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HLT – Interfaces (ECS, DCS, Offline) (Alice week – HLT workshop 06-03-2007). S. Bablok (IFT, University of Bergen). TOC. HLT interfaces HLT ECS HLT DCS HLT OFFLINE HLT calibration (Use Case) additional slides. HLT interfaces. ECS:
HLT – Interfaces (ECS, DCS, Offline)(Alice week – HLT workshop 06-03-2007) S. Bablok(IFT, University of Bergen)
TOC • HLT interfaces • HLT ECS • HLT DCS • HLT OFFLINE • HLT calibration (Use Case) additional slides
HLT interfaces • ECS: • Controls the HLT via well defined states (SMI) • Provides general experiment settings (type of collision, run number, …) • DCS: • Provides HLT with current Detector parameters (voltages, temperature, …) Pendolino • Provides DCS processed data from HLT (TPC drift velocity, …) FED portal (Front-End-Device portal) • OFFLINE: • Interface to fetch data from the OCDB (OFFLINE HLT) • Provides OFFLINE with calculated calibration data (HLT OFFLINE)
intern extern Detector responsibility Framework components Interface DCS Data flow in HLT Archive DB PVSS ECS DCS portal Pendolino OFFLINE DIM- Subscriber Pendolino-PubSub HLT OFFLINE Storage spec Datasink (Subscriber) PubSub Task Manager Shuttle DA MySQL DA ECS-proxy FES ALiEn AliRoot CDB access OCDB (Conditions) local Cache (HCDB) Taxi-HCDB Taxi
HLT ECS interface • State transition commands from ECS • INITIALIZE, CONFIGURE(+PARAMS), ENAGE,START,… • Mapping to TaskManager states • CONFIGURE parameters: • HLT_MODE: the mode, in which the HLT shall run (A, B or C) • BEAM_TYPE: (pp (proton-proton) or AA (heavy ion)) • RUN_NUMBER: the run number for the current run • DATA_FORMAT_VERSION: the expected output data format version • HLT_TRIGGER_CODE: ID defining the current HLT Trigger classes • CTP_TRIGGER_CLASS: the trigger classes in the Central Trigger Processor • HLT_IN_DDL_LIST: list of DDL cables on which the HLT can expect event data in the coming run. The structure will look like the following: <CableName>:<DetetctorPart>,<CableName>:<DetetctorPart>,... • HLT_OUT_DDL_LIST: list of DDLs, on which the HLT can send data to DAQ
implicit transtion implicit transtion OFF INITIALIZE slaves_dead / off start_slaves INITIALIZING<< intermediate state>> INITIALIZING<< intermediate state>> DEINITIALIZING<< intermediate state>> DEINITIALIZING<< intermediate state>> implicit transtion implicit transtion INITIALIZED processes_ dead CONFIGURE + params start + params SHUTDOWN kill_slaves CONFIGURING<< intermediate state>> CONFIGURING<< intermediate state>> RESET stop implicit transtion implicit transtion CONFIGURED local_ready ENGANGE connect implicit transtion implicit transtion DISENGAGING<< intermediate state>> ENGAGING<< intermediate state>> DISENGAGING<< intermediate state>> ENGAGING<< intermediate state>> DISENGAGE disconnect READY ready implicit transtion implicit transtion implicit transtion implicit transtion start_run START COMPLETING COMPLETING RUNNING running/busy STOP stop_run
HLT DCS interface • FED portal: • Dim Channels (Services published on the HLT side) • Implements partially the Fed Api • Subscriber component • PVSS panels on DCS side integrate data in DCS system • Pendolino: • Contacts the DCS Amanda server • Fetches current running conditions • Publisher component • Three Pendolinos, each with a different frequency (fast, medium, slow)
DCS portal (Dim Subscriber) Interface (PubSub –FED API [DIM]) FED API Pendolino- PubSub (Data processor) • Interface • (PubSub • Pendolino • [AliRoot]) Detector responsibility Framework components Interface HLT components to interface DCS DCS Archive DB PVSS Pendolino
HLT DCS dataflow • Purpose: • Storing of DCS related data in the DCS Archive DB (HLT-cluster monitoring [HLT]; TPC drift velocity, …. [detector specific]) • HLT side: • One node providing a special PubSub framework component implementing (partly) the FED API (DCS portal node) • DCS side: • Different PVSS panels: • A dedicated panel for HLT cluster monitoring • Integration of detector specific processed data in the PVSS panels of the according detector
HLT DCS dataflow • Purpose: • Storing of DCS related data in the DCS Archive DB (HLT-cluster monitoring [HLT]; TPC drift velocity, …. [detector specific]) • HLT Cluster has a dedicated DCS portal node • DCS portal acts as DIM server • DIM channels to detectors PVSS panels and HLT PVSS panels (DIM client) • implements a FedServer (DIM server) [partly] • "ConfigureFeeCom" command channel (setting log level) • Service channels (Single and Grouped service channels, Message channel, ACK channel) • all located in one DIM-DNS domain • 2 DCS PCs for HLT PVSS panels • worker node: PVSS panels to receive the monitored cluster data • this node will also connect to Pendolino(vice versa connection, see below) • operator node: PVSS to watch the data (counting room and outer world) • HLT cluster intern data is transported via PubSub system
HLT DCS dataflow (Hardware + Software components) Common Detector – DCS integration (over PVSS) Ordinary detector DCS nodes, connecting to the HLT portal in addition to their normal tasks. DCS Services of one detector are offered in Single and/or Grouped Service channel and can be requested by the PVSS of the according detector via DIM. TPC . . . TRD HLT HLT OnlineCalib. FEDClient (PVSS) HLT - cluster OnlineCalib. DIM-DNS domain FEDServer (Dim) Cluster monitoring HLT-DCSportal . . . • 2 HLT- DCS Nodes • (located in DCS counting room): • - worker node: PVSS panels to receive the monitored data; • operator node: PVSS panels to watch the data • (remotely: counting room and outer world) Pub-Sub connections The connections inside the cluster are based on the Pub-Sub framework.
DCS HLT dataflow HLT needs DCS data (temperature, current configuration, …): • Online analysis • Calibration data processing The required data can be acquired from the DCS Archive DB: • retrieval viaAMANDA Pendolino • request data in regular time intervals • about three Pendolinos with different frequencies are foreseen(three different frequencies – requesting different type of data) • HLT intern data is distributed via PubSub framework
Pendolino Request Data response DCS HLT dataflow(Hardware + Software components) DCS Archive HLT-wn HLT HLT - cluster Request of data via AMANDA (PVSS DataManager) AMANDA – Pendolinos HLT-DCSportal . . . worker node (wn), where AMANDA server for HLT is running Pub-Sub connections The connections inside the cluster are based on the Pub-Sub framework.
DCS HLT dataflow Pendolino details: • Three different frequencies: • fast Pendolino: 10 sec - 1 min • normal Pendolino: 1 min - 5 min • slow Pendolino: over 5 min • Response time: • ~13000 values per second • e.g. If Pendolino needs data for N channels, for a period of X seconds and the channels change at a rate of Y Hz (with Y smaller than 1 Hz !), it will take: (N*X*Y) / 13000 seconds to read back the data. (given by Peter Chochula) • Remark: • The requested values can be up to 2 min old. (This is the time, that can pass until the data is shifted from the DCS PVSS to the DCS Archive DB)
DCS data HLT Remarks: • Amanda Pendolino can only be used to request data included in the DCS Archive DB • Requests of values with higher frequency than ~0.1 Hz need a different connection • requests only data from current run; older data can be requested from the OCDB (OFFLINE interface, see below) • Requests for huge amount of data should be requested via the FES of DCS(additional portal, will be similar to OFFLINE FES)
HLT OFFLINE interface • Taxi portal • Requests OCDB and caches content locally (HCDB) • Provides calibration objects to Detector Algorithms (DA) inside the HLT • HCDB accessible via AliRoot CDB access classes • Shuttle portal • Provides calibration data to OFFLINE (OCDB) • Data exchanged via FileExchangeServer (FES,FXS) • Meta data stored in MySQL DB • Fetched by OFFLINE at end of the run
HLT OFFLINE interface DA DA AliRoot CDB access classes ECS DA DA DA_HCDB AliRoot CDB access classes ECS-proxy • Taxi portal: triggers update current run number HCDB0 HCDB1 portal-taxi1 1. 1. Taxi0 portal-taxi0 Taxi1 OCDB
HLT OFFLINE interface • How to access data from HCDB: string hcdbURL = “<local_path_to_hcdb_file_catalogue>”; string calibObj = “<name_of_calibration_object>”; Int_t runNumber = <current_run_number>; AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); AliCDBStorage *hcdb = man->GetStorage(hcdbURL.c_str()); hcdb->QueryCDB(runNumber); Int_t latestVersion = hcdb->GetLatestVersion( calibObj.c_str(), runNumber); AliCDBEntry *calibObject = hcdb->Get(calibObj.c_str(), runNumber, latestVersion); ... // and that’s it!! AliCDBEntry represents calibration objects
HLT OFFLINE interface DA DA DA DA portal-shuttle1 (Subscriber) portal-shuttle0 (Subscriber) • Shuttle portal: FES1 MySQL1 FES MySQL Shuttle OFFLINE OCDB
HLT OFFLINE interface • Shuttle portal:
Information on the web http://wiki.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/ti/HLT/index.php/ECS-interface http://wiki.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/ti/HLT/index.php/Specification-HLT2OFFLINE-interface http://wiki.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/ti/HLT/index.php/UseCase-Calibration-HLT http://wiki.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/ti/HLT/index.php/Data_path_from_DCS_to_the_HLT http://wiki.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/ti/HLT/index.php/Integrating_HLT_data_in_the_DCS_system http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/Activities/ConditionDB.html
ECS HLT - Interfaces DCS Archive DB DCS values Control (run number, …) PVSS DAQ Pendolino HLT-proxy Processed events DCS-portal Processed data DDL HLTcluster FEP OFFLINE Calibration data OCDB (Conditions) Event data OFFLINE-Shuttle Taxiportal FEE Shuttle Processed calibration data
HLT condition dataflow / Use Case • Framework for data exchange • Initial Settings (before Start-of-Run (SoR)) • ECS HLT (over SMI: run number, beam type, mode, etc) • OFFLINE HLT (run and experiment conditions from OCDB; local cache HCDB) • During run (after SoR) • DCS HLT (current environment/condition values via Amanda Pendolino) • HLT DCS (processed data via DIM-PVSS; e.g. drift velocity) • Processed data back to DAQ (also for certain period after End-of-Run) • After run (after End-of-Run (EoR)) • HLT OFFLINE (OFFLINE Shuttle requests data via MySQL DB and File Exchange Server (FES))
Timing diagram Init EoR SoR ECS DAQ ...................................... DCS HLT OFFLINE Pre-Proc SHUTTLE
HLT dataflow / Remarks • Goal: framework components shall be independent of data • definition can be changed later without change of model design & framework implementation • usage of already proven technologies (AMANDA, PVSS, DIM, AliRoot, PubSub framework) • Detectors / Detector algorithms can define the required data later on • BUT: they have to make sure, that their requested data is available in the connected systems (OCDB, DCS Archive, event data stream (from FEE)) • Limit their requests to the actual required amount of data (Performance)