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ILC Program discussion M. Ross 14.09.2004 TTF2 - long term schedule Modul status

ILC Program discussion M. Ross 14.09.2004 TTF2 - long term schedule Modul status Plans for production (Hans Weise and Bernd Petersen – TESLA Coll. Technical Board meeting, 07.09.2004 – last week) SLAC involvement. Schedule until 2007.

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ILC Program discussion M. Ross 14.09.2004 TTF2 - long term schedule Modul status

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  1. ILC Program discussion M. Ross 14.09.2004 TTF2 - long term schedule Modul status Plans for production (Hans Weise and Bernd Petersen – TESLA Coll. Technical Board meeting, 07.09.2004 – last week) SLAC involvement

  2. Schedule until 2007 Saturation in wavelength range 30-120 nm July 2005 User operation (extended period) Operation with long bunch train Dec. 2005 User operation (extended period) 3rd Harmonic RF system and ACC6 installed Feb. 2006 1 GeV beam energy (total 48 cav ~=meters) April 2006 Saturation 6 nm June 2006 User operation (extended period) Seeding Option installed Dec. 2006 Seeding demonstration April 2007

  3. https://ttfinfo.desy.de The TTF electronic logbook

  4. Schedule looks like being FEL dominated. Is this true? For 2005 we assume 9 weeks of FEL user operation 2 months FEL studies 2 months accelerator studies (diagn. etc.) includes photon diagnostics 2 months of dedicated acc.module tests This means: 4 months to be discussed

  5. A must: - HPP of the relevant cavities M5/C6, M1/C8(?). Others ??? • long time operation of M5 at high gradients in steps from 20 • MV/m to 25+MV/m: - what are the typical problems? - any change in dark current? - how close can we go to the gradient limit? • processing behaviour after interruptions / shut down

  6. The individual modules ACC1(M2*) HPP of C7.(Z53) if not successful, attenuator in order to get 4x15MV/m and 4x20MV/m average ACC2(M1*) optimze attenuators of cavities C1, C2, and C6 so that we get 22MV/m average ACC3(M3*) HPP of C7 (S28) ACC4(M4) measure Qo / Eacc between 15 and 24MV/m long time operation at highest possible gradients incl. measurement of dynamic losses at 2K, 4K, and 40/80 K ACC5(M5) dark current measurement C6 (AC77) -> HPP -> dark current if required, attenuator C6 attenuator for C8 (AC60 limits module at 25MV/m measure Qo / Eacc between 15 and 28/30? MV/m average long time operation at 25MV/m and at max. gradient incl. measurement of dynamic losses at 2K, 4K, and 40/80K ==> at gradients >15MV/m we never measured the dyn. losses of a complete module at 4k and 40/80K ACC6(M6) 8 EP-cavities at 35MV/m 8 modified tuners with piezos 2K-magnet

  7. In General • develop robust algorithm for Lorentz force compensation and test with • piezo tuners at M6 and M1/C5. • failure recogination and exception handling, esp.close to performance • limit - measurement and optimization of amplitude and phase stability (within bunch train, from train to train, long time) - automized operation (FSM) of LLRF • test next generation of LLRF (developed for XFEL: increased ampl. and • phase stability requirements) - beam based feedback algorithms (energy, phase, bunch length)

  8. Cavities @ ACC1 EP cavity

  9. Cavities @ ACC2

  10. Cavities @ ACC3 Couplers conditioning was not completed before the module measurement : coupler 4 vac.valve was closed. Conditioning completed later. During Module 3 disassembly couplers antennae touched cavity surface.

  11. Cavities @ ACC4

  12. Cavities @ ACC5

  13. Cavity preparation general comments After several technical problems: EP is working now reliably General assumptions for schedules: no 1400 C treatment of new cavities Requirement for next modules: 35 MV/m for each cavity Assumption for the schedules: Each second cavity will reach 35 MV/m ( this is also assumed for retreated cavities) with reference to latest experience CHECHIA test for each cavity Modul 6 needs cavities out of the new ZANON production Not yet considered in the schedules: Clean room will need 3 weeks of maintenance/repair in the next months

  14. Performance of some Cavities EP re-treated at DESY(already limited performance after BCP )

  15. Next cryomodules Modul 6 : ‚high gradient module‘, all cavities 35 MV/m, type III design: Ready : May 2005 Modul 7: ‚ linac spare module‘, type II design TESLA meeting at ZEUTHEN -> all cavities EP treated, 35 MV/m Helium vessel of type III have to be produced !!! -> decision needed (type II cavities& vessels available, flanges have to be exchanged) Ready : December 2005

  16. Schedule Module 6 (Axel Matheisen)

  17. Cryomodule parts Tuners: ( at present no piezo tuners available !!!) Mechanical parts for 17 tuners on DESY site ( incl. 2 ‚mirrored‘) To be delivered this week: 16 control units + 12 motors Another 7 motors will arrive in about 3 weeks from now Magnet packages: 1 TTF-design package ready on DESY site ( + 1 Sstruct) 1 TESLA-design coil will be delivered to DESY in October 04 (TESLA-design package can be used in modul 6 without BPM) BPMs : ??? 2 old TTF-type available Main couplers ( 40 ordered): type III couplers for module 6 at Desy, 30 DESY type III couplers will be delivered to Orsay until end of this year

  18. Cryomodule parts (cont.)modules beyond 6 &7

  19. Single Module Test Stand( Yury Bozhko –MKS1-) Some details: Cryogenic equipment: After EU call for tender now in the process of making contracts RF-equipment: Modulator, puls-transformer on DESY site Klystron ordered, will be delivered in 2005 Call for tender for wave guides etc…. Civil engineering: Final specifications ready, procedures prepared and will be started now

  20. Single Module Test Stand (Yury Bozhko) First operation / commissioning: November 2005

  21. SLAC participation in TTF2 program – discussions from the Orsay Tesla collaboration meeting • Our near-term program is to commission the longitudinal phase space monitor – transverse cavity ‘LOLA IV’ and provide long term tools that facilitate its use. • We proposed SLAC participation at TTF2 for the following (basically in response to informal ‘feelers’). • HOM signals for position measurement • Cavity dark current • Optical fiber-based stable RF distribution • Beam – based alignment • Less formal discussions were held on: • Beam phase monitoring • Hardware development – power supplies • LLRF (commissioning and learning) • There is an operating laserwire in the PETRA ring – (RHUL/DESY/Oxford) • Each one deserves a thesis in itself – some are critical for LC design / construction

  22. Transverse deflection cavity studies • Goal: • Prove the device for measurement of ultra-short bunch length, energy correlations and transverse slice emittance • Precision, calibrated tool for complex physical process • Vital for FEL and LC • Develop the application software to facilitate its use • Beam dynamics tests of CSR-generated emittance growth • Resolution: • 10um σ_z (30fs) (50m β, 600MeV) • Vertical kick allows measurement of Є_x vs z, δvs z on different screens • Study of incoming correlations – ‘pitch’ angle • Martin Nagl, Holger Schlarb, Karsten Klose

  23. Higher Order Mode studies • Goal: • Prove use of HOM for cavity beam position absolute measurement • Develop system for HOM use to minimize wakes and emittance growth • Cavity / cryomodule fab / assy alignment test • Resolution • ~50μm • Offset / phase shift caused by coupler location(s) ~150 μm depending on which mode (Dohlus) • Test / compare beam – based alignment using quad shunt • Nicoleta Baboi, Rita Papparella, Olivier Napoly

  24. Dark Current Studies • Goal: • Measure on axis (up / down) cavity dark I over long term • Build, install and equip (controls and signal processing) simple single cell external cavity • Resolution • ~1 nA accuracy for each module • (30pA is thermal limit with moderate shunt impedance) • There is no precision dark I monitor in Checchia (single cavity horizontal test stand) – recent measurements use radiation monitors • Vertical test stand coupler/valve geometry precludes their use • Hans Weise and Manfred Wendt

  25. Stabilized – optical fiber RF distribution • SLAC equipment donated to TTF (was unused at SLAC) • Fiber, fiber stretcher, xmit/receive, fiber couplers • Student project to use this hardware (+ much more needed) to build a stabilized link. • ~100fs / multi-km stability (200 fs demonstrated in 2001) • FEL requirements are much tighter – but for somewhat shorter distances (20fs / 1 km – 5e-9) • Henning Weddig / Stefan Simrock / students

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