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Comparative Study of MPEG-2 Encoded Video Transfer over Bluetooth Piconet using Deficit Round Robin polling Algorithm. Presented on International Conference on RTSCIT-09 Recent Trends in Soft Computing and Information Technology. Presented By Sujit Jhare Vivek Sharma Divakar Singh
Comparative Study of MPEG-2 Encoded Video Transfer over Bluetooth Piconet using Deficit Round Robin polling Algorithm Presented on International Conference on RTSCIT-09 Recent Trends in Soft Computing and Information Technology Presented By SujitJhareVivek Sharma Divakar Singh Lecturer (MCA) SOIT, RGPV HOD (M.Tech. CSE) BUIT, BU, Bhopal Bhopal BUIT, BU, Bhopal
Content • Introduction • Piconet • Bluetooth • Algorithm • Past Work • Recent Work • Proposed Work • Summery
Introduction In The Recent Trend of Mobile and Communication. Video is most common Application of Multimedia, now days we can see various type of video like .Dat movies, MPEG Movies, AVI Movies, DVD Movies ect. As in Recent Mobile and Computers Bluetooth device is most common device, all of We are much more familiar with Bluetooth devices and power of Bluetooth in such device for our Daily life. In This Presentation I took both of these technology as my analytical data and device, and pick a most common Algorithm known as Round Robin Algorithm for Computing the result. The overall Structure of this presentation is based on given Three Tools. This Presentation is based on a comparative study with taking one of the component of multimedia Video and some devices of Bluetooth and The Given Algorithm of Computing, in the Video component MPEG-II format is selected, in Bluetooth, devices are selected that support MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) 2.0 . the device are created on JAVA ME (Micro Edition) and Tested on ROCOCO Simulator (Java Based), JAWBT and finally the overall analysis is done using Deficit Round Robin Algorithm for packet distribution for multiple node.
Terms use in Overall Presentation is Given as : MPEG-II : Motion Picture Expert Group (Format II) Bluetooth : Low Power Radio Wireless waves (Microwaves) Piconet : Network of Eight Connected Bluetooth Device MIDP 2.0 : Mobile Information Device Profile (Version 2.0) supported by Nokia Symbeen 60 and Higher Version Mobile, Sony Ericsson & Java Based Mobile. JABWT : Java API for Bluetooth Wireless Technology ROCOCO Simulator : Java Based Simulator for Testing Bluetooth Device on Computer. Net Beans 6.1 : IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Creating Code of Bluetooth Device. DRR : Deficit Round Robin Algorithm ACL : Asynchronies Connection-Less SCO : Synchronies Connation-Oriented
Piconet The Piconet is Network of Eight different Bluetooth devices. These Devices are Classified in Master and Slave Devices, the Slaves can communicate with each other in a Piconet via the Master. There are Two Main type of link establish in Piconet for communicating data, an ACL (Asynchronous Connection-Less) link when it requires reliable data transmission, Like Messages. And SCO (Synchronous Connection-Oriented) link when it requires real-time service, such as voice, multimedia data stream. In the Given Above Figure Piconet is classified into three way :- 1. One Master and One Slave : This Structure of Piconet is Applicable when the two person or device share some data with each other, in this symmetry user that want to send the data is Treated as Master device and receiver device treated as Slave Device, when the transmission goes reverse the process of selecting Master and Slave is Going to Vice-Versa.
2. One Master to More Then One Slave: In this Piconet There is only one Device are treated as sender device and this device called Master Device and all other receiving device are known as Slave Device. 3. Complete Piconet : In This symmetry of Bluetooth device a Sender device are connected exactly to seven other receiving device , the sender device are known as Master and other seven connected device are known as Slave. Master Node Slave Node II Slave Node I Slave Nodes Master Node
Bluetooth • Bluetooth is a standard for short range, low power wireless communication, on 2.4 GHz in between • Less-then 10 mt. Range. Now days several devices including a personal computer, possibly a laptop, keyboard, mouse, joystick, printer, scanner, etc., equipped with a Bluetooth Connectivity card. There are no need to connections between these Bluetooth devices, Bluetooth enables seamless communication between all them, as the data carrier in between two mobile devices (text, audio, video, and file). • Bluetooth Specification • Operates in the 2.4 GHz unlicensed ISM band. • Nominal output power = 0 dBm (1 mW). • –70dBm input power level. • 11 dB carrier to co-channel interference ratio. • Slotted channel with slot time = 625 ms. • Time-division duplex (TDD) for full-duplex. • Supports synchronous (voice) channel of 64 kbps in each direction. • Supports asynchronous channels of upto 721 kb/s (asymmetric) or 432.6 kb/s (symmetric) • Master starts transmission in even slot while slaves start in odd slots. • Packet transmissions can extend to 5 slots. • Two types of links between master and slaves: • Synchronous connection oriented (SCO) • Asynchronous connection less (ACL) • Signaling with peer L2CAP implementation.
Algorithm Deficit round robin (DRR) polling is part of Pre known Round Robin polling algorithms. DRR was proposed by M. Shreedharand G. Varghese in 1995. It can handle packets of variable size without knowing their mean size. The DRR algorithm seeks to address with Each connection or slave maintains a deficit counter, initialized to zero. Once the counter initialize then only the Data Transmission is going on else the transmission is not establish for that node, it seems to be a busy node or not empty node for the data transmission. This stores the amount of service or bandwidth missed by the connection. Also each connection has associated with it a fixed quantum which is based on its QoS attributes. By QoS attributes we mean the expected average packet rate, allowable delay, and other such performance etrics. So the algorithm serves packets from each slave, if the head of the line packet is of size equal to or smaller than the sum of the quantum and the deficit counters. Else the quantum is added to the deficit counter. If the packet gets served, then the deficit counter is set to the difference between the sum of the quantum and the deficit counter, and the packet length.
Past Work The Past work is done on IEEE 802.11 for the Video data, in the past work it does not specify, on which video format the test is applied, now we have a range of video format and various technique to create the packets of video file. the previous work is oriented on Video traffic, the Video traffic is typically sensitive to delay and data loss. Hence they look at two performance measures viz., delay distribution of the link, and the packet loss rates across that link. Since in realistic scenarios there are bound to be data transfer applications running concurrently, these performance parameters have to be evaluated in the presence of other data transfer applications. We also look at the connection throughput in order to compare the scheduling algorithms at the MAC layer.
Recent work / Abstract In this Paper we make a comparative study of MPEG-II video transfer on Bluetooth Piconet. We analysis the delay distribution using Deficit round robin algorithm in Bluetooth Piconet. To perform the above study we use Rococo Netro Simulator based on Java. and Net Beans IDE 6.7.1 Java Micro Edition for making mobile nodes. Performance Compression: The performance of the two polling schemes is compared here. Are plots of the average link delay (in ms) and the link throughput (in number of packets) as they vary against the number of nodes in a Piconet. As the number of nodes grow, the network load increases and this shows up in the throughput plots which are decreasing in nature. As the plots show, the SRR algorithm is the poorest in terms of both the metrics considered. The other curves are those of the DRR algorithm. labeled DRR is the deficit round robin algorithm as described above with equal priority to each connection. We can infer that for low to moderate loads the DRR algorithm is extremely effective in reducing the average packet delay and boosting the link throughput. A video or multimedia connection would greatly benefit by the use of the DRR algorithm.
The efficiency of DRR is Showing Here From the number of node 1 to 7 graph plotted near about straight, and for SRR (Simple Round Robin) the same graph is shown when the number of node is increase the efficiency of SRR is Decreases. Again the DRR does not depend on length of packet, but it still show the nearest path. According to the current given graph it is clear that the throughput of DRR (Deficit Round Robin is near about 2% better from SRR (Simple Round Robin Algorithm) and this is enhance the number of packet loss according to MPEG-II File Format.
Proposed Work This work can forward with the same algorithm on other format of video data, video comes in so many format the current evaluation is done with MPEG-II, other format is MPEG-IV, AVI, Quick-Time Movie are remain to test on same criteria. When the other format is test on same criteria we have the overall analysis for video file. As the same manner Round Robin Algorithm is comes in various flavor, once all the given video format and all other Round Robin Algorithm are implemented and tested on same criteria and same simulator, it can be clarify that which video and Algorithm is suitable to create Application program for mobile device that gives high Performance and low packet (Data) loss. This Analysis is most important in the era of mobile Bluetooth communication over Ad-Hoc and Piconet. The same work can be enhance on the Bluetooth scatter-net formation, scatter-net is the network of Piconet in which one slave of Piconet is connected to the Master of Other Piconet, and the connecting node works like half Master and half Slave for Scatter-net network.
Summery The approach of our algorithm is a initial part in the joint area of Multimedia and Ad-Hoc Networking , form Multimedia we opt our data and from Networking we opt Bluetooth Network. In the overall result the simulator provided by Intro ROCOCO is playing the key role with the help of this simulator we can test our result on the single Computer. The simulator is provided for the Academic Research work and the license of this simulator are register for academic research program. For the development of Algorithm Java Net Beans 1.0 plays important role with the help of Net Beans the code created for the Bluetooth device are compile and run on simulator even on the mobile device that have MIDP 2.0 enabled, now days most of the mobile hand set are equipped with MIDP 2.0, another new version of MIDP comes with named MIDP 2.1, this is used in Smart Phone released By Nokia and Sony Ericsson.