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Utilize impactful visuals to enhance your Holocaust research speech. Learn how to create visually engaging PowerPoint slides and cite sources effectively.
9 year old kid scores the best GOAL EVER!!!! • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u71EO6BoLZA
Visual Aids Why use them?
Visual Learners We learn by doing We learn by seeing http://www.strathamclc.org/images/j0409713.jpg
Bold images Few words Make them BIG http://media.photobucket.com/image/holocaust%20shoes/tinker2/shoes/1137.jpg
http://lazerbrody.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/04/30/holocaust.jpghttp://lazerbrody.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/04/30/holocaust.jpg “There were about 1.6 million Jewish children, ranging from infants to teens, living in Europe at the start of World War II. Of these, only about 11 percent survived the war.”United Jewish Federatinn of Pittsburgh http://www.ujf.net/page.aspx?ID=148359
“Toy figures representing Adolf Hitler and Nazi storm troopers helped attract a young audience to the party's activities.” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum http://www.ushmm.org/propaganda/assets/images/500x/toy-figurines-nazi.jpg
Charts Your Holocaust Research Speech Grading Criteria
Graphs Your Holocaust Research Speech Grading Criteria
Explain maps http://www.martinfrost.ws/htmlfiles/holocaust.html
Cite Your Sources! • For photos and facts you must credit your sources or you are plagiarizing!
Citations • The address of the web page is sufficient for photos. • To enhance the credibility of facts, also show the name of the sponsoring organization.
How Many? This will be turned in digitally to my wikispace by Tuesday after Christmas break. I will show you how to do this step by step on Monday January 4th in class. You should submit to me 10-12 slides in the form of a PowerPoint Presentation.
How will this be graded? • Visually engaging • Minimal words • Used throughout the speech • Referenced, explained and utilized • Creative • Cited
Gather images that you think will benefit you in your speech. We are in the lab the next two days where I will show you how to various PowerPoint strategies. Save them to a flash drive or to your desk top.
Essay • Parent edit due tomorrow. • Final draft due Thursday!
Ideas and ContentWhat should we know about this topic? • Tell a descriptive story or describe a place relevant to your topic. • EXPLAIN relevant facts, but don’t list them. • Use a quote
Organization • Engaging Introduction • Organized Body- Easy to follow transitions between ideas. • Thoughtful Conclusion
Delivery • 25 points of your score will be based upon how well you deliver this speech. • Eye contact • Body Language