sought the opinion of the Energy Regulator • The Market Operator shall be responsible for managing supply offers and demand bids related to energy and all ancillary services • The Regulator may authorise bilateral electricity trading outside the Electricity Market • The authorisation may be denied or conditioned … whenever the contracts jeopardise competition or security and efficiency of the electricity supply system A Draft Bill currently being read in Parliament may abolish the authorisation requirement for Physical Bilateral Contracts outside the Electricity Market
About GME Minister of the Economy Shareholder’s rights exercised in conjunction with theMinister for Productive Activities GRTN Gestore della Rete di Trasmissione Nazionale SpA (Transmission System Operator) AUAcquirente Unico SpA (Single Buyer) GMEGestore delMercato Elettrico SpA (Market Operator) GRTN Group
About GME GME was established by GRTN on June 27th, 2000 GME is responsible for organising: • A Power Exchange (Leg. Decree n. 79/99) • A facility for Green Certificates trading (the Green Certificates Market) (Min. Decree 11 Nov 99): • Became operational on March 26th, 2003. • Volume traded so far: 23,428 certificates = € 236 million • A facility for Energy Efficiency Certificates trading (the Energy Efficiency Certificates Market) (Min. Decrees 21 Apr 01) GME is also responsible for promoting: • Electricity Derivatives trading (Electricity Market Rules approved by Min. Decree 9 May 2001)
Main Features of the Italian Power Exchange Electricity Market Structure
Main Features of the Italian Power Exchange Electricity Market Structure
Main Features of the Italian Power Exchange Electricity Market Structure
Main Features of the Italian Power Exchange , Electricity Trading Markets • Active Demand and Supply Participation • No Inter-temporal constraints on Bids and Offers • Energy traded at Market Equilibrium Price(s) • Inter-zonal Congestion Management by Market Splitting • When Congestion occurs in the Day-Ahead Energy Market, Producers/Sellers are paid the Zonal Equilibrium Prices, while Consumers/Buyers pay a National Average Price Ancillary Services Markets • Energy and Capacity paid at the offered price (Pay-as-Bid)
Market Development Working Towards the Electricity Market: the Rules 27.06.2000Gestore del mercato elettrico (GME) is established by the TSO 2000 21.11.2000GME submits the Electricity Market and Green Certificates Trading Rules to the Minister of Industry 6.03.2001Preliminary feedback by the Regulator on the Rules 27.03.2001GME submits a new version of the Electricity Market Rules 30.04.2001The Regulator issues its opinion on the Electricity Market Rules 2001 8.05.2001GME submits a final version of the Electricity Market Rules taking into account the Regulator’s opinion 9.05.2001The Electricity Market Rules are approved by the Minister 4.10.2001GME publishes a draft of the Instructions (implementation and procedural provisions) for consultation of interested parties 18.01.2002GME submits the Instructions to the Minister for approval 2002 3.07.2002GME receives the Regulator’s opinion on the Instructions 18.07.2002GME submits a revised version of the Instructions taking into account the Regulator’s opinion 2003 31.07.2003The Minister of Industry issues Guidelines for “Sistema Italia 2003” 13.10.2003GME publishes a revision of the Electricity Market Rules, incorporating the Instructions, for consultation of interested parties
Market Development Working Towards the Electricity Market:the Information System for the Electricity Market 2001 5.12.2001GME assigns the contract for the development of the Information System for the Electricity Market (ISEM) 31.01.2002A prototype of ISEM is deployed at GME’s Control Centre 22.04.2002The first release of the ISEM is deployed at GME. Internal testing begins 2002 20.05.2002The ISEM is presented to prospective market participants 20.06.2002First trial session of ISEM with prospective market participants 23.07.2002Second trial session of ISEM with prospective market participants 5.08 to 6.09.2002 First set of Daily Trial Sessions with approx. 30 prospective market participants 28.10 to 20.12.2002 Second set of Daily Trial Sessions with approx. 50 prospective market participants 8.01.2003... Third set of Daily Trial Sessions begins 2003
Market Development Information System Characteristics • Developed by a group of companies led by ELSAG and comprising EXCELERGY CORP. and GETRONICS • Derived from a software used for electricity trading by American Electric Power (Columbus, Ohio) • Allows access independently of market participant’s platform: • bids and other relevant information can be submitted using web-forms or XML files • all market information can be down-loaded in numeric format compatible with widely-used application software • Modular structure ensures flexibility
Market Development As of October 10th, 2003, GME has completed Daily Trial Sessions of the Electricity Market
Market Development As of October 10th, 2003, GME has completed 204 Daily Trial Sessions of the Electricity Market
Market Development , Ministerial Guidelines of July 31st, 2003for the “Sistema Italia 2004” The Guidelines: • Envisage an organised system of bids and offers for electricity (and ancillary services) • Confirm the Power Exchange model developed by GME. Only one Ancillary Services Market • Set Electricity Market launch date to January 1st, 2004 • Describe activities to be performed by the Ministry, the Regulator, the TSO and the Market Operator to meet this launch target date Work is under way to implement the Guidelines (in Regulation, Systems, …)
Market Development Electricity Market Structure
Market Development Electricity Market Structure
Prospective Market Participants and Liquidity Prospective Market Participants • Participants to the Trial Sessions Eligible final consumers 10 Producers 15 Traders, Wholesalers, Distributors 63 Others 40Total 128 • 136 users attended the training courses organised by GME
Prospective Market Participants and Liquidity Prospective Market Participants • Participants to the Trial Sessions Eligible final consumers 10 Producers 15 Traders, Wholesalers, Distributors 63 Others 40Total 128 • 136 users attended the training courses organised by GME Prospective Market Participants 88
Prospective Market Participants and Liquidity Liquidity in the Italian Power Exchange (I) • Total electricity demand in Italy exceeds 300 TWh/year • The annual consumption of eligible clients exceeds 120 TWh (April 2003) • Further reduction of the annual consumption threshold for eligibility since April 2003 • By July 1st, 2004, all non residential clients will be eligible • Residential demand accounts for approximately 20% of total final demand
Prospective Market Participants and Liquidity Liquidity in the Italian Power Exchange (II) • According to the “Guidelines”: • On the supply side • The subsidised renewable energy (under the CIP6 regime) will be offered in the PX by the TSO (who buys this energy at subsidised prices) • Energy from embedded generators will be sold in the PX • Energy imported using interconnection capacity assigned (autonomously or jointly) by the Italian TSO can be sold in the PX according to criteria defined by the Regulator • Producers are required to sell into the PX the energy generated by the available capacity and not committed to physical bilateral contracts
Prospective Market Participants and Liquidity Liquidity in the Italian Power Exchange (II) • According to the “Guidelines”: • On the supply side • The subsidised renewable energy (under the CIP6 regime) will be offered in the PX by the TSO (who buys this energy at subsidised prices) 50 TWh/y • Energy from embedded generators will be sold in the PX5 TWh/y • Energy imported using interconnection capacity assigned (autonomously or jointly) by the Italian TSO can be sold in the PX according to criteria defined by the Regulator? • Producers are required to sell into the PX the energy generated by the available capacity and not committed to physical bilateral contracts ?
Prospective Market Participants and Liquidity Liquidity in the Italian Power Exchange (III) • According to the “Guidelines”: • On the demand side • The Single Buyer buys on the PX (or through dedicated import contracts) 75% of the energy required to serve the demand of franchise customers • Eligible Clients (including Wholesalers) may choose to buy from the PX, or through Physical Bilateral Contracts (subject to the Regulator’s authorisation?)
Prospective Market Participants and Liquidity Liquidity in the Italian Power Exchange (III) • According to the “Guidelines”: • On the demand side • The Single Buyer buys on the PX (or through dedicated import contracts) 75% of the energy required to serve the demand of franchise customers 35–40 TWh/y • Eligible Clients (including Wholesalers) may choose to buy from the PX, or through Physical Bilateral Contracts?% of 170 TWh
Prospective Market Participants and Liquidity Liquidity in the Italian Power Exchange (III) The Choice between Trading on the PX and Trading through Physical Bilateral Contracts depends on: • Regulator’s Authorisation Requirement/Policy for Physical Bilateral Contracts • Availability of Price-Volatility Hedging Instruments (Financial Derivatives)
Thank you for your attention! • Gestore del Mercato Elettrico SpAViale Maresciallo Pilsudski, 92 - 00197 Romatel. + 39 06 8012.1www.mercatoelettrico.org