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Clean Energy Challenge

Clean Energy Challenge. BioGreen Logistics, LLC. BioGreen Logistics, LLC | 707 North Second Street, Suite 440 | St. Louis, MO 63102 Phone: 314-606-7949 | Fax: 314-436-8021 | Email: ebowser@biogreenlog.com. Introduction.

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Clean Energy Challenge

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  1. Clean Energy Challenge BioGreen Logistics, LLC BioGreen Logistics, LLC | 707 North Second Street, Suite 440 | St. Louis, MO 63102Phone: 314-606-7949 | Fax: 314-436-8021 | Email: ebowser@biogreenlog.com

  2. Introduction • BioGreen Logistics is developing a novel solution to cost effectively displace fossil fuels with sustainable biomass fuels in the nation’s power generation. Coal Oil Gas Agriculture and Forest Byproducts VS

  3. Primary Biomass • Only current renewable that can be used for transportation fuels and base load power. • Crop and forest residues, and dedicated energy crops. • 1.3b tons/yr

  4. Problem • Rapidly rising fossil fuel prices due to global demand (tripled since 2002) slowing economic growth • US Energy demand expected to increase 50% by 2030 • Energy independence and national security • Environmental impact due to greenhouse gas and carbon emissions • Biomass industry in infancy

  5. Business Model • Contract to repurpose some of the 1175 active, non-coal mines in the US that are close to primary biomass sources • Contract for biomass from surrounding producers • Collect, process and stockpile biomass in repurposed mines • Sell to power generators and refineries under long-term contracts

  6. Commodity Biomass Systems Development

  7. Market Size, outlook 2012: 130 million dry tons 2017: 250 million dry tons CAGR (qbtu) Bio-Alcohol: 21.7% (2000-2007) Biomass Feedstock: 12% (2000-2006) Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) mandates biofuels andbiomass displace 30% petroleum based fuels and 5% of the nation's electricpower supply. DoD sets goal of sourcing 25% of its energy from renewables (3 GW) by 2025 Missouri mandates increased renewable electric power generation by 15%by 2021. Key Drivers & Client Pursuits

  8. Clean Energy Trust Funding - $100K

  9. Next Stages of Funding and Growth

  10. Projected Profit and Loss We expect to maintain gross margin but increase net profit margin during the next three years.

  11. BioGreen Team - Executive Leadership • Emery Bowser, Founder/CEO - Mr. Bowser has over 25 years of diverse experience in oil and gas; electronic test and measurement; engineering and construction; and alternative energy. • Vincent Rice, COO - Mr. Rice’s has extensive experience in the energy, aerospace and photonics/optics industries in operations and special projects. He served as the General Manager for Alliant Energy $250MM subsidiary, RMT’s SmartBurn coal combustion optimization business unit. • Gwen Mizell, EVP Sales and Marketing – Ms. Mizell is an energy entrepreneur and 22 year veteran of the Electric Power Industry. Prior to launching her energy consultantcy in 2004 she was VP of Power Generation Services for KEMA, Inc. • Gerald Gardner, General Counsel - Responsible for assisting with strategic planning, capital campaigns, purchasing agreements and contract negotiations, and public relations. • David Huesgen, CFO/Logistics Director – David will assume responsibilities for the design, launch, and execution of comprehensive sourcing strategies and financial controls management. Business

  12. BioGreen Team Advisors • Dr. Kwane Awuah-Offei – Mining Professor – MST – Underground Characterization, Modeling, Sustainable Mine Systems and Environmental Management • Dr. Stewart Gillies – Mining Professor – MST – Mine Ventilation Design and Characterization, Fire Suppression and Safety • Dr. Shahab Sokhansanj – BioProcessing Professor – UBC/ORNL – Biomass Pretreatment, Off-gassing, Safe Storage, and Logistics • Dr. Kurt Rosentrater – BioProcessing Professor - ISU – Biomass Material Handling Equipment and Transportation System Analysis • Chris Dornfeld – Serial entrepreneur and the President/CEO of Dornfeld Management Group, a firm specializing in real estate development, business strategy, and performance management. • Victoria Gonzalez – Founding member and managing partner for Nidus Investment Partners. She has more than 25 years of executive management experience in the plant and life sciences market. • Edward Bernica – Former CEO/CFO of Energy West Inc., is a financial and operations management executive with expertise in capital markets, process management, strategic planning, turnaround operations, and mergers. Technical Business

  13. St. Louis Economic Impact • One year: Add full-time executive staff COO and CFO. • Three years: Build out St. Louis depots and commenced repurposing at least three additional depots around Kansas City, Springfield and Columbia driving economic growth and job creation. • Five years: National commercial launch.

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