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OCE’s Strategic Framework. Partners. RICs/SICs. MaRS. MRI. Other. Strategic Goals. Programs. Innovation. Economic Impact. Delivery Effectiveness. Client Satisfaction. CCR. BAP. ONIP. IACP. OCE. Mandate. Value Proposition. Vision. Mission. Values. Governance.
OCE’s Strategic Framework Partners RICs/SICs MaRS MRI Other Strategic Goals Programs Innovation Economic Impact Delivery Effectiveness Client Satisfaction CCR BAP ONIP IACP OCE Mandate Value Proposition Vision Mission Values Governance Strategic Objectives Strategic Objective 1 Strategic Objective 2 Strategic Objective 3 Strategic Objective 4 Client Focus
Strategic Framework Partners RICs/SICs MaRS MRI Other Strategic Goals Programs Client Service World Class Network Commercialize Research Future Prosperity CCR BAP ONIP IACP OCE Mandate Value Proposition Vision Mission Values Governance Strategic Objectives Strategic Objective 1 Strategic Objective 2 Strategic Objective 3 Strategic Objective 4 Client Focus
Strategic Framework • Client Focus • OCE connects Ontario’s technology-based, high-growth companies to Ontario's best and most relevant academic research, and ensures a single point of contact to the full range of services provided by the Ontario Network of Excellence • Strategic Goals • 1. Create future social and economic prosperity • 2. Build a world-class commercialization network • 3. Realize the potential for Ontario's research institutions to support industry driven commercialization • 4. Improve service to researchers, entrepreneurs and businesses across the province • OCE • OCE’s Value Proposition is that it provides MRI the way to deliver funding into the Ontario academic research community with immediacy and commercial focus, guaranteeing alignment with the O.N.E. and the Ontario Innovation Agenda. • OCE’s Mandate is to connect Ontario industry to academia to unleash its commercial potential. • OCE’s Vision is “Where great minds meet to create prosperity”. • OCE’s Mission is to unlock the commercialization potential of Ontario’s academic research capability to create prosperity through innovation.
Strategic Framework Partners RICs/SICs MaRS MRI Other Programs IACP BAP CCR ONEP Strategic Goals Provide outstanding Client Service Commercialize Ontario’s academic Research Help build a world-class Network Assist Ontario’s Future Prosperity OCE Mandate Value Proposition Vision Mission Values Strategic Objectives • Promote the growth of high-potential companies • Help develop the leaders /innovators of tomorrow • Embody service and operational excellence • Manage for impact Client Focus
Corporate Planning Team Consensus… • OCE’s Value Proposition: OCE fosters the growth and development of high-potential companies through the transfer of next generation technology and creative talent. • OCE’s Mandate: is to commercialize research in areas important to the Province of Ontario’s economic development and to foster the transfer of technology, knowledge, and highly qualified people for the economic benefit of the Province in collaboration with post-secondary educational institutions and industry or other private and public sector partners. • OCE’s Vision: is of an Ontario where bright minds connect to create prosperity. • OCE’s Mission: is to support the growth and success of high-potential companies, and high-value employment by connecting business partners with academic researchers and resources.
Corporate Planning Team Consensus… • Strategic Objectives: • Promote the growth of high-potential companies by brokering partnerships with Ontario’s publicly funded research institutions • Help develop Ontario's post-graduate students in engineering and science to become the leaders and innovators of tomorrow • Embody service and operational excellence • Manage for impact
Strategic Framework Partners RICs/SICs MaRS MRI Other Programs IACP BAP CCR ONEP Objectives Outstanding service to Clients Build a world-class Innovation Network Commercialize Ontario’s academic Research Economic Development OCE Mandate Value Proposition Vision Mission Values Strategic Goals • Promote the growth of high-potential companies • Help develop the leaders /innovators of tomorrow • Embody service and operational excellence • Manage for impact Client Focus
Corporate Planning Team Consensus… • OCE’s Value Proposition: OCE fosters the growth and development of high-potential companies through the transfer of next generation technology and creative talent. • OCE’s Mandate: is tocommercialize research in areas important to the Province of Ontario’s economic development and to foster the transfer of technology, knowledge, and highly qualified people for the economic benefit of the Province in collaboration with post-secondary educational institutions and industry or other private and public sector partners coordinate the delivery of industry-academia collaboration programs and services throughout the province. • OCE’s Vision: is of an Ontario where bright minds connect to create prosperity. • OCE’s Mission: is to support the growth and success of high-potential companies, and high-value employment by connecting business partners with academic researchers and resources to accelerate the movement of world-class research discoveries from Ontario’s labs to the marketplace and support industry-driven commercialization activities within publicly-funded research institutions.
Corporate Planning Team Consensus… • Strategic Goals: • Promote the growth of high-potential companies by brokering partnerships with Ontario’s publicly funded research institutions • Help develop Ontario's post-graduate students in engineering and science to become the leaders and innovators of tomorrow • Embody service and operational excellence • Manage for impact
Strategic Framework Outcomes Partners Ontario’s Future Prosperity An Ontario world-class Innovation Network A Focus on Client Needs and Market Demand Operational and Service Excellence Research Discoveries accelerated to the Marketplace Ontario: MRI RICs/SICs MRI Other Outcomes Canada: CECR Economic, social, and environmental Benefits Stronger Networking and Partnerships across Canada Highly-trained and -skilled Personnel Access to International Opportunities Mobilization of Canadian Research Excellence OCE Mandate Vision Mission Values Strategic Objectives • Promote the growth of high-potential companies • Help develop the leaders /innovators of tomorrow • Embody service and operational excellence • Manage for impact Programs IACP CCR Other MaRS (BAP)
Corporate Planning Team Consensus… • OCE’s Value Proposition: OCE fosters the growth and development of high-potential companies through the transfer of next generation technology and creative talent. • OCE’s Mandate: • To lead the delivery of industry-academia collaboration programs and services throughout Ontario • To translate knowledge into wealth-generating commercial applications, train the next generation of entrepreneurs, innovators and business leaders and to expand the network of Canadian and international partners • Other current and future mandates as approved by Ontario’s Ministry of Research and Innovation • OCE’s Vision: an Ontario where bright minds connect to create prosperity. • OCE’s Mission: to support the growth and success of high-potential companies, and high-value employment by building partnerships between business and academia to mobilize research outcomes for commercial impact.
Corporate Planning Team Consensus… • Strategic Objectives: • Promote the growth of high-potential companies by brokering partnerships with Ontario’s publicly funded research institutions • Help develop the leaders and innovators of tomorrow • Embody service and operational excellence • Manage for impact
Strategic Framework Goals Partners Ontario’s Future Prosperity An Ontario world-class Innovation Network A Focus on Client Needs and Market Demand Operational and Service Excellence Research Discoveries accelerated to the Marketplace Ontario: MRI RICs/SICs MRI Other Goals Canada: CECR Economic, social, and environmental Benefits Stronger Networking and Partnerships across Canada Highly-trained and -skilled Personnel Access to International Opportunities Mobilization of Canadian Research Excellence OCE Mandate Vision Mission Values Strategic Objectives • Successfully deliver IACP and CCR to provide unmatched value in terms of job creation, impact on GDP, etc • Help develop the leaders /innovators of tomorrow • Provide leadership in the implementation and management of ONE • Embody service and operational excellence Programs IACP CCR Other MaRS (BAP)
Corporate Planning Team Consensus… • OCE’s Mandate: • To provide leadership in the delivery of industry-academia collaboration programs and services throughout Ontario, and to support and strengthen the ONE including regional and sectoral program delivery • To commercialize publicly-funded research and expand Ontario’s network of Canadian and international partners • OCE receives additional, complementary mandates, eg, from MRI for Energy and Atikokan and will actively seek others that benefit its clients and are consistent with its vision and mission • OCE’s Vision: an Ontario where bright minds connect to create prosperity. • OCE’s Mission: to lever the multi-billion dollar annual investment in Ontario research, by mobilizing the most promising and relevant research outcomes to support the growth and success of companies creating high-value employment and prosperity.
Corporate Planning Team Consensus… • Strategic Objectives: • Successfully deliver IACP and CCR to provide unmatched value in terms of job creation, impact on GDP and the building of critical mass in Ontario’s Innovation Value Chain • Help develop the leaders and innovators of tomorrow • Provide leadership in the implementation and management of the Ontario Network of Excellence • Embody service and operational excellence
OCE’s Logic Model Mission: to lever the multi-billion dollar annual investment in Ontario research, by mobilizing the most promising and relevant research outcomes to support the growth and success of companies creating high-value employment and prosperity Vision: An Ontario where bright minds connect to create prosperity Ultimate Goals Why OCE? Leverage: academic research contributes powerfully to Ontario’s and Canada’s future prosperity HQP: provide world-class training to Ontario’s best students, help them get established in productive careers, and become leaders within the Ontario/Canadian economy Innovation Network: help create a strong innovation network in Ontario and across Canada Intermediate Goals Be more specific Embody service and operational excellence Strategic Objectives Specifically, what are we trying to do? Successfully deliver IACP and CCR to provide unmatched value Help develop the leaders and innovators of tomorrow Provide leadership in the implementation and management of the ONE Reach Who is affected? Strategies How do we do it? Activities What we actually do? Outcomes What happened?