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eResources and OvidSP MEDLINE

eResources and OvidSP MEDLINE. Pamela M. Corley, MLS, pcorley@usc.edu Joe Pozdol, MLIS, pozdol@usc.edu USC Norris Medical Library. USC School of Pharmacy, Year II Class of 2011 October 24, 2008 . Learning Objectives. Become familiar with the Pharmacy Portal

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eResources and OvidSP MEDLINE

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  1. eResources and OvidSP MEDLINE Pamela M. Corley, MLS, pcorley@usc.edu Joe Pozdol, MLIS, pozdol@usc.edu USC Norris Medical Library USC School of Pharmacy, Year II Class of 2011 October 24, 2008

  2. Learning Objectives • Become familiar with the Pharmacy Portal • Access Norris Medical Library QuickLinks, Multi-eBook Search, Databases, and Catalogs (HELIX and HOMER) • Know how to find additional library resources and services • Search OvidSP MEDLINE

  3. VPN is currently used to access USC eBooks and eJournals remotely (when you're off campus). • True • False

  4. The USC Proxy Server (Remote Access Portal) should launch when you select a "restricted" resource from the Norris Medical Library site. • True • False

  5. Remote Access Portal Login

  6. www.usc.edu/nml ● Journals (All USC eJournals) ● Books/Multimedia (Multi-eBook Search) ● Databases (OvidSP MEDLINE) ● Pharmacy Student Portal ● Catalogs (HELIX and HOMER)

  7. Which drug resource(s) do USC students have access to online? • AHFS Drug • ePocrates • Lexi-Drugs • MICROMEDEX • All of the above

  8. AHFS Drug Information

  9. ePocrates – Drug Interactions

  10. ePocrates – MultiCheck Drug Interaction Checker

  11. Lexi-Drugs Online

  12. Lexi-Comp Online Interaction

  13. Lexi-Comp Online Interaction


  15. MICROMEDEX – Drug Point

  16. MICROMEDEX – Drug Interactions

  17. Access Pharmacy

  18. USC Journals – Title begins with Journal of Labelled

  19. USC Journals – Search Results Journal of Labelled Compounds...

  20. USC Journals – Title begins with Pharmacological

  21. USC Journals – Search Results Pharmacological Research

  22. Multi-eBook

  23. Which 2 are USC online catalogs? • HELIX and Vadlo • HELIX and Homer • HELIX and RefWorks • HELIX and ByJove • None of the above

  24. HELIX Results

  25. Helix – Record

  26. BREAK! Coming Up In Part Two: How to search OvidSP MEDLINE (and do homework assignment…)

  27. How often do you search PubMed? • Every day • Once a week • Once a month • A few times a year • Almost never

  28. How often do you search OvidSP MEDLINE? • Every day • Once a week • Once a month • A few times a year • Almost never

  29. MEDLINE • A subset of PubMed • >16 million citations in MEDLINE • >18 million citations in PubMed • Difference due to articles not yet indexed AND articles that won’t be since not biomedical

  30. OvidSP Interface • Introduced February 2008 • Two modes: • Basic • Useful for finding ONE or TWO relevant articles • Useful for unfamiliar topics – can use results to make Advanced Ovid Search more effective • Does simple, keyword searching • Advanced (Use For Assignment) • Used for more complex searches • Advantage: Keywords map to controlled vocabulary through use of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)

  31. To retrieve articles about “Proventil,” “Ventolin,” and “Xopenex,” you should use the Advanced mode. • True • False

  32. Searching Steps • Identify and clarify your information need a. Formulate the searchable question b. Break question into concepts • Enter one concept at a time a. Check scope note to verify that medical subject heading is correct b. Explode all concepts c. Focus one or more concepts d. Consider subheadings

  33. What is the maximum number of major concepts that should be entered on one search line? • One • Two • Three • Four

  34. Focusing a concept retrieves sources that have the concept as a major topic. • True • False

  35. Using up to 6 subheadings is a good strategy to retrieve articles that are about subtopics of interest. • True • False

  36. Searching Steps (continued) 3. Combine concepts with AND or OR • Use Limits such as English Language, Humans, Publication Type • Evaluate Results • Use Results Manager • Print, Email, or Save (any Format)

  37. Which of the following is the most robust (ie. reliable) publication type? • Case Study • Editorial • Letter • Review Article

  38. Applying the limits English Language and Humans will weed out foreign-language articles and animal studies. • True • False

  39. Which step would you do fourth?a. Apply limits b. Check scope notesc. Determine major conceptsd. Formulate question e. Use AND to combine concepts • a • b • c • d • e

  40. Sample Homework Question1 Is myopathy a side effect of statins?

  41. Sample Homework Question 2 Is Claritin or Zyrtec more effective in treating seasonal allergies?

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