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Hapxa quih xazoj quih cöihaasitim hac

Hapxa quih xazoj quih cöihaasitim hac. Roberto Herrera Marcos, tiix oáah iha. Hant com iti cöiihca hac, hiz cötahca hax ta ma, xiica ccam com toc cotom, hant com iti toom, toc comom. Ox tpacta, toc cöiihca iti, xazoj tintica hant z itaao, toc contica ha.

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Hapxa quih xazoj quih cöihaasitim hac

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hapxa quih xazoj quih cöihaasitim hac Roberto Herrera Marcos, tiix oáah iha

  2. Hant com iti cöiihca hac,hiz cötahca hax ta ma,xiica ccam com toc cotom,hant com iti toom, toc comom.

  3. Ox tpacta, toc cöiihca iti,xazoj tintica hant z itaao,toc contica ha.

  4. Ziix quih ccam taax oo ipocaa ho, ox xah zo haii ha.

  5. Toc contiiha iti,zaaj pac toc cötahca ma, cötafp ma, hapxa pac ano toii,toc cöcoii ha.

  6. Zo toc cotom ma, itipjc,hant iiqui itasnan ma,toc cotom, yoque.

  7. Xazoj cop ox tee, yoque:—¡Ctam hipcom isliicot hac hax xomasol oo!—ox itai, yoque.

  8. Ox tpacta ma, hapxa com ox tee, yoque:—Ox yopacta. Xazlc quih ctamcö quih caacöl quih htacotim, taax iti hihacosotim ihi. Ox yopacta— ox tee, yoque.

  9. Ox tee itaxi, mos ox tee, yoque, hapxa com:

  10. —Xazoj ilit zo toc cöyiij tax, hapx ihcaaitajc.

  11. Zo hpoohit ihpooxi,hizac conthapa, xazoj ihmiiha cohseectim— ox tee, yoque.

  12. Ox tpacta ma, zaaj quih ipot tahac taax xcatnij xah yopah, mojepe cöcootij quih ano quiij iha—

  13. —taax ah zo haa mota ma, hapx iiqui tahqueetx, hant tahmaasilim ma, hanso taxaxim ma, xazoj cop itii, ziix ticom itacatx, hapx iiqui tpanzx, yoque.

  14. Tojoz ma, hapx iiqui tpanzx ma, hapxa coi mos hapx hant cöteme, hapx iiqui tpancojc, yoque.

  15. Ox tpacta ma, haa ntiihat iti, hehe cöcootij hoox quisoj an quinej zo haa toom ma, tiix an hant cösiime ta, cötazcam ma,ox tee, yoque, ziix cöcaasitim xah teeque quij:

  16. —He ipot iicp hac iicp hasom aha. He haa cohptaasitim ma,toii nthamat— ox tee, yoque.

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