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Organisms and Development Exploring Water Life. Teresa Ly and Kathleen Klobus Education 712.33- Summer 2010. Table of Contents. Overview of Unit Graphic Organizer Lesson: 2 Lesson:3 Lesson:5 Filamentary Website Scavenger Hunt. Graphic Organizer. Lesson 1: Exploring Under the Sea
Organisms and DevelopmentExploring Water Life Teresa Ly and Kathleen Klobus Education 712.33- Summer 2010
Table of Contents • Overview of Unit • Graphic Organizer • Lesson: 2 • Lesson:3 • Lesson:5 • Filamentary Website • Scavenger Hunt
Graphic Organizer Lesson 1: Exploring Under the Sea What do you see under the sea? Lesson 6: Field Trip “Light’s, Camera, ACTION!” Lesson 2: Life Cycles of Fish “Just keep growing, Just keep growing” Organisms And Development Kathleen K. Teresa L. Lesson 5: Dissection Experiment “Sorry, it’s time to cut you open” Lesson 3: Exploring the External Parts of the Fish. “Its all about the Looks” Lesson 4: Exploring the Internal Parts of the Fish “You should never judge a book by it’s cover”
Lesson 2 Life Cycles of a Fish
Lesson 2: Life Cycles of a Fish Behavioral Objective(s): • Students will be able to gain knowledge about the life cycle. • Students will be able to create a bar graph using excel (life span). • Students will be able to compare the life cycle of human and fish. • Students will be able to work cooperatively in groups.
Lesson 2: Continued • Procedure: • Gather the children together at their seats and ask students “Why do you think fish are here on earth?” After a few answers, explain that the basic task that fish have, just like all others animal is for reproduction. • Discuss the two major reproductive strategies of animals. Contrast fish and human reproductive system on the smart board. • Create student groups and help each group select a type of organism they want to research. • Groups will use the Internet or visit the library to learn more about the life cycle and preferred spawning habitat of their chosen fish. • Groups will illustrate the fish’s life cycle using software or classroom materials. • Students will also create a chart at the end to compare the life span of the fish they have chosen with the other groups. • At the end of the period lesson, groups will share their information.
Salmon vs. Human Life Cycle Salmon Human
Lesson 3 Exploring the External Parts of a Fish
Lesson 3- Exploring the External Part of a Fish • Behavioral Objectives • Students will be able to identify parts of a fish. • Students will be able to compare and contrast two different types of fish. • Students will be able to explain the fish’s functions in order for survival.
Lesson 3: Continued… • Procedures: • Gather the children around the Smart board and show them a picture of a fish. Ask children to identify the parts of the fish and ask them what they are for. For example; Eyes are there for them to see. • Point out the external parts of the fish and label them. • Explain the parts of the fish and discuss how certain features help them with their functions and survival. • Have students compare two different fish’s in a Venn diagram on the computer. • Have students label the parts of the fish and write the function of that part. (The Smart board will be erased to assess the children).
Venn Diagram. Sea Bass Spiny Dorsal Fin Soft Dorsal Fin Nares (Nostrils) Scales Lateral Line Peduncle It can grow up to (60kg). Pointed head, Concave forehead, Large jaws Blue to greenish gray dorsals. Silvery on sides White belly Same Caudal Fin Operculum (Gill Cover) Anal Fin Vent Pelvic fin Pectoral Fin Freshwater And Saltwater Fishes Salmon Dorsal Fin Adipose Fin They have silvery skin Spotted back and fins. The largest salmon could be 120 pounds.
Lesson 5 Dissection of a Fish
Lesson 5- Dissection of a Fish • Behavioral Objectives • Students will be able to label parts of the fish. • Students will be able to locate parts of the fish. • Students will be able to observe and visually see the different parts of the fish. (Internal/External) • Students will be able to work in groups to share jobs.
Lesson 5- Continued… • Procedure : • Show the children the fish as a group. Model the proper way of dissecting. • Review the tools. Instruct the students the proper way to use and handle the tools. • Students will go into their groups of 4. • Groups will go get their materials (tray of fish, tools, etc). • Groups will give each member a job. • Groups will dissect the fish. • Groups will collaborate and fill out the worksheet. • http://www.englewoodschools.org/schools/flood/images/teachers/lammer/dissect_fish.pdf
Filamentary Website • This website was created for children who are interested in exploring the Ocean life through entertaining, engaging and interactive websites, games, videos, etc. • All marine species start off as an egg in the life cycle of development. There are many similarities between human and different species of fish. The sites below will allow students to explore different ways of learning about marine animals in fun and engaging ways. • http://www.kn.att.com/wired/fil/pages/listlifescikt.html
Scavenger Hunt • This scavenger hunt was created for children to explore the websites. Questions are asked and children have to research the websites given. • http://www.kn.att.com/wired/fil/pages/huntscavengetk.html
Web 2.0 Tool • Students will be able to use a discussion board that will be posted in Lesson 6. Students will be able to share what they liked most about the unit and what they disliked about the unit. • Students will be able to reply and discuss with each other. • They will also be able to share new facts and ideas that they come across.