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Near-perfect antireflection coating for silicon solar energy utilization

Near-perfect antireflection coating for silicon solar energy utilization. Weijian Yang Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA. Motivation. AR coating can improve solar collection efficiency. Solar radiation

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Near-perfect antireflection coating for silicon solar energy utilization

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  1. Near-perfect antireflection coatingfor silicon solar energy utilization Weijian Yang Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA

  2. Motivation • AR coating can improve solar collection efficiency. • Solar radiation • Broadband spectrum. • Incident angle changes within a day. • An idea AR coating should maintain a low reflectance for a broadband spectrum and all angles of incidence.

  3. AR coating • Fresnel reflection • Traditional quarter-wave AR coating suffers from a small range of optical spectrum and incident angle. • Grade index nanorod thin film structure.

  4. Graded Index • Reflectance of the AR coating depends on smoothness of the index profile. • Minimize the differential reflectance at each interface of the multilayer structure.

  5. Graded index

  6. Moth’s eye • Graded effective medium can reduce index mismatch at the interface and eliminate reflection. • Change air/material ratio gradually.

  7. Oblique-angle deposition • A random growth fluctuation in the substrate produces a shadow region that the subsequent incident vapor flux cannot reach.

  8. Graded index AR coating

  9. Comparison

  10. References • M. Kuo, et.al., Opt. Lett.,33, 2527, 2008. • J. Xi, et.al., Nature Photonics,1, 176, 2007. • J. Xi, et.al., Opt. Lett.,5, 601, 2006. • S. Kennedy, et.al., Appl. Opt., 42, 4573, 2003. • www.physorg.com.

  11. Thank you! Thank you!

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