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Science Fair 3rd “A” Grade. Team One Plants and how they grow David Bang Mariana Becerra Fernando Vega Ostín Ocampo Fernanda Leonel. Team Two Plantas and animals live toghether Alonso Gutiérrez Jin In Choi Park Paola Memún Cecilia González Angel Escobar. Team Three
Science Fair 3rd “A” Grade Team One Plants and how they grow David Bang Mariana Becerra Fernando Vega Ostín Ocampo Fernanda Leonel Team Two Plantas and animals live toghether Alonso Gutiérrez Jin In Choi Park Paola Memún Cecilia González Angel Escobar Team Three How Animals Live Gerardo Mendoza Owen García Elizabeth Méndez Valeria Mora Andrea Pacheco Team Four Animals that lived long ago Maximiliano Vergara Ximena Rodríguez René Nieto Víctor Pérez Diego Marín Team Five Where do plants and animals live? Che Rin Park Da in Kim Choe Daniela Ledesma Han Na Lee Won Mariana Rodríguez Melisa Monzón Teacher Miss Charo
Team One Plants and how they grow Hypothesis Why do plants need roots and stems? Procedure: Cut off the top of two celery stalks. Place the end of one stalk in a jar of red and the end of the second stalk in a jar of blue water Predict: How do plants get water and nutrients to their leaves? Cut open both celery stalks to compare with prediction. Result: Nutrients get through the veins in the stalk. Conclusion: Green plants use carbon doxide , and sunlight energy to run minerals and nutrients into food for growth, maintenance, and reproduction.
Plants and animals need food, air, water and space to live David A leaf makes food for the plant. It also helps keep water inside at the proper level, Ostin Flowers make polen, seeds, and fruit that will surround and protect the seeds Fernanda A plant´s root system takes in water and minerals, holds the plant in place, and stores food the plant makes. Fernando
Team Two How do the enviroments change? Hypothesis Get a small pan filled halfway with potting soil Procedure: Put a small plant into the soil, covering the roots. Slowly pour water onto soil level. Predict: What effect did the flood have on the young plant? How do you think plants and animals are affected when rains cause a river to overlow its banks? Result: The flood killed the plant. Floods kill the plants. They wash away Birds´nest They spread mud all over. Floods move soil from one place to another. Conclusion: Changes in the habitat of a oganism may be beneficial or Harmful.
An environment that works properly is healthy and productive. It continues to provide the natural resources that living things need. It allows natural resources to last well into the future Cecilia Food the body´s source of vitamins, minerals, And other nutrients, the body needs to be healthy and have energy. Paola Fire cleans the forest of the smalls plants and makes space for young plants to grow, and ash from the fire improves the soil. Angel Volcanic eruptions destroy most living things in an area; overtime new plants grow and animals return. Beavers build dams that flood areas. Floods was away living things and leave mud behind. Droughts kill plants and animals. Alonso Ji In
Team Three How can you make a model of a backbone? Hypothesis Procedure: Make a model of a backbone. Bend the end of a pipe cleaner into a knot. String a piece of wagon wheel pasta on the pipe cleaner, so the pasta rests on the knot. Next string a jelly ring. Add another wheel and ring. Keep going until you have used ten wheels and nine rings. Bend the other end of the pipe cleaner. Make a knot to hold eveything on. Results: This model is different because It is like a backbone bcause it has hard Parts connected to soft parts and a long part that passes through each part. Also, it can bend. Conclusion: Making and using a model can help you understand scientific ideas.
All animals need food, water,oxygen and Shelter to live. Animals can drink water or get water from the food the eat. All animals need oxygen which is gas in the air. Animals eat plants or other aimals for food. shelters protect animals from the weather and other animals. First, and egg is laid. Next, a larva hatches. Then, the larva spins a covering around itself and becomes a pupa. Next, a butterfly crawls out. Finally adult butterflies mate and lay eggs. The five groups of vertebrate animals are, Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birs and mammals. Some animals no have backbones. Animals without backbones are called Invertebrates. Invertebrates can have soft sacs filled with Liquid or hard shells for support. A frog life circle has four stages. When born, a tadpole has a tail, gills, and no legs. It developes into an adult Frog with lungs, legs and no tail. Frogs and toads are both anphibians. Daniela Gerardo Owen Andrea Valeria
Team Four What can you learn from an imprint? Hypothesis Procedure: Put plaster of Paris onto a plate. Spread the nplaster of Paris around wih a spoon, wet one of your hands. Spread the fingers of your wet hand. Press the palm side of this hand into the plaster of Paris. Remove your hand from the plaster. Let the imprint dry. Results: The imprint and my hand are the same size and shape. The imprint and my hand are different colors and made of different materials. The details on the imprint are not as clear as on my hand. Conclusion: A fossil imprint and the animal that made it would probably Have less detail than the animal that made it.
Apalentologist is a scientist who studies ancient life. Paleontologist try to find Fossils to pice togheter the story of what life was long ago. Dr. Paul Sereno and his team have found many new kinds of dinosaurs. Imprints fossils are one type of fossil. Scientist can learn about animals that lived lon ago by studyng the imprints they made. Fossils can tell us how have changed overtime. Dinosaurs are extinct. An extinct animal no longer lives on earth. But some animals today look like animals of long ago. Fossils also tell us how Earth has changed over time. Fossils are signs of past life. Fossil may be molds, cast, impressions or animals parts trapped in amber or tar pits. Newly discovery dinosaurs: Euroraptor, Nigersaurus, Jovaria, Afrovenator, Deltadromeous, Rugops, Suchomimus, Carcharodontosaurus, Rajasaurus. Diego Ximena Rene Victor Max Paul Sereno, Ph. D.Paleontologist, University of ChicagoPresident and co-founder, Project Exploration
Team Five Where plants and animals live?
CONCEPT WEB Living thing Environment Everything that sorrounds it is its Many of the same kind make up a Ecosystem Population Grasslands Deserts Tundra Many of the same kind make up a Community Forest Freshwater ecoystems Saltwater ecosystems
Tropical Forest grow near the equator. The Climate in a tropical forest is warm and rainy all year long. The tropical forest has a lot of tall trees. Some of the trees can be thirty five meters tall. The tall trees block the sunligth. So the forest floor gets very little sunligth. Most animals spend their whole lives in the The trees.Some of these animals are bats, birds, and many insects. The tundra is cold and dry. It is in the very northern part of the world. Parts of Alaska are tundra. Summer days are very long. Winters days are very short. Many plants can not grow in this climate. Only small plants can grow. Many ducks, geese and swans live near the ponds. Oceans cover a lot of Earth´s surface. Ocean water has salt. Clams, crafts algae, fish and coral live close to the shore. Others, seals and sea birds swim and dive for fish. Most life is in the top 200 meters of the deep water. Fhis shrimp And whales live there. The deep ocean is dark and cold. It des not have much food. Few anmals live there. A desert gets very little rain. Day are hot. Nights are cold. Most desert ecosystem have plants and animals an live with very Itle rain wter. Desert animals nest where you cannot see them. At night, the desert animals Come out. They look for food. Freshwater ecosystems include lakes, ponds, rivers and streams as well as wetlands. Freshwater escoystem may be supplied water by rain, melting snow, or springs. A wetland is overed by water at leatest part of the year and supports plants and animals A grassland is a kind of land ecosystem. It has many grasses and flowering plants. it does not have many trees. Grasslands Have cold winters and hot summers. This climate includes little rains, so the soil is dry. Daniela Ha Na Da In Cherín Mariana Melissa