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Rani Vanouska T. Modely, a formidable force in both the business and philanthropic realms. Descending from a noble lineage that traces back to the illustrious Chauhan dynasty of the Indian Empire and boasting a British aristocratic background, Rani Vanouska has emerged as a highly esteemed figure in the modern world. Her astute business acumen and compassionate philanthropic endeavors have garnered widespread admiration and respect. As a rising star, she continues to make waves with her visionary leadership and dedication to creating a positive social impact.
R Lifestyle ACalltoWorldLeaders tochangetheWorld RaniVanouskaT.Modely“TheMotherTeresaoffootball”. 2. What inspired you to focus on sport, particularly football, and bring it to the forefront of the cultural heritageofhumanity? I believe that sport, and particularly football, has the powertobringpeopletogetherandunitetheminacommon purpose. It transcends cultural, linguistic, and geographic barriers,andhasthe abilitytobringoutthebestinpeople, promotingvalues suchasteamwork,respect,andfairplay. For me, it was a natural choice to focus on football and bring it to the forefront of humanity's cultural heritage, as itrepresentstheveryessenceofwhatitmeanstobehuman and to be part of a larger community. Through my work as the president of Football World Heritage, I aim to preserve andcelebratethebeautyandpowerofthisgreatgame,and to inspire future generations to carry on its legacy because Footballbelongstopeople. ani Vanouska T.Modelyisarising star in thebusinessandphilanthropicworld.Witha noble backgroundrootedintheIndianEmpire's ChauhandynastyandaBritisharistocratic lineage,shehasbecomeahighlyrespectedfigure andaforcetobereckonedwith. As a top model, successful entrepreneur, and passionate public figure, she has earned the nickname of the "Mother Teresa of Football" for her unwavering commitment to using the sport as a tool for change. With the support of influential figures, including President of the 40th General Assembly of UNESCO, H.E. Altay Cengizer, iconic players andacommitteeofprestigiouspersonalities,RaniVanouska isleadingtheofficialNGOFootballWorldHeritagewith a mission to register football as an intangible cultural heritageofhumanity. With her goal of bringing together all 211 FIFA States in support of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals,RaniVanouska'spassionforfootballand humanitariancauses is unparalleled. This exclusive interview with Forbes magazine, led by CEO Luiz Costa Macambira, is a testament to Rani Vanouska’s unique blend of grace and determination, as well as her unwavering commitment to making a positive impactintheworld. 46 47 FORBESLIFE FORBESLIFE 3.HowdoesFootballWorldHeritagealignwiththe objectivesoftheUnitedNations? FWHalignswiththeobjectivesoftheUnitedNations inseveralkey ways. Firstly,ourfocusonwomen's empowerment aligns with the UN's efforts to promote genderequalityandempowerallwomenandgirls.Secondly, our work in promoting education and awareness through the sport of football aligns with the UN's aim to provide quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. Lastly, our efforts to preserve and protect the cultural heritage of football can also contribute to preserving the world heritage sites that are at risk. In this way, Football World Heritage is not just about preserving the sport itself, butalsoaboutusingitasatooltopromoteandpreserveour collective culturalheritage forfuturegenerations. 1.Canyoutellusaboutthebackgroundandinspiration behindtheFootballWorldHeritageinitiative? Helping people has always held a special place in my heart.Comingfromabackground,withrootsinbothIndian and European cultures, I have been inspired by the power of tradition and heritage. Despite my family's objections, mymodelingcareer,whichIbeganattheageof 12,gaveme theopportunitytoseetheworldandopenedmy eyes tothe beautyofculturalexchange. This,combinedwithmyactivismandambassadorshipfor the Gusi Peace Prize with the support of President Jacques Chirac, and then my commitment to youth development when I met President Emmanuel Macron, helped shape my beliefs and values. I made the decision to fully dedicate myself to humanitarian causes and continue my modeling careersimultaneously. The Football World Heritage initiative was born from my passion for football and my belief in its power to create positivechange.DuringmygoodwillworkwithUNESCO, I saw the impact that cultural heritage can have on communities and realized that football is not just a sport, but a cultural treasure that transcends borders and unites people. With the support of major football and political figures, and a committee of international experts, I am leading the official NGO Football World Heritage, with the goalofregisteringfootballasanintangibleculturalheritage of humanity. By doing so, we can harness the sport's reach and impact to support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. 4.Inyouropinion,whatisthesignificanceoffootballas atoolforpromotingpeaceandunityamongnations? I have had the privilege of engaging in discussions with several heads of state, including HSH Prince Albert, on the topicoffootball'sroleinpromotingpeaceandunityamong nations. To me, football is much more than just a sport. It is a universal language that brings people from all walks of life and backgrounds together on a common ground. Through the celebration of the beautiful game, we are able to break down barriers and create a sense of community, bridging the gaps between different cultures, religions, and nations. This is why I believe that football has the power to serve as a catalyst for positive change, fostering peace, unity, and understandingamongthenationsoftheworld. 5.Howdoyouplantorallysupportfromgloballeaders and institutions toachievethegoal ofregistering footballasanintangibleculturalheritageofhumanity? I am launching an international call to the top 100 Forbes FootballWorldLeaderstojoinourglobalcampaignby signingapledge.Thepledgeisasymboloftheircommitment FORBES.MC DECEMBER2022/JANUARY2023 DECEMBER2022/JANUARY2023
an intelligent strategy, these funds will be used to supportmajorinitiatives,suchaspromotingwomen's empowerment, providing education for children, and preserving endangered world heritage sites. By harnessingthereachandinfluenceoffootball,wecan make a real difference and create a better future for all. 48 49 FORBESLIFE FORBESLIFE 8.Canyoutellus more aboutyourvisionbehind creatingtheiconicWorldball? WhenIdesignedtheWorldball,Ienvisioneditas a symbol of universality, a piece of art that would connect the energies of the entire world to a shared desireforunityandpeace. In an edition of100balls specially made for collectors, the Worldball has been signed by some of the world's most influential leaders including President Emmanuel Macron, UNESCO President HE Altay Cengizer, President George Weah, Prince Albert of Monaco, and lately Prime Minister Edi Rama of Albania.Theirsignaturesareatestamenttothepower of the Worldball, and its ability to inspire people to cometogethertowardsacommongoal. 9.HowdoyouthinkthatartistslikePhilippe Pastorcanrevolutionizingtheworldoffootball? Football and art both have the power to create a happier world, and contemporary artists have used football as a form of expression, such as Picasso, Dali, Warhol, Nicolas de Stael and many more. That's why I have chosen the renowned Monégasque artist Philippe Pastor to create a special collection called 'BASTA'forFootballWorldHeritage.Thismasterpiece isa callto action to bring the world together through the magic of football and support the UN's objective of preserving the planet. The first piece of this rare collection, with a painting originally made for Benjamin de Rothschild, will be represented by the BASTA ball, numbered and signed by the artist. The ball was launched with Forbes during an event in Monaco in November 2022, and the first ball was offeredtoFormula1driverCharlesLeclerc. 6. Can you share someinitiatives that you have implemented to showcase the impact of football on societyandtheworld? Manychildrenintheworlddon'thavethechancetoplay with a ball and experience the joy of the game. This is why we launched the initiative #ONECHILDONESMILE, where we work with states and modern heroes, we distribute balls and sportswear to underprivileged children across the world, creating a tangible impact on their lives and demonstratingthepositiveinfluencethatthesportcanhave on society. By partnering with world-renowned players like Griezman, Arsène Wenger, George Weah, and many more, we aim to inspire children everywhere and show them the true potential of football as a tool for positive change and changetheirlives. to using the power of football to create a better world and spreadpositiveimpactthroughthesport. Ouraim istounitethe211FIFAcountries,headsofstate, royal families, institutions, and others to acknowledge and celebrate the game in the hearts of the 4.8 billion football fansaroundtheworld. Bysigning the pledge,these leaders are not only acknowledgingthesignificance of football,buttheyarealso takingaction. Our goal is to make football World Héritage the most talkedabout initiative andtohaveaplanetaryimpactwith several million signatories to make this sport a legend and itslegacy. Inthiscampaign,wewillshowcasethesignificantimpact offootballontheecosystemanditspotentialtosupportthe goals of the United Nations. The global football industry generates billions of dollars each year and has the power to create job opportunities, drive economic growth, and uplift communities. Byrallying support from leaders and institutions, we hope to raise awareness and provide financial support to preserve our heritage, while also promoting peace and unity among nations. We believe that football has the power to bring people together and create abetterworldforall. 10.Whatadvicedoyouhaveforyoung entrepreneurslookingtomakeadifferenceinthe world? As a young entrepreneur myself who became an activist, I would say that it's important to stay true to your values and to never compromise your integrity. The world is in need of leaders who are driven by a strong sense of purpose, and who are committed to creating positive change in the world. By staying true to your values, you will inspire others to do the same andtogether,wecancreateabetterfuture forall. 7.WhatisyourultimategoalforFootballWorld Heritageandhowdoyouplantoachieveit? My ultimate goal for Football World Heritage is to use the power of the sport to create a positive impact on societyandtheworld.Thefootballeconomyisreported to be worth $400 billion worldwide. Through this pledge, we aim to raise 1billion dollars by 2026 (FIFAWorld Cup inNorthAmerica,USA-Canada-Mexico).Associatedwith FORBES.MC DECEMBER2022/JANUARY2023 DECEMBER2022/JANUARY2023