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8.20.07 Agenda

8.20.07 Agenda. Lab Equipment Quiz Tomorrow 50pts Grade Lab Safety/ Equipment Assignment- 32points Outline 1-1: Check tomorrow. 8-21-07 Agenda. ***Lab Equipment Quiz  Do section 1-1, &1-2 worksheet/ (48pts) If you need a book to take home see me after 5 th block.

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8.20.07 Agenda

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  1. 8.20.07 Agenda • Lab Equipment Quiz Tomorrow 50pts • Grade Lab Safety/ Equipment • Assignment- 32points • Outline 1-1: Check tomorrow

  2. 8-21-07 Agenda ***Lab Equipment Quiz • Do section 1-1, &1-2 worksheet/ (48pts) • If you need a book to take home see me after 5th block. • Profile of a Chemical “Chlorine” @ 1100 Tomorrow!! • Are you ready for the basics (Chapter 1) • Chapter 1 power point  • Quiz Thursday! Section 1-1

  3. 8-23-07 Agenda • Quiz 1-1 & 1-2 • Section 1-3 Elements ppt. & Organization of Elements • Work on Periodic Tables • Lab Tomorrow!!! Observing a Chemical Reaction

  4. 8-22-07 Agenda Quiz 1-1 & 1-2 Tomorrow! • Go over Section 1-1, & 1-2 • Are you ready for the Basics? • Top Ten… • Make your own Periodic Table and add color!!! No ELECTRON CONFIGURATIONS

  5. 8-24-07 Agenda • What is a hypothesis? • Experiment 1: Observing a Chemical Reaction • Two Trials… • Finish lab observations and turn in before class ends  • Clean up/ Turn in Lab!!!!!!

  6. 8-27-07 Agenda • Check Periodic Tables • Post-Lab Conclusions revealed! • Profile of a Chemical “NaOH” • Section 1-3 worksheet and do outline • Chapter 1 TEST THURSDAY!

  7. 8-28-07 Agenda • Go over 1-3 (32 points) • Collect Evidence for Chemical Change • Review for Chapter 1 Test • Page 26 #1-24. (EXIT SLIP) • Write Question and answer! • If time…HCl? • Go over and grade tomorrow!

  8. 8-29-07 Agenda • Go over questions pg 226 1-24. • Group Article Project • Read article/ Present Article with information on notecard/ Each Group make 3 Question Quiz w/ answers • Make sure quiz questions are answered! • A quiz on all articles will be given after presentations. • CHAPTER 1 TEST TOMORROW

  9. 8-30-07 Agenda • Chapter 1 TEST TODAY! • Article Presentations (30 points) • All groups will not be able to present today, so make sure your group quiz is turned in!

  10. 8-31-07 Agenda • Group Article Presentations • Chapter 2: Scientific Method Intro.. • FREE STANDING TOWER PROJECTS!

  11. 9-4-07 Agenda • FREE STANDING TOWER

  12. 9-5-07 Agenda • Student Surveys • FINISH FREE STANDING TOWER! • Deadline @ 10:35 • Outline 2-1 & 2-2 : Write out question & answer Do the section reviews questions in the book on page 31 #1-5; page 42 #1-5 • Exit slip: questions

  13. 9-6-07 Agenda • Metric Mania Conversion practice:-) • Conversion sheets.. Make sure you have a copy! • Making Metric Measurements Investigation

  14. 9-7-07 Agenda • Quiz on Articles: 6 Questions • Profile of a Chemical “HCl” • Metric Mania Group Project!

  15. 9-10-07 Agenda • Finish Profile of a Chemical “HCl” • SI Measurements ppt. • Incredible Measurements: Skill Activity

  16. 9-11-07 Agenda • Go over conversions on worksheet incredible measurements • Scientific Notation review ppt. • Applying Scientific notation and Conversions Practice (exit slip) • More practice with Dimensional Analysis conversions! • DUE THURSDAY Lab 3: Density of Pennies Tomorrow!!

  17. 9-12-07 Agenda • Lab 3: Density of Pennies-Part I • Quiz tomorrow on the Density of Pennies Reminder: Conversion Problems Due Tomorrow!

  18. 9-13-07 Agenda • Turn in Conversions sheet! 12 problems • Density of Pennies Quiz! • Post-Lab (5 facts that could of achieved better results) • Section 2.3 ppt. • “Uncertainty in measurement and significant figures” • Rules for Significant Figures handout • Significant figures worksheet • Start outlining 45-52 Section 2.3

  19. 9-14-07 Agenda • Review Significant Figures • Start outlining Section: 2.3 p.45-52 • Calculations using Significant figures rounding • Part I- Calculations

  20. 9-17-07 Agenda • Table of Contents/ Hand back assignments • Go over Significant Digits • Percentage error formula & 5 major parts of Graphing • Skills worksheet

  21. 9-18-07 Agenda • Turn in Percentage error & Graphing • Graphing “Spaghetti Lab” • Follow directions • Each lab member does a graph! • Exit Slip • More conversion practice • Length Lab assignment • This task will continue into tomorrow!

  22. 9-19-07 Agenda • Finish Length Lab (first 10 minutes) • EC Quiz: English and Metric Conversions • Learning Review • “Scientific notation, Conversions, Measurement, & Significant figures” Lab 4: Mass, Volume, and Density Tommorrow

  23. 9-20-07 Agenda • Learning Review due tomorrow! • Lab 4: Mass, Volume, and Density

  24. 9-21-07 Agenda • Profile of a Chemical “Acetic Acid” • Finish Lab today and rerun if data has high percent error! • Learning Review due! • Some options…

  25. 9-24-07 Agenda • Table of Contents • Profile of a Chemical “Acetic Acid” • Postponed for later this week! • Go over Learning Review • In your textbook pg 59-61 • #1, 7-10, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 43, 45 & 50 • Due Wednesday! Remember testing tomorrow

  26. 9-26-07 Agenda • Profile of a Chemical “Acetic Acid” • Read/ Do questions and turn in! • Entrance slip • Forensics “The Search for Clues” • The Crime Laboratory • Practice Test! **Return Learning Review and 10 questions tomorrow. **Test postponed til MONDAY

  27. 9-27-07 Agenda • Return Learning review, 10 Questions & Go over Practice Test! • Turn in 10 questions for grade (28 pts) • Video field trips

  28. 10-1-07 Agenda • Chapter 2 Test! • Video Field Trips 

  29. 10-2-07 Agenda • Chapter 3* Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter • ppt. over 3.1 & 3.2 Exit Slip: 3.1 Section review Start outlining 3-1 & 3-2 ------Quiz Tomorrow!

  30. 10-3-07 Agenda • Quiz “Profile of Chemical” • Forensics: Chapter 2 “The Crime Scene” • Conservation of Matter Lab # 5 • Wear lab apron and safety glasses • Micro-lab

  31. 10-4-07 Agenda • Finish Conservation of Matter Lab questions (10 mins) • Video Field Trips • Finish Outlines for 3-1 & 3-2 • Exit slip: Make timeline of the Major developments of atomic theory *Main Observer—Observations—Model– Characteristics of the Model • Democritus • Dalton • JJ Thompson • Rutherford Group Research Project Tomorrow!!!

  32. 10-5-07 Agenda • Atomic Theory Web quest (room 230) • 10 group’s have contributors of atomic theory---BE VERY DETAILED! • Create a interactive colorful power point providing a template for findings • Each group will discuss their findings tomorrow!!!! • (5 MINUTE MINIMUM) • Each group ask two questions for everyone to answer • Put on last slide!

  33. 10-8-07 Agenda • Presentation of Findings from each group!!!!! (Groups 1-5) • Each student will answer each of the group’s 4-6 questions and turn them in after the presentations are over. (50pts) • Write out question and answer question -----Atomic structure worksheet

  34. 10-9-07 Agenda • Finish Group presentations. • Outline 3-3/ Finish Atomic Structure and turn in! **Early Atomic Theory Quiz Tomorrow

  35. 10-10-07 Agenda • Early Atomic Theory Quiz tomorrow!! • Finish Presentations turn in quizzes. • Average Atomic mass practice & application. **Notebook check #1 Tomorrow!

  36. 10-11-07 Agenda • Notebooks are due!!!@! • Early Atomic Quiz! • Go over Average Atomic Mass • 7 questions • Mole Concept & Applications • ***make sure to outline 3-3

  37. 10-12-07 Agenda • Forensics- Part III • More notes on the mole • Applications **Video field trip to Washington

  38. 10-22-07 Agenda • More Mole Problems… • Powerpoint examples • Advanced topic Radioactive decay • Tomorrow Practice Test • Mr. Wade’s Website: http://www.schoolrack.com/mwade2/

  39. 10-23-07 Agenda • Chapter 3 Practice TEST • Take like regular test. • Check answers when you are done! • Profile of a Chemical “Oxygen” • Ridgeology…. • Tomorrow is Chapter 3 Test!

  40. 10-24-07 Agenda • Chapter 3 Test!

  41. 10-25-07 Agenda • Finish Open Response/ Outline 4-1 • **Forensics: Ridgeology Part I & II • Flame Tests Lab • **Read: Crime Scene Scenario & Article Review

  42. 10-26-07 Agenda • SUB DAY! • Article Reviews • Extra Credit

  43. 10-29-07 Agenda • Daily CSI • Introduction of Chapter 4: Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms • Lesson starter: Colors on a computer screen? • PowerPoint notes on Section 4-1 • Do 4-1 Enrich, 4-1 Review and Reinforcement assignment! • Go over in class tomorrow • If finished read “Dirty Science.” • Article Review

  44. 10-30-07 Agenda • Daily CSI • Turn in assignment from yesterday! • 43 points!! • Notes on 4-2 Section: The Quantum Model of the Atom (12 slides) • Lesson starter (MAP of zip codes) • Notes from PowerPoint • The Electron’s Address • Outline 4-2

  45. 10-31-07 Agenda • Still missing 4-1 assignment from some 43points!!!!! • Daily CSI • Grade: Electrons Address and skill sheet (25pts) • Quantum Model of the Atom skill sheet • Use textbook & outline 4-2 **Lab Investigation/ Predicting the Location of a 1s Electron

  46. 11-1-07 Agenda • Daily CSI: Making observations • Spotting differences. • Analyzing a case. • This weeks key concepts.. • Go over Quantum Model of the atom skill sheet • Lab Investigation: "Predicting the Location of a 1s Electron.” • Hand out Orbital filling Table • Elements and Periodic Table assignment! • Due next THURSDAY!

  47. 11-2-07 Agenda • Daily CSI • Quantum #’s Chemquest and skill sheet! • Electron Configuration Battleship

  48. 11-5-07 Agenda • Daily CSI • Go over Quantum #’s Quest! • 27 points • Electron Configuration Battleship competition! • NO SCHOOL TOMORROW

  49. 11-7-07 Agenda • Daily CSI • Pass back assignments! • Finish Battleship (First 20) • First person to sink one ship! • Electron Configuration Quest! • Quiz Tomorrow on Wave-Particle Theory. Tomorrow • Quiz • Notes 4-3 • More Electron Configurations

  50. 11-8-07 Agenda • Daily CSI Trivia • Quiz Wave-Particle Theory! • Grade Electron Configuration Quest! • Notes 4-3 ppt. • More Electron Configurations • Do 4-3 outline! Key conceptsAufbau Principle (Buildup), Pauli Exclusion principle (+, - electron spin), & Hund’s rule (e- orbital placement)

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