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Muslims in Medieval Sicily. Nick Myarick History 390. Maps. Depicts information about the conquest of Sicily in a geographic format Launch points of conquest into Sicily When and where conquest was launched from Battles for towns and cities in Sicily Muslim and Norman conquests
Muslims in Medieval Sicily Nick Myarick History 390
Maps • Depicts information about the conquest of Sicily in a geographic format • Launch points of conquest into Sicily • When and where conquest was launched from • Battles for towns and cities in Sicily • Muslim and Norman conquests • https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=209904471422722426262.0004cfa42820befa473ce&msa=0 • https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=209904471422722426262.0004d11950f47fdf986fa&msa=0
Charts • Provide information/statistics regarding the Muslim and Norman conquests of Sicily from the 9th to 11th centuries • Towns/cities seized by year • Provides information on the diminished presence of Islam in Italy • Number of mosques in Italy since Muslims conquered Sicily • Numbers decreased but are on the rise again • Shows Islam was once a strong presence in Italy, but the people have moved away from that aspect of their past • //chart.googleapis.com/chart?chf=a,s,000000&chxr=0,20,500|1,800,2012&chxs=1,676767,11.5,0,lt,676767&chxtc=0,20&chxt=y,x&chs=460x240&cht=lxy&chco=FF0000,FF0000&chds=0,2000,0,500,0,100,0,500&chd=t:-1|0,310,5,50,110|-1|-1&chdl=Mosques&chdlp=b&chls=2,4,1|1&chma=5,5,5,25|10,10&chtt=Mosques+in+Italy&chts=000000,14.5 • //chart.googleapis.com/chart?chxr=0,828,1091|1,0,5&chxs=0,676767,12.5,1,lt,676767|1,676767,12.5,0,lt,676767&chxt=x,y&chs=540x345&cht=lc&chd=s:MMMxYMMMMxMMMMl&chdl=Cities%2FTowns+conquered&chg=29,-1,1,1&chls=1&chm=B,C5D4B5BB,0,0,0,1&chtt=Number+of+Conquests+in+Sicily+by+Year&chts=000000,12.5
Computational Tools • Ngram Viewer • Depicted frequency of how often terms related to Muslim Sicily were used in books from the 19th to 21st century. • Names of historical figures from Muslim Sicily most frequently used. • http://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=Muslim+Sicily%2CIslamic+Sicily%2CIslamic+Italy%2CIbn+Jubayr%2C+Hugo+Falcandus&year_start=1800&year_end=2000&corpus=17&smoothing=3&share= • BYU Corpora • Muslim Sicily does not generate many results • Primarily only in Google Books Corpus • Still only minimal results though • Topic is not very popular or widely researched