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Building Large B2B Integration Solutions on Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010

Required Slide. SESSION CODE: ASI 304. Building Large B2B Integration Solutions on Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010. Ravi Bollapragada Program Manager Microsoft Corporation. Mark Beckner Inotek Consulting Group. Session Objectives and Takeaways. Session Objective(s)

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Building Large B2B Integration Solutions on Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010

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  1. Required Slide SESSION CODE: ASI 304 Building Large B2B Integration Solutions on Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 Ravi Bollapragada Program Manager Microsoft Corporation Mark Beckner Inotek Consulting Group

  2. Session Objectives and Takeaways • Session Objective(s) • Familiarize the new TPM model and show how enhancements in BTS 2010 ease trading partner on-boarding and management • Show how to easily build and manage complex B2B maps using BTS 2010 • Key Takeaways • Building and managing B2B solutions have become significantly easier with BTS 2010

  3. Brand Owner Manufacturer Retailer Distributor Typical Business to Business(B2B) Collaboration Logistics Logistics Regional Sales Supplier Supplier Essential Support Processes Supply Chain Execution Including Transportation & Warehousing Commerce Hubs Sales & Operations Supply Chain Collaboration Track and Trace

  4. B2B Riding The Electronic Wave Electronic B2B projects are typically associated with electronic exchange of business transactions between trading partners • Governed by standards. X12, UN-EDIFACT, TRADACOM, ODETTE, VDA, HIPAA, SWIFT, ebXML, xCBL, cXML, RosettaNet, PIDX, CIDX, etc EDI Based Procurement Sample

  5. BTS 2000 BTS 2004 BTS 2006R2 BTS 2009 Our continued investments in B2B… • Enhanced EDI support: Multiple batches, Dynamic Envelopes • HIPAA 5010 • Drummond Certification • Inbuilt support for X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HIPAA • AS2 support • Expanded coverage : • HL7 & SWIFT • EDI • Vertical based solutions: • HIPAA • RosettaNet

  6. …have been yielding rich dividends “Microsoft has strengthened its position in the B2B market in part via continued enhancements to the B2B capabilities of its flagship integration middleware product, BizTalk Server.”

  7. B2B Challenges Today Heterogeneous and Expanding Partner Relationships Numerous and Complex Data Transforms High VAN (Value Added/Private Network) Costs Business Agility* * ASI 309: Using Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit and Integration Patterns to Improve Business Agility

  8. TPM Centric B2B Challenges Today Explosion in partner numbers and interoperating with different B2B standards Heterogeneous and Expanding Partner Relationships Partner on-boarding is manually intensive and error prone. Solutions often involve document resends or manual fixes. Debugging is a major hassle Trading partner management applications don’t often reflect B2B business model

  9. Grande Claims (Claims Provider) DoctorX Mercy Hosp Int’l - Europe Institutional Professional Business to Business Collaboration Contoso Group Mercy Hospital - USA DoctorY Essential Support Processes Schema validation and extensions Message processing including claim splitting HIPAA Compliance Administration & Operations Health Care partner Collaboration Track and Trace

  10. TPM model in BizTalk Server 2009 Drawbacks: • Non-intuitive representation • No representation for Grande Claims and its different divisions (rolled into all the parties) • Trading Partner Agreement settings were rolled into party settings • Scaling to hundreds of partners/partnerships - a major issue • Identities, EDI settings repeated • New party for every new agreement • Becomes worse in a federated scenario M x N parties all using same TPM (Hubs, Gateways, VANs etc)

  11. TPM Model between two Parties in BTS 2010 Grande Claims Mercy Hospital Institutional Professional Mercy USA Mercy Europe Business Profiles Parties Protocol Settings X12 (B) X12(A) AS2 X12 X12 AS2 X12 Agreements GM X12 Agreement GM AS2 Agreement GM X12 Agreement

  12. Trading Partner Management Demo Mark BecknerInotek Consulting Group DEMO

  13. Summary: Trading Partner Management Enhancements Easy on-boarding and lifecycle management of trading partners

  14. 100 Partners – 100 Processes – 100 Maps Maps in B2B can be very complex Harder maintenance, management and change Transformation/Mapping: Challenges Today Numerous Complex Data Transforms One Partner – One Process – One Map – Sounds Simple?

  15. Mapper in BizTalk Server 2009

  16. Mapper Demo Mark BecknerInotek Consulting Group DEMO

  17. Summary: Mapperenhancements in BTS 2010 User friendly Mapper to create and manage complex maps

  18. Economy specific B2B Challenges Today Globalization of B2B market stretching costs and resources High VAN(Private Network) Costs Increasing number of small businesses in the electronic B2B market offering cost effective options Boom of secure and low cost Internet technologies force businesses to rethink their strategies

  19. BizTalk Offerings until BTS 2009 • Drummond Certified AS2 Support • Message Assembly & Disassembly • Synchronous & Asynchronous Message Disposition Notification (MDN) • MDN Correlation • Payload Agnostic (EDI & non-EDI Messages) • Inbound & Outbound Trading Partner Resolution • Support for Non-repudiation of Receipts (NRR) • Message Signing & Signature Verification • Message Encryption & Decryption • Message Compression & Decompression • Activity Reporting through BAM • EDI Support • Interchange Generation & Processing • Interchange Batching & De-batching • Functional & Technical Acknowledgement generation & correlation • Inbound & Outbound • Trading Partner Resolution • Dynamic inbound Schema Resolution • Activity & KPI Reporting through BAM • Standards Support: X12, HIPAA, EDIFACT, EANCOM (8000 Schemas ) • HIPAA claim splitting • Industry Accelerators • SWIFT • HL7 • RosettaNet • Transport Adapters • HTTP • FTP • WCF

  20. Further Enhancements to Adapters in BTS 2010 3rd Party FTP Server FTP/FTPS Server FTP/FTPS Server Orchestrations Receive Port Send Port FTP Adapter (Receive) FTP Adapter (Send) Receive Pipeline Send Pipeline Message Box Secure B2B Transactions

  21. BTS 2000 BTS 2004 BTS 2006R2 BTS 2009 BTS 2010 BTS 2010 Enhancements Summary • Enhanced TPM • Mapper improvements • FTPS support • FTP and LOB adapters updated • SWIFT MP 2010 • AS2 and SWIFT EAI certification • Enhanced EDI support: Multiple batches, Dynamic envelopes • HIPAA 5010 • AS2 Drummond Certification • Inbuilt support for X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HIPAA • AS2 support and certification • Expanded coverage : • HL7 & SWIFT • Vertical based solutions: • HIPAA • RosettaNet

  22. Required Slide Track PMs will supply the content for this slide, which will be inserted during the final scrub. Track Resources • BizTalk Server Team Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/biztalk_server_team_blog/ Archive of B2B Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/BizTalkB2B/

  23. Call to action: • Test drive BizTalk Server 2010 Beta • Download the Beta from the download page • Submit your feedback on the BizTalk Connect site • Learn more by visiting the: • BizTalk Server Developer Center on MSDN • Virtual Launch Event Site • BizTalk Server Website

  24. Related BizTalk Sessions & HOLs Breakout Sessions: • ASI311 - What’s New in Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 and a Sneak Peek into the Future of BizTalk • ASI307 - Build Composite Applications That Include Line-of-Business Systems in 15 Minutes • ASI306 - Management Tasks Made Simpler in Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 • ASI304 - Building Large B2B Integration Solutions on Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 • ASI309 - Using Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit and Integration Patterns to Improve Business Agility • ASI305 - Integrating LoB Systems (SAP, Mainframe) with the Cloud Using Microsoft BizTalk Server and the Windows Azure AppFabric Interactive Sessions: • ASI06-INT - Building Operational MDM solution with SQL Server Master Data Services and BizTalk Server • ASI07-INT - Real Time Event Integration with SQL Server StreamInsight and BizTalk • ASI08-INT - Connecting BizTalk to IBM mainframe transaction processing and data storage systems Hands-on-Labs: • ASI09-HOL Using the New Mapper in Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 to Create Maps • ASI10-HOL Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit: Using an Itinerary to Dynamically Resolve Message Transformationand Routing • ASI11-HOL Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit: Using the Exception Management Portal

  25. Required Slide Track PMs will supply the content for this slide, which will be inserted during the final scrub. ASI Track Resources • Website – www.Microsoft.com/WindowsAzure/AppFabric • MSDN Developer Center – http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/netservices.aspx • Blog – http://blogs.msdn.com/b/netservices/ • Twitter – http://twitter.com/azure_appfabric • Website – http://www.microsoft.com/biztalk/ • Website – http://msdn.microsoft.com/biztalk/ • Blog – http://blogs.msdn.com/biztalk_server_team_blog • Blog – http://www.biztalkblogs.com/ • Application Infrastructure Virtual Launch Event – www.appinfrastructure.com • AppFabric on Microsoft.com – http://www.microsoft.com/appfabric • Developer Center – http://msdn.microsoft.com/appfabric

  26. Required Slide Resources Learning • Sessions On-Demand & Community • Microsoft Certification & Training Resources www.microsoft.com/teched www.microsoft.com/learning • Resources for IT Professionals • Resources for Developers • http://microsoft.com/technet • http://microsoft.com/msdn

  27. Required Slide Complete an evaluation on CommNet and enter to win!

  28. Sign up for Tech·Ed 2011 and save $500 starting June 8 – June 31st http://northamerica.msteched.com/registration You can also register at the North America 2011 kiosk located at registrationJoin us in Atlanta next year

  29. © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

  30. Back Up

  31. Party Data Migration Tool

  32. TPM Model – Entities and Relationships A business role identity specific to the collaboration. E.g., DUNS id in the EDI land A representation of a business party engaged in a B2B transaction. Example, Microsoft, Dell Party Business Profile Business Identity * * A business facet of a partner engaged in a B2B interaction. A.K.A –Collaboration Profile. Example, Supplier, Buyer etc. [2] Protocol Settings * Partnership Agreement * Protocol used for the execution of collaboration. Includes encoding and transport protocols A negotiated settlement between 2 partners. Includes protocol settings agreed upon and identities for exchange. A relationship established between 2 partners and the pivot for partnership manageability. One Way Agreement [2] One leg of an agreement between 2 profiles. With Source/Destination swap 2 of them compose an agreement.

  33. Required Slide

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