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Introduction to Human Embryology - Formation and Development of the Embryo

This course introduces the study of the formation and development of the embryo, from fertilization through the prenatal and gestational periods. Topics include embryonic period, fetal period, organogenesis, and the importance of studying embryology in the medical field.

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Introduction to Human Embryology - Formation and Development of the Embryo

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  1. 组织胚胎学课件 中国医科大学 基础医学院 组胚—英文教学组

  2. HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY Department of Histology and Embryology China Medical University

  3. Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Embryology

  4. 1. What is Embryology? Zygote Fertilization Nine months (266 days or 38 weeks to be exact) in the uterus Infant Prenatal period Gestational period

  5. 1. What is Embryology? Zygote Fertilization Nine months (266 days or 38 weeks to be exact) in the uterus Infant Prenatal period Gestational period

  6. 1. What is Embryology? Embryonic period Prenatal period Fetal period

  7. 1. What is Embryology? Embryonic period 1. It extends from fertilization through 8 weeks 2. The developing individual is called an embryo. Prenatal period Fetal period

  8. 1. What is Embryology? Embryonic period 1. It extends from fertilization through 8 weeks. 2. The developing individual is called an embryo. Prenatal period Fetal period 1. It extends from week 9 until birth. 2. The developing individual is called a fetus.

  9. 1. What is Embryology? Embryology is the study of the formation and development of the embryo (or fetus) from the moment of its inception up to the time when it is born as an infant.

  10. Embryonic period Fertilization through 8 weeks Each of the first 3 weeks is characterized by specific developments. Week 1 starts with fertilization and extends through the first cell divisions that produce an embryo with one germ layer.

  11. 2-cell stage 4-cell stage 8-cell stage morula Early blastocyst Late blastocyst

  12. Embryonic period Fertilization through 8 weeks Each of the first 3 weeks is characterized by specific developments. Week 1 starts with fertilization and extends through the first cell divisions that produce an embryo with one germ layer. Week 2 produces two germ layers.

  13. Embryonic period Fertilization through 8 weeks Each of the first 3 weeks is characterized by specific developments. Week 3 produces three germ layers and folds those layers into a recognizable three dimensional body.

  14. Embryonic period Fertilization through 8 weeks Each of the first 3 weeks is characterized by specific developments. Weeks 4 through 8 (month 2) are the period of organogenesis. All the major events of organ formation and formation of body regions occur during the period of organogenesis, which is completed in the embryonic period.

  15. Embryonic period Fertilization through 8 weeks Week 1 an embryo with one germ layer Week 2 two germ layers Week 3 three germ layers Weeks 4 through 8 (month 2) organogenesis

  16. Fetal period Month 3 to birth The major events that occur during the fetal period involve growth in size (hypertrophy) of organs by rapid increase in cell number (hyperplasia), as well as biochemical and functional maturation. Mature functional status is not achieved in most organ systems until after birth.

  17. 2. Why a medical student should study Embryology? 1. This subject tells us how the organs of the body develop.

  18. 2. Why a medical student should study Embryology? 1. This subject tells us how the organs of the body develop. 2. This knowledge helps us to understand many complicated facts of adult anatomy.

  19. Midgut loop Caudal limb Cephalic limb

  20. Midgut loop Cephalic limb Caudal limb

  21. Midgut loop Cephalic limb Caudal limb Superior mensenteric artery Caudal limb

  22. 2. Why a medical student should study Embryology? 1. This subject tells us how the organs of the body develop. 2. This knowledge helps us to understand many complicated facts of adult anatomy. 3. Embryology helps us understand why some children are born with organs that are abnormal. Appreciation of the factors responsible for maldevelopment assists us in preventing, or treating, such abnormalities.

  23. some main branches of Embryology • Descriptive Embryology • Comparative Embryology • Experimental Embryology • Chemical Embryology • Molecular Embryology • Reproductive Engineering • Teratology

  24. Questions 1.What is Embryology? 2.What is the prenatal period? 3.How many periods is the prenatal period divided?Point out their names and duration. Preview Chromosome , Cell division Gametogenesis, Fertilization

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