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Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science National Taiwan University. http://www.inm.ntu.edu.tw. 2007. Ⅰ. Brief Introduction.
Graduate Institute of Networking and MultimediaCollege of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceNational Taiwan University http://www.inm.ntu.edu.tw 2007
Ⅰ. Brief Introduction • Communications and Multimedia Lab. (CMLab.) was founded in Feb.1991 at Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) National Taiwan University – the first and the largest academic Lab., which focused on, Multimedia and Networking researches in Taiwan. (Currently, CMLab. has7 faculty members,3 post Ph.D.s, 80 M.S./Ph.D. students, and 3 assistants.) • CSIE department transferred from College of Engineering to College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) in Aug. 2000.(CSIE is the first choice of high-school students who attended the Joint Collegiate Entrance Examination in the category of Computer Science and Engineering) • Ministry of Education approved GINM to offer M.S. and Ph.D. programs starting at August 2004.
EECS College EE Division CS Division … EE Department & Graduate Institute Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering. (GIEOE) Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering. (GICE) Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering. (GIEE) Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics. CSIE Department & Graduate Institute Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia. (GINM) … One Undergraduate Department and Multiple Graduate Institutes Structure
Ⅲ.Current Status • Faculty Full-time: 44 (joint with GINM(9), CSIE(21), BEBI(2), EE(3), GICE(6), GIEE(2), Depart IM(1)) Adjunct: 3 Ph.D. Degree: 47 TEL: +886-2-33664899 FAX: +886-2-33664898 http://www.inm.ntu.edu.tw Director Ja-Ling Wu Life-time Distinguished Professor Ph.D., Ta-Tung Institute of Technology, Taiwan E-mail: wjl@csie.ntu.edu.tw Address: No.1, Sec 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 106 Homepage: http://www.cmlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/cml/dsp/prof-wu/
GINM comprises 44 full-time faculties (including 21 faculties from Department of CSIE, 2 faculties from Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, 3 faculties from Graduate Institute of Electrical Engineering, 6 faculties from Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering ,2 faculties from Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering and 1 faculty from the Department of Information Management), 9 of them are dedicated to GINM. All the GINM faculties hold Ph.D. degrees. Full-Time Dedicated Faculty members: Three adjunct faculties have joined GINM since August 2005.
B. Facilities The GINM maintains an array of powerful computers and software for instruction, as well as research laboratories maintained by individual faculty. The facilities are available to all students and faculties. They include SGI workstations, laptop computers, desktop computers, network traffic analyzers, V8 and Hi8 video recorders, digital cameras, digital video camcorders, scanners, 3D scanners, VHS/LD/DVD video player/recorders, video editors, audio mixers, VCD/MP3 testing platforms, and Sony PSII. In the coming years, GINM will continue expanding its facilities to serve its educational and research mission. The faculties in GINM lead sixlaboratories: Communications and Multimedia Laboratory, Embedded Systems and Wireless Networking Laboratory, Image and Vision Laboratory, Network Security Laboratory, Architecture and Complier Technology Laboratory and Computer Graphics Laboratory (Department of IM).
C. Programs Requirements and Courses GINM offers graduate programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science (MS) and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Students must complete course work or proficiency courses. All the courses in the GINM are divided into three categories: multi-media technology category, networking technology category, and systems and application category.
Course Flow Multimedia Networking Systems & Applications
E. Awards • Prof. Ja-Ling Wu: Best Technical Full Paper Award, ACM Multimedia Conference, 2006. • Prof. Su-Chu Hsu:The Second and Third Winners, 1st Digital Art Festival Taipei, 2006. • Prof. Ja-Ling Wu:Excellent Award, Longterm Smile Competition, 2006. • Prof. Ai-Chun Pang: Investigation Award, Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, 2006. • Prof. Su-Chu Hsu:Technology Creating Award, 1st K.T. Originality Competition, 2006. • Prof. Ai-Chun Pang: Excellent Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2005. • Prof. Chi-Sheng Shih: Best Paper Award,IEEE Inte’l conf. on Embedded and Real Time Systems and Applications, 2005. • Prof. Yi-Ping Hung: Best Paper Award, CVGIP-Academic Society Taiwan, 2005. • Prof.Ja-Ling Wu and Prof. Ming Ouhyoung:Fu Ssu-nien Award (for contributions to Industry-University Cooperative Research), National Taiwan University, 2005. • Prof. Ja-Ling Wu:Outstanding Faculty Award of Electrical Engineering, 2005. • Prof. Chih-Wen Hsueh: Best Paper Award, IEEE Inte’l conf. on Embedded and Real Time Systems and Applications, 2005.
Ⅳ.Research and Services • Research 1. Research Areas
2. Related Research Labs. • Communications and Multimedia Lab. (Profs. Ja-Ling Wu & Ming Ouhyoung & Winston H.Hsu) • Image and Vision Lab. (Profs. Yi-Ping Hung) • Embedded Systems and Wireless Networking Lab. (Profs. Ai-Chun Pang & Chi-Sheng Shih & Chih-Wen Hsueh) • Machine Discovery and Social Network Mining Lab. (Prof. Shou-De Lin) ….
3. Large Scale Projects • Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of University (Phase Ⅱ)-Content Science for a Media-Rich Life.卓越延續計畫-多媒體生活環境的數位內容科學 • NTU Center for Information and Electronics Technologies資電中心(優勢重點領域拔尖計畫) • The National Science & Technology Program for Telecommunications (NTP)電信國家型計畫-數位家庭: 網路, 平台, 與應用 • Intimate Media Agent: Enabling Affective Content Experience from Media Context.產學合作計畫-感人媒體精靈:結合媒體內涵創造感動人心之使用經驗
4. Selected Research Results: Image and Vision Lab(Prof. Yi-Ping Hung) Multi-Resolution Displays Virtual Exhibition Visual Surveillance Computer-Human Interaction
HW (Platform) (N+1)th Dwell Nth Dwell Embedded Systems and Wireless Networking Lab(Prof. Chi-Sheng Shih) Assisted Living Multi-resource Constraint scheduling HW/SW Co-design Digital Home Security Gateway
Embedded Systems and Wireless Networking Lab (Prof. Ai-Chun Pang)
MultiCore DualCore UniCore GPU NIC DMA CPU SOC … SoCOS Architecture Embedded Systems and Wireless Networking Lab. (Prof. Chih-Wen Hsueh) SOCOS on SOA User Tasks Tools SoCKernel Kernel Services Middlewares Device Drivers Libraries User Space Kernel Space Ubiquitous Message Passing microkernel HAL
Tiling Slideshow 7 5 2 1 3 4 6 8 Music Beats Time 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 • A kind of new media that provides user elaborate photo browsing experience. • Photo filtering & organization • Music beat analysis • Spatial and temporal composition issues J.-C. Chen, W.-T. Chu, J.-H. Kuo, C.-Y. Weng, and J.-L. Wu, “Tiling Slideshow,” Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Conference, pp. 25-34, 2006. (Best technical full paper award)
Visual Region-of-Interest Determination • Video segmentation • Visual attention modeling • Camera motion registration • Media aesthetics theory • Feature fusion issues W.-H. Cheng, W.-T. Chu, and J.-L. Wu, “A Visual Attention Based Region-of-interest Determination Framework for Video Sequences,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems Journal, vol. E-88D, no. 7, pp. 1578-1586, July 2005.
Cubical Marching Squares: Adaptive Surface Extraction from Volume Data with Sharp Features and Better Topology • Resolving topology ambiguity with sharp features and eliminating inter-cell dependency by sampling face sharp features. Best one for sculpting etc. • Chien-Chang Ho, Pei-Lun Lee, Yung-Yu Chuang, Bing-Yu Chen, Ming Ouhyoung, Eurographics 2005, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 537-545, 2005 , Ireland, August, 2005. (Best Student Paper Award) Results Comparison of methods
Hand Shadow Illusions and 3D DDR Based on Efficient Model Retrieval • Real-time installation art and demo • First one from Taiwan • Got most discussion in Internet, and attracted hundreds of participants for personal trial. • J.S. Yeh, J.Y Chiang, T.H. Huan, L.F. Lin, Y.C Tsai, L.K Wang, D.Y.Chen, Y.Y Chuang, B.Y. Chen, M. Ouhyoung, "", Emerging Technology, SIGGRAPH2006, Boston, USA, July 2006.
Animating Picture We explore the problem of enhancing still pictures with subtly animated motions. The result is a looping video texture created from a single still image. We demonstrate the technique on a variety of photographs and paintings. Yung-Yu Chuang et. Al. Animating Pictures with Stochastic Motion Textures. In ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2005), 24(3), Los Angeles, 2005.
Real-Time Triple Product on GPU We implemented triple product on GPUs so that it can render the effects of bump mapping, SBRDF, anisotropic BRDF, soft shadows and glossy materials in real time. Wan-Chun Ma et. al. Real-Time Triple Product Relighting Using Spherical Local-Frame Parameterization. In The Visual Computer (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2006), 22(9),, Taipei, 2006.
Communications & Multimedia Lab.(Prof. Winston Hsu) Large-Scale Video Structuring, Threading, and Retrieval • Feature fusion and selection from heterogeneous modalities • Automatic discovery of semantic mid-level features • Semantic threading across video sources • Video search reranking through recurrent patterns topicthreading documentsimilarity low-level features multimedia content audio video search models &classifiers featureselection video video unit structuring text mid-levelfeatures
TRECVID 2003 TRECVID 2004 TRECVID 2001 TRECVID 2002 TRECVID 2005 24 Participants 38 Participants 12 Participants 17 Participants 65 Participants 73 Hours of video from Prelinger archives 220 Hours of ARB, ENG, & CHN news, BBC stock shots 11 Hours of NIST video 133 Hours of 1998 ABC, CNN news & C-SPAN 173 Hours of 1998 ABC, CNN news & C-SPAN TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Communications & Multimedia Lab.(Prof. Winston Hsu) • Goal – to promote progress in content-based video retrieval via open metric-based evaluation, supported by NIST, USA • Tasks including video story segmentation, high-level concept detection, rushes exploitation, and automatic video search • Achieving one of the best systems since 2003 • Affiliating with Columbia University and IBM TJ Watson Growing Participation Growing Data Sets *courtesy of John Smith, IBM TJW
Arabic English Chinese English Augmenting Image/Video Search with Multimodal Recurrences Communications & Multimedia Lab.(Prof. Winston Hsu) Examples of topic “Pope sorry for his remarks on Muslim” in three languages, collected on 09/17/2006 • Improving text-based image/video search with multimodal similarities between documents across sources and domains • Formulating the solution as a random-walk framework • Requiring no query expansion, search examples, or pre-trained models • First work to consider recurrent patterns – improving text-based search up to 40%
1.Electronic Holmes (Knowledge discovery in complex networks) 3:Explanation-based Knowledge Discovery 5:Information Retrieval and Information Extraction 6:Ancient Script Decipherment Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Social Network Analysis 4 1 Natural Language Processing Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2 5 6 3 4:Semantic Analysis (how machine can understand human language) 2.Interesting Instance Discovery (finding interesting things from data) (Prof. Shou-De Lin)Intelligent Information Process
MPEG Enc Super Resolution & Enhancement Interactive cropper Mosaicking Mosaicking Temporal synchronization Focal length compensation Registration White balancing Color Matching MPEG Enc zoom in SD level asynchronous MPEG-2, MPEG-4 SD level (720x480) MPEG-2, MPEG-4 HD level (1280x720) (1920x1080) MPEG-2, MPEG-4 HD level High Visual Quality (Prof. Ming-Sui Lee) Image Mosaic and Super Resolution