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Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR ™ )

Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR ™ ).

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Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR ™ )

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  1. Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR™) The Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR™) was developed by the Tufts Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC), Boston, Massachusetts, under contract with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Rockville, MD (Contract No. HHSA 290-2007-10055-I).

  2. What Is the Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR)? • SRDR is a powerful and easy-to-use, Web-based tool for conducting systematic reviews. • Searchable archive of key questions from included systematic reviews, and of data from their associated studies. http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  3. Why SRDR? A repository for SR data will improve efficiency, data quality, transparency, and usability.

  4. Potential SRDR User Independent Researchers Research Centers Policy Makers, Stakeholders Funders of Research Patients http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  5. System Status • System has been in development for 2 years • Launched in June 20th 2012 • Hosted on the AHRQ server • Trademarked as Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR) • SRDR is committed to a policy of Open Access. All completed systematic review projects deposited in the SRDR archive are publically available under the terms of a Creative Commons license. • Initial data contributors will be members of the EPC and other participating organizations http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  6. Privileges of SRDR Users Public • Can view any study within the database, but cannot post comments. Commentator • Privileges of public viewer • Can post comments on studies Contributors • Privileges of commentator • Can modify any study they create under the project they collaborate on • View other studies within their project but cannot edit them • See project details but cannot edit them • View the extraction form but cannot edit it http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  7. Current Features • Interfaces for creating extraction forms and extracting study data are in place, with improvements being continually implemented • Certified data contributors may create extraction form templates and extract data into the system • Upon completion of a systematic review project, users may choose to release their extraction forms and corresponding data to the public • Tools for data retrieval/summarization and sharing have been developed, with new features in the pipeline • Training materials including user manual, instructional videos, and an FAQ are available in the Help section linked to the SRDR homepage • Certification procedures and training for data contributors are in place • Plans for user support and data backups have been put into practice http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  8. SRDR Home Page AHRQ banner Commentator and Contributors login Link to ‘Testing Site’ Latest published projects Data

  9. Public View http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  10. Commentator Access http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  11. Contributor Access http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  12. Steps for Data Contributor http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  13. System Structure • Project: All data deposited within the SRDR are organized as individual projects. A project contains all information related to one systematic review (e.g., extraction forms, key questions, extracted studies, etc.) • Key Question(s): The specific scientific queries an SRDR project is intended to address. All projects must include at least one key question • Extraction Form: The user-defined dialogue by which collaborators extract data from relevant publications into an SRDR project • Study: An individual publication extraction, consisting of one instance of a filled out extraction form http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  14. Data Contributor Certification Process http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  15. Support Plan Online support • The SRDR system will offer free online support to all user types along with a user manual and instructional videos. • Another support platform is the user-supported forum where reviewers are encouraged to post, as well as answer questions. The SRDR Support Team will also monitor the forums and answer questions. Direct Support • Direct support is also available at no cost to the user. • Direct support would provide guidance for activities such as setting up the review, importing of search results, and reviewing specific help/suggestions about optimal use of the software. • Technical and content questions/issues will be referred to the Technical Team via the following methods: • Automatically – user will use the FEEDBACK feature in the system • Phone/email – individual user and/or ‘SRDR Administrator’ will refer the question/issue to the SRDR Support Team http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  16. What Are the Benefits of SRDR? SRDR can save valuable time by: • Downloading study information from PubMed® (and from other databases in the near future) automatically. • Quickly creating complex extraction forms, which can accommodate any study design or research question via the form design tool’s powerful and flexible “question builder” capability. • Enabling easy comparison and reconciliation of double data extractions. • Seamlessly saving all data online. (You can also export your data in a variety of formats for local backup, printing, or analysis using your favorite software package.) http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  17. Other Benefits • SRDR’s built-in messaging and commenting system makes it easy to coordinate with team members. • SRDR can be easily incorporated into workflow. • Plan to integrated with other systematic review tools such as Abstracker and OpenMeta. • In addition to creating and managing systematic review projects, you can search completed projects that have been submitted to the public archive, and easily update your files, copying previously extracted study data into your own.   http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  18. How Can We Get Started? The SRDR Web site contains a user’s manual as well as instructional videos to help you get the most out of this powerful tool. To get started, or to learn more, just visit www.srdr.ahrq.gov http://srdr.ahrq.gov

  19. SRDR Demonstrationhttp://srdr.ahrq.gov • Create a project • Extraction form • Extracted study data • Special features • Search • Commenting • Exporting • Table creator • Double extraction

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