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This Document Provides you the information regarding the treatments for Spinecare in Ayurveda. Go through the Article to Know more about the Spine care diseases.
Vardhan Ayurveda Provides the Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Spine Care in Hyderabad. Vardhan Ayurveda is known for its speciality to deliver Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Spine Care in Hyderabad. Ayurveda is the oldest documented system of science of medicine, so it is called as “The Mother of All Sciences.” Ayurveda has its historical roots in India. Ayurvedic doctors infer that mental existence, Physical existence, and personality as a unit. Each of these components influences each other. Spine related issues can certainly cripple a person. The foundation for the whole body is the spine. Sitting for long time and similar postures when practised for long time would result in spine problems. There are muscles inserted between each vertebra. These muscles act as shock absorbers. They help the spine stay erect. Incidentally, man is the only animal who is able to stand erect. There are both advantages and disadvantages due to this. Spinal Cord tumours compress the spine and nerve roots and cause excruciating pain. Tips to Control Back Pain: 1)Regular Exercise of the Back 2)Walking can help prevent back injuries. 3)Maintaining healthy body weight would definitely help. 4)Maintaining healthy and safe postures is important. 5)Try to avoid heavy lifting as much as possible.
Vardhan Ayurveda Provides treatment for Spondylitis Cervical Spondylitis Lumbar Spondylitis Cervical Radiculopathy Lumbar Radiculopathy Cervical Myelopathy Lumbar Myelopathy Spodylolisthe Spondylo Arthropathy Spinal Stenosis Coccydynia Spinal Arthritis DISH Spinal Tumours Pott’s Spine Ankylosing Spondylitis Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Chronic Back Pain Syndrome Vardhan Ayurveda extremely competent in providing excellent Ayurvedic cure because: 1.They use rare and effective medicinal herbs. 2.They have special Ayurvedic diet secret plans. 3.Medicinal Poultice or Upanaha 4.Dhanyamla: Pouring of fermented medicated liquid Figure 1 Dhanyamla Treatment One of the reasons for why Vardhan Ayurveda is known for its speciality to deliver Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Spine Care in Hyderabad is because of dhanyamala service that they cater to their patients with spine problems.
5.Kati Vasti: It is an Ayurvedic therapy for lower back pain. Kati vasti is kns Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Spine Care in Hyderabad own as a traditional Ayurvedic therapy used for lower backache and disorders of lumber-sacral region, including slip disc and degenerative changes of spine. Figure 2 Kati Vasti http://purnayoo.com/static/img/treatments/Kati_Vasti_Spinal_care_Ayurveda_Kerala_Purnayoo.jpg 6.Pizhichil/Oil bath: Pizhichil is squeezing of warm medicated oil on the body of the patient. Pizhichil means squeezing. The therapy is a combination of two Ayurvedic treatments called Snehana/oil massage) and Swedana /heat treatment). Any Spine Problem, which needs effective care, can be treated with Ayurveda at Vardhan Ayurveda.