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Unveiling the History of ISPOG: A Journey Through the Ages

Discover the rich history of ISPOG, from ancient Greece to the present day, exploring the evolution of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology. Uncover key events, influential figures, and groundbreaking developments in the field.

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Unveiling the History of ISPOG: A Journey Through the Ages

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  1. 17th Congress of the International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISPOG)Berlin, 22 – 25 May 2013 Historyof ISPOG - 50 yearsPsychosomaticObstetricsandGynaecology - 22. May 2013 – CongressOpening – 09.30 - 10.30 KEY NOTE LECTURE Manfred Stauber, Germany

  2. Cited: Carlos Damonte Khoury Calligraphy: J. Maierhofer

  3. (Let me begin with a curious story, which ISPOG had 1980 in Berlin on the 6th int. Congress! (Here, we see the flyer for the 6th international Congress of ISPOG)

  4. „Kongresshalle Berlin 1980“ „the Pregnant 0yster“ (This was the planned Congress-Hall for the 6th ISPOG - Congress in Berlin 1980 (built 1960) ----- (The Berlin people called it tenderly „the Pregnant Oyster)

  5. Berlin May 21, 1980: „Congresshall-breakdown“ (Collapse of the Congresshall approx. 3 months before the planned 6th Int. Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. – Supposed cause: Problems of material? Structural design failure? Supersonic boom of an aircraft?)

  6. Press in Berlin after Congress Hall - breakdown 1980 „ISPOG-Congress-bureau“ Here no damage! (After our Shock and a lot organizational problems, we had helpful negotiations with the government of West- Berlin)

  7. Replacement for the damaged Congress Hall: „Deutscher Reichstag“ for the 6th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Generous donation from the City of Berlin : No costs for Replacement! Financial help! President of ISPOG: Norman Morris commented in his opening speech of the Congress: „Here we can see that psychic values sometimes are more important than physical circumstances“. Norman Morris saw also in our quick solution of this catastrophy a positive signal for the Future of ISPOG.) (After this curious story in relation to ISPOG lets introduce to the History of ISPOG)

  8. Introduction to the History of ISPOG: Comments to the history of obstetrics and gynaecology in relation to Psychosomatics • In ancient Greece, doctors gave a name to mental illnesses related to the uterus („hysteria“). They thought that women troubled by„hysteria“ had an uterus (hysteria), which flowed through the body like a wild animal. • Before beginning with the chronological history of ISPOG, let us think back on the first scientific work in our field. It was the famous psychiatrist and neurologist Sigmund Freud, who in the late 19th century analysed and cured a patient suffering from a „Psychogenic Agalactia“. The patient was a young mother who was cured through some months of hypnosis and psychoanalysis. • In the beginning of the 20th century the differentschools of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy were established by scientists such as A. Adler, F. Alexander, C. G. Jung, Helene Deutsch, Therese Benedek, K. Jaspers, W. Liepmann, E. Schätzing, , V. von Weizsäcker, A. Ziolko, A. Mitscherlich, K. Lukas and others.

  9. ISPOG – date of birthJuly 8, 1962 in Paris „1st International Congress of ISPOG“ Main topics: Psychosomatic Obstetrics, Maternity care Organizers: Leon Chertok et al. Participants: approx. 200 from 25 countries „The picture of Paris shows also the „Development of ISPOG“ in all continents like the green ways of the roads.“

  10. Founding Members of ISPOG c. N. Morris 1989 Leon Chertok, France Norman Morris, Great Britain Niles and Michael Newton, USA Hans J. Prill, Germany Myriam de Senarclens, Switzerland Pierre Vellay, France Lucio Zichella, Italy Alberto Cardenas Escovar, Spain Elliot Philip, Great Britain Murray Enkin, Canada Hugo Husslein, Austria Herrmann Hirsch, Israel Ferrucio Miraglia, Italy At this time, we commemorate all our deceased members of ISPOG, especially the founding members and the members of the Board of Fellows - finally wonderful colleagues as Norman Morris, Carlos Gurucharri, Marianne Ringler and others.

  11. 1st (and 2nd) Stage ofthe Development of ISPOG„The ISPOG – Family“ • First 10 years (1962 – 1972): („relaxed and informal“) Only a fewfounding- memberscreatedthe international society. • Second 10 years (1972 – 1982): („not very informal or relaxed“) ISPOG was slowlyestablishedwithsomenewmembers. Therewerediscussionsaboutnecessarystatutes. - Meeting in London on October 27 , 1972: A provisional Executive Committee was created (Norman Morris et. al.) Theydefinedtheaimsofthesocietyandfixedthemembershipfeesat 10 Swiss Francs.

  12. „ISPOG – Family“ „The ISPOG – Family“: Founding members and early active members of different countries were very important in the development of ISPOG

  13. 2nd International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and GynaecologyVienna 1965 Main Topics: Obstetrics, Abortion, Contraception, Organizers: Hugo Husslein et al., University Vienna Participants: approx.: 400 Proceedings (LG: History of ISPOG is mainly a History of ISPOG-World- Congresses !)

  14. 3rd International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and GynaecologyLondon 1971 (after a six year interval!) „Opening Congress for ISPOG“ Main Topics: Psychosomatic Symptoms in Gynaecology and Obstetrics Organizers: Norman Morris et al. Participants: approx. 1100 Abstracts/ Proceedings: (Comment: „ The bridge to London opened up for a big ISPOG Congress with over 1000 people) I also remember that N. Morris arranged a wonderful social program in Buckingham Palace)

  15. 4th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Tel Aviv 1974 Main topics: The family, psychosomatic obstetrics Organizers: Hermann Hirsch, David Serr et al. Partizipants: approx. 600 Abstracts/Proceedings

  16. 5th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Rome 1977 Main topics: Emotions and Endocrinology of Reproduction Organizer: Carenza/ Lucio Zichella et al. Partizipants: approx. 1000 Abstracts/ Proceedings

  17. 6th International CongressofPsychosomaticObstetricsandGynecology, Berlin 1980(Remember: in „The Reichtag“ after „Congress Hall- collapse !“) („The Wall“ separated Berlin into East and West. Germany also had 2 separate psychosomaticsocieties! The East – societycouldn‘tparticipate 1980 in West- Berlin becauseofpoliticalreasons) Main topics: „Women in a changing world“, ambulatory birth, home birth Organizers: Hajo Prill and Manfred Stauber Participants: approx. 1200 from 52 countries Abstracts/ Proceedings DC: We received later the title: „Best Congress of the year 1980“, from the German Press.

  18. 2nd stage of the development of ISPOG – the late time of the ISPOG – Family 1972 - 1982 (Norman Morris was fornearly 20 years „Presidentof ISPOG“ withoutexactorganizationalstructures. The first 6 international Congresseswereclearlyinfluencedbyhimandsomeactivemembersofthe ISPOG- Family. In 1972 he worked out „provisionalstatutesandstandingrules“. A membershipfeeof 10 Swiss Francs was established, but veryoften not paid. After thenextperiodwithworking out newstatuesundertheleadershipof „Secretary General Eylard van Hall“. Then ISPOG changedPresidentsevery 3 years : after Prill: Zichella, Dennerstein, van Hall, Stauber, Ursing, Bitzer, Gurucharri, Alder, Klaas andPaarlberg. Pre-Presidentisnow Carlos DamonteKhoury, Spain.) Picture: „President Norman Morris gives the leading of ISPOG to Hajo Prill symbolically“.

  19. 7th International CongressofPsychosomaticObstetricsandGynaecologyDublin 1983 Main topics: The young woman, Psychosomatic Gynaecology Organizers: Miriam de Senarclens, Stronge et al. Partizipants: approx. 400 Abstracts (LG: There existet Exec. Committee Discussions: President Zichella, Secretary General v. Hall and „(*Banerjee)“)

  20. 8th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Melbourne 1986 • Main topics: Hormones and Behaviour • Organizers: Lorraine Dennerstein et al. • Partizipants: approx. 400 • Abstracts/Proceedings

  21. 3rd Stage of the Development of ISPOG • New Statutes andBylawswith 3 bodies(1. Executive Committee, 2. General Assembly, 3. Board ofFellows) • Every threeyearelectionof a newPresident (Pre-President) (1983: Prof. Lucio Zichella, Italy; 1986: Prof. Lorraine Dennerstein ,Australia; 1989: Prof. Eylardvan Hall, Netherlands; 1992: Prof. Manfred Stauber, Germany; 1995: Dr. Ingrid Ursing, Sweden, 1998: Prof. Johannes Bitzer, Switzerland; 2001 Dr. Carlos Gurucharri; 2004: Prof. Beth Alder, Great Britain; 2007: Prof. Klaas Wijma, Sweden; 2010: Prof. MariekePaarlberg, Netherland; 2013: Pres. el. Prof. Carlos DamonteKhoury, Spain. • Introductionof ISPOG Newsletter (everynewPresidenthadthepossibilitytoshowhisspecialobjectives) • Introductionofthe Journal ofthe Journal of POG (every national societyof POG hasinfluence) • Introductionof Scientific Awards (The Founding-Members: Niles Newton and Miriam de Senarclenswerechosenforit) • Promotion forour Field of POG was done in form ofscientificsessionswordwide, e. g. Beijing, Hongkong, Calcutta, South Africa, Kopenhagen, Munich, Leyden, Kyoto andothers. SendingofProceedingsandtextbooksto national societiesanduniversistyhospitals.

  22. Introduction of the ISPOG Newsletter and the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the 1980ths ll (Newsletter and the Journal brought new Presidents fresh power and current ideas to ISPOG! The society increased.)

  23. Introduction of the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology • (The JPOG had „a difficultbirth“intheeightiesandnineties, whichformerPresident van Hall andhiscolleguesmastered (e.g. therewere a lotoffinancialproblemsbecauseoftoofewsubscriptions). Through a jointactionfrom van Hall et al. and a generousdonationby a pharmaceuticalcompany a goodsolution was finallyfound. - Now, the Journal has a scientificallyacceptedhighstandardwith a growingimpactfactorandexcellenteditors.)

  24. Introductionoftwo Scientific Awards giventotwoFemaleFounding Members of ISPOG: 1. Niles Newton- Award, 2. Miriam de Senarclens - Award Example for a prize- winner from Austria (awarded in 2001 ISPOG –Congress, Buenos Aires)

  25. 9th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Amsterdam 1989 Main topics: The Free Woman, Reproductive medicine Organizers: Eylard van Hall, Walter Everaerd , A. Peters et al. Partizipants: approx. 700 Abstracts/ Proceedings

  26. Special situation: Encreasing psychosomatic societies in Gynaecology and Obstetrics in West and East (more than 1000 members!) Different reasons: 1. political, 2. historical, 3. medical. The 1968‘s generation showed a new and fresh thinking in values. Students stood up and confronted their fathers and mothers about the past. Willy Brandt–„Chancellor of Reconcilliation“ is asking for forgiveness for wartime atrocities. (LG: Please allow me „an excursion to our special situation in Germany), which finally positively influenced the psychosomatic situation of our two relatively large national societies of ISPOG! )

  27. German Reunification 1989 Soon afterward: Discussions about unification of the 2 national Societies of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology (West and East) led to the „German Society of Psychosomatic Frauenheilkund und Geburtshilfe“ (DGPFG).

  28. Sensitive actionbythepsychosomaticgynaecologists in Germany:a lateapologytothevictimsofthe „inhumane gynaecologyofthe 3rd Reich“ These are the books about this topic: a late apology.

  29. 10th International CongressofPsychosomaticObstetricsandGynecology, Stockholm 1992 Main topics: Reproductive Life, Psychosomatic Obstetrics, Research Organizers: Ingrid Ursing, K. Wijma, B. von Schoultz, et al. Partizipants: approx. 600 Abstracts/Proceedings – very high standard of scientific POG

  30. 11th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, Basel 1995 Main topics: FreshThinking in ObstetricsandGynaecolgy – thepsychosomaticimpact on Women‘sHealthcareOrganization Organizers: Johannes Bitzer, Manfred Stauber et al. Partizipation: approx. 900 Abstracts/ Proceedings - „Promotion“

  31. Proceedings of the Basel –Congress 1995 Approx. 200 books were sent worldwide as a gift for the promotion of Psychosomatic Obstetrics andGynaecology to University Hospitals – for their libraries.

  32. 12th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Washington 1998 Main topics: Women in the 21st Century, Ethics, the Past and Future of POG Organizers: David Baram, Nada L. Stotland, Donna Stewart et al. Participants: approx. 400 Abstracts/ Proceedings (LG: There were difficult Discussions about the future of the American society of POG!)

  33. 13th International CongressofPsychosomaticObstetricsandGynaecology Buenos Aires 2001 Main topics: Psychoanalysis, Global ethics, oncology Organizers: Carlos A. Gurucharri , Mario Sebastiani, Eugenia Trumper et al. Partizipants: approx. 400 Abstracts/Proceedings (Organizational problems during the Congress in Buenes Aires due to strikes of Argentian Airlines)

  34. ( ) ( ) ISPOG – National Societies 2003 - Overview (LG: Our work in the former Executive Committee was to make an overview in order to improve our society in the future. - Future Executive Committees can now use some of these informations to track and improve our society. (Some national societies of ISPOG had reorganizations: e. g. Great Britain, Italy, USA)

  35. 2003: Overview of 21 National Societies of ISPOG • ISPOG - Representationofthe national societies on thecontinents: Europe: 12 Austria, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Asia: 4 India, Israel, Japan, South Korea, The Americas: 3 Argentina, Brazil, (USA/Canada), Africa 1 South Africa, Australia 1 Australia, • Numberofmembersofthe national societies: between 25 and 1100 • Total numberof ISPOG - members: approx. 4000 ( approx. 60 % female ) • (75 % gynaecologists; 5 % psychiatrists, 7% psychologists, 13% midwifesandothers)

  36. Overview of crucial issues within the national societies of ISPOG • Sterility – modern reproductive medicine • Sexual disorders • Psychooncology • Psychosomatic obstetrics • Family planning • Menopausal disorders • Delivery preparations • Pregnancy loss, miscarriage • Chronic pelvic pain • Abortion, pregnancy conflicts

  37. Inhumane medical practices against women in India (P. K. Khan, Calcutta 1999) • Sex – specificabortion • Female genital mutilatio • Selectivekillingoffemalenewbornbabies • Girls areforcedintoprostitution • Psychological traumaespeciallyforgirls (inferior diet, inferior education) • Psychological traumaforwomen (in relationtohealthcare, contraceptionetc • ISPOG – Discussion in Cogressesandmeetingsabouttheglobal ethicalchallenges in the 21st centuryin Calcutta, Bejing, Washington, Kopenhagen, Montreal, South Africa, Buenos Aires, Munich, Edinburgh, Kyoto. • „Vision of global ethics“ was a maintopic! Executive Committee Discussions For us, it was important to work and to improve ethical problems, such as sex-specific abortion and female genital mutilation.

  38. 14 th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Edinburgh 2004 Main Topics: Pelvic pain, Psychosexual issues, ethical problems Organizers: Beth Alder et al. Partizipants: approx. 600 Abstracts/Proceedings (LG: For the ExCo, it was then an important decision to“GO EAST“)

  39. - Kyoto - Congresspreparation - PsychosomaticObstetricsandGynaecologyin East and West (Main Topic) Preparationsweremade in Kyoto twoyearspriortothecongressforthetopic „PsychosomaticObstetricsandGynaecology in „West and East“ attherequestofPresident Hideo Honjo. (M. Stauber)

  40. 15th International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Kyoto 2007 Main topics: Psychosomatics in East and West Organization: Hideo Honjo, Fumi Horiguchi, Takamatsu Partizipants: ~ 500 Abstracts, Proceedings

  41. 16 th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Venecia 2010 Main topics: Posttraumatic stress disorders, Endocrinology ISPOG – President: Klaas Wijma: Some Aspects of History of ISPOG Organizers: Andrea Genazzani, F. Facchinetti, C. Maggioni, E. Benedetto Partizipants: approx. 500 Abstracts/ Proceedings

  42. History of ISPOG (Congresses)

  43. Current developments of ISPOG Karen Marieke Paarlberg – President‘s Report 2012 Expanding ISPOG with new National Societies (Possibilities and Inquiries) Brazil, Argentina, North America, Iran, Portugal, Slovenia, Egypt, Czech Republic, Croatia, Russia, Kuwait More important informationin 5 pages of the President‘s Report about Elaborating contacts, Linking with other international organizations, Educational Board and the growing success of the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology

  44. The Past: - 50 years successful POG through ISPOG! • Date of birth: July 8, 1962 in Paris. • From ISPOG- Family to a scientific, non-profit society with the vision for a better global medicine and ethics for women. • „hard scientific work and committment“ in more than 20 national societies. • Proposal for Right Livelihood Award (Board of Fellows of ISPOG). The Present: - ISPOG President`s Report 2012 shows a lot of activities e. g. actual attempts to expand ISPOG with also new ideas from excellent editors of the Journal of POG. The Future: Next Congress: Granada 2016! - * ISPOG needs a „Masterplan for the Future“ in a world of economic dependance and man‘s superficial concern for the soul, that the objectives and work of ISPOG can furthermore show success. (Manfred Stauber, Regensburg, Board of Fellows of ISPOG) Summary of 50 years ISPOG Cited: Carlos Damonte Khoury Calligraphy: J. Maierhofer

  45. CONCLUSION: The Historyof „Fiftyyears ISPOG“ shows , thatthegolden jubilee ISPOG did not onlyshow an uniquesuccess-story. This non- profitsocietyis also an extraordinaryexamplefor an effectivepsychosomaticandethicalworkforwomen. Consequence? …… fortheauthor - as a Member ofthe Board ofFellows - it was andisfurthermorereallyreasonable - tonominate ISPOG for an award , especiallytheRightLivelihood Award. ……. (Althoughitis not veryrealitstic, towinthePrizebecauseof a very large numberofnominees. But I was once an expert forthisprize in thespeciality „psychologyandpsychoanalysis“ andcan do it.) ?

  46. Giving Thanks to the Organizers! Thanks to all Members of ISPOG, who helped to prepare the KEY NOTE LECTURE: „History of ISPOG“! Literature by Manfred Stauber Heribert Kentenich Martina Rauchfuß

  47. the end

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