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Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon Armin Mathis (NAEA/UFPA). Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon Armin Mathis. Some basic data about the Amazon: what shall be developed?. The analytical framework: The Amazon a region of the modern periphery.
Development policies in theBrazilianAmazon ArminMathis(NAEA/UFPA)
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon Armin Mathis • Some basic data about the Amazon: what shall be developed? • The analytical framework: The Amazon a region of the modern periphery • Political intervention in the Brazilian Amazon • Regional development: some thesis
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Some basic data Amazon Basin: 6.112.000 km2 Brazil 63% Peru 17% Bolivia 11% Colombia 5,8% Equador 2,2% Venezuela 0,7% Guiana 0,2% Population 1950 3.800.000 2007 23.550.000 516% (=13,8% of the Brazilian population) Population density: 4,6 hab/km2 Roraima 1,76 hab/km2 Belém >1.000 hab/km2
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Some basic data
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Some basic data Gross domesticproduct
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Some basic data
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • The analytic framework • Social acting is affected by the material environmental condition and social acting changes the material environment • The Amazon is material environment for social action (communication) and social order. • The Amazon is embedded twice in a global context The Amazon is a geographical space characterized by a specific resource assets The interest in the Amazon is (also) the interest in its resources
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • The analytic framework • The inclusion in the global economic system has impacts on social organization at local level and depends of social organization at national level • The Amazon is situated in the periphery of the modernity, it’s a modern periphery • Past experiences with development policies continue present in the region
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Political intervention in the Brazilian Amazon • The Amazon under the Brazilian military dictatorship: ordeme progresso Program of National Integration / Programa de IntegraçãoNacionalAmazon a strategic region for the Brazilian development process “a land without men for men without land”road construction, colonization National Development Programs (II. 1975-1979, III. 1979-1985) POLAMAZONIA, POLONOROEESTE, Programa Grande Carajás (PGC)
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Political intervention in the Brazilian Amazon • The TransitionSarney, Collor, Itamar Program “Our Nature”institutional framework for the environment policies Rio 92environment policy as entrance to the club of the modern nations
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Political intervention in the Brazilian Amazon • FHC • Neoliberalism and he golden age of the NGOs PPG7 ProgramaPilotoinstitutional framework for the environment policies National Development Axis institutional framework for the environment policies
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Political intervention in the Brazilian Amazon Théry 2005: 40
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Political intervention in the Brazilian Amazon Théry 2005: 44
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Political intervention in the Brazilian Amazon Théry 2005: 48
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Political intervention in the Brazilian Amazon • Lula & Dilma • Development needs growth and growth needs natural resources, infrastructure and energy PAC – Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento PAS – Sustainable Development Plan for the Amazon(Plano AmazôniaSustentável)
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Political intervention in the Brazilian Amazon • Lula & Dilma • Regional Integration, national sovereignty and a new identity for the Military: policy at the borderline PDFF– Program for the Development of the Border(Programa de Desenvolvimento da Faixa da Fronteira PAS – Sustainable Development Plan for the Amazon(Plano AmazôniaSustentável)
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Political intervention in the Brazilian Amazon Brasil (2009): 13 Brasil (2009): 29
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Regional development: some thesis • The choice of the regional development model has effects on the development possibilities outside of the region. • There is more than ‘one’ Amazon, and any development policy has to recognize and to incorporate this diversity in a coherent model and not in a set of conflictive activities and land uses. • The population of the Amazon is mostly not rural. • The territorial border in the Amazon is not an obstacle but an opportunity for regional development
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon • Armin Mathis • Regional development: some thesis The territorial border in the Amazon is not an obstacle but an opportunity for regional development. • Each local / regional development model needs to be recognized and legitimate by the population. • The development model has to define the form of the regions insertion in the national and global economic and social context • A regional / local development model must be knowledge based. • The form the state and its agencies perform in the region is decisive for the success of a development model.
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon Armin Mathis References References BRASIL / Ministério da Integração Nacional / Secretaria de Programas Regionais. Programa de Promoção do Desenvolvimento da Faixa de Fronteira – PDFF. Brasília 2009. THÉRY, H. Situações da Amazônia no Brasil e no continente. Estudos Avançados 19 (53): 37-49. São Paulo 2005.
Development policies in the Brazilian Amazon Armin Mathis Armin Mathis studied Economy and Political Science at the Philipps-University in Marburg, 1987, Dipl. in Political Science at the Free University of Berlin, 1995, PhD in Political Science at Free University of Berlin. Since 1998 he is ordinary Professor at UFPA/NAEA, 2009/2012 General Director of the Centre for Advanced Amazon Studies (Núcleo de Altos EstudosAmazônicos) at the Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil. His main areas of research involve public policy for regional development, mining and its contributions to regional development, social systems theory. armin.mathis@ufpa.br armin.mathis@gmail.com