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Human Performance Improvement (HPI) Implementation at ORNL - “A Grass Roots Approach.”

Human Performance Improvement (HPI) Implementation at ORNL - “A Grass Roots Approach.”. Sam McKenzie SNS Site Operations Manager August 19, 2009. Human Performance Initiative at ORNL.

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Human Performance Improvement (HPI) Implementation at ORNL - “A Grass Roots Approach.”

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  1. Human Performance Improvement (HPI) Implementation at ORNL - “A Grass Roots Approach.” Sam McKenzie SNS Site Operations Manager August 19, 2009

  2. Human Performance Initiative at ORNL • ORNL began human performance initiative in November 2005 after 6 staff from each major directorate attended a Human Performance course by DOE (Shane Bush). • These “advocates” began preparing a Fundamentals Class with Training Department • Parallel Process began to introduce the DuPont Safety Observation for Supervisors Program (STOP) • Facilities and Operations Directorate (Bargaining Unit) decide to implement the STOP for supervisors as mandatory. Presentation_name

  3. HPI @ ORNL con’t • A modified STOP for Supervisors “Program” and HPI Fundamentals Training were presented to Leadership Team as options for Lab wide adherence. • Mandatory Management Observation Training (modified STOP) held for all Division Directors and Group Leaders with expectation of 2 surveillances per month. • HPI grass roots effort rolled out by offering optional 8 hour class to lab employees (mandatory for Investigators and Critique Facilitators). • Optional aspect rendered limited success with lab employees

  4. HPI @ SNS • 2007 SNS acknowledges HPI as high priority • Research Accelerator Division (RAD) requires all Group Leaders, Lead Engineers and Physicists to attend mandatory 8 hours Fundamentals Class • Identified need for next level employees to be exposed to HPI Principles (4 hours) • Above levels of training were expanded to other SNS Divisions

  5. ORNL Focus Group • Mission to identify opportunities to incorporate HPI principles into operation and maintenance of the complex/site, to fully implement and integrate HPI into our space management, work processes, operations and work execution, and to develop tools to aid in our management of errors. • Several opportunities were identified to include:

  6. Radiological Events

  7. Postings

  8. Postings con’t

  9. Next Steps @ SNS • Re-Tool Training to allow more daily use applications “Paper vs Physical Plant” • Develop Error Management Tool “Tripod Delta” based on James Reason’s scheme • Conduct campaigns on processes within our Major Operating entities looking Latent Weaknesses.

  10. Next Steps @ORNL • Continue HPI evaluations as issues arise • Enhance the Steering Committee’s charter to assume more Safety role • Drill HPI principles down to greater cross section of employees • Continue HPI Spotlight with High Level Messages • Get the Culpability Flow Chart incorporated into Event Analysis Subject Area (SBMS)

  11. Signs and Postings

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