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Leonardo Da Vinci . Roberta Manoni Leonardo da Vinci and KA4 Programme Coordinator Unit Lifelong Learning: Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and Dissemination Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency . What this presentation is about?. Leonardo general call
Leonardo Da Vinci Roberta Manoni Leonardo da Vinci and KA4 Programme Coordinator Unit Lifelong Learning: Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and Dissemination Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
What this presentation is about? • Leonardo general call • Leonardo Sector skills alliance specific call • Some advice for successful projects • Useful links
Specific objectives Leonardo Da Vinci • Community programme for cooperation in vocational education and training. • Specific Objectives: • Acquisition and use of knowledge, skills and qualifications personal development and labour market participation • Quality and innovation in VET systems, institutions and practices • Attractiveness of VET and mobility for employers and individuals and facilitating the mobility of working trainees
Operational objectives Leonardo Da Vinci a) Improve quality and increase volume of mobility throughout Europe increase placements in enterprises to at least 80.000 per year b) Improve quality and increase volume of cooperation throughout Europe between VET institutions/organisations, enterprises, social partners and other relevant bodies c) Development of innovative practices in VET transfer throughout Europe
Operational objectives Leonardo Da Vinci d) Improve transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences e) Learning of modern foreign languages f) Development of innovative ICT-based content, pedagogies, practices and services
MP for Development of Innovation MP-DoIare transnational cooperation projects that aim to improve the quality of training systems through the development of innovative contents, methods and procedures within VET • react to an innovation pressure (gap) that several countries have in common and should lead to brand new solutions for the identified needs: clear benefit with European-scope • production of tangible materials, products, methods and approaches in the field of vocational training and guidance (no training activities as such) • plan a lot of time for development and enough time for testing (therefore DOI can be 3 years long) • solutions are introduced in all partner countries; consider IPR 9
MP for Development of Innovation - priorities: Implementing ECVET for transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/doc50_en.htm Improving quality assurance systems in VET http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/doc1134_en.htm Developing Vocational Skills considering the labour market needs – New Skills for New Jobs http://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=6328&langId=enhttp://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=958 10
Networks should aim at strengthening the link between the various ‘actors’ involved in vocational training, to improve the quality, European dimension and visibility of activities or issues of common interest in the field of vocational and educational training. Objectives: facilitate cooperation between VET actors, enterprises, economic sectors, social partners and training organisations bring together and communicate European expertise & innovative approaches identify trends and skills requirements and improve the anticipated benefit of vocational training programmes Implementation principles: carry out a work programme on a defined VET issue in a sector: EU grant is not for the existence of the network per se! ensure sustainability: from the outset a network should foresee a strategy to allow its activities to be continued provide for the enlargement of the network Networks 11
1. Cooperation between the VET and world of work Development & reinforcement of cooperation between VET and the world of work in line with the “Agenda for New Skills for New Jobs” initiative Can include for example peer reviews, reflections on methods and tools or on pedagogical approaches, or the preparation of sector skills councils Sectors undergoing structural adjustments or rapid evolutions are particularly encouraged 2. Development of mobility strategies in VET Cooperation between local authorities, competent bodies and enterprises on enhancing mobility Identifying, promoting and disseminating ideas, strategies and structures in the area of learning mobility, not only inside the network but also to external interested parties. Networks - priorities: 12
Leonardo Da Vinci Eligible Participants • VET institutions or organisations • VET associations and representatives • Enterprises, social partners and others • Bodies providing guidance, counselling and information services • Bodies responsible for systems and policies • Higher education institutions and research centres • Non-profit organisations, voluntary bodies, NGOs
Overview of 2011 selection results – examples of themes: Multilateral projects (I) Priority 1 ECVET Priority 2 EQAVET • Transnational Recognition • of Eur. Certification in VET • VET Quality in ICT • Electrical engineers vocational • education transparency
Overview of 2011 selection results examples of themes: Multilateral projects (II) Priority 3 New Skills for New Jobs • Training & Development • of Eur. Competences on • Maintenance • of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles • Towards European Language • Learning for Medical • professionals • Training on the • Internationalization of SMEs 15
Overview of 2011 selection results examples of themes: Networks Priority 1 Cooperation VET / World of work Priority 2 Mobility strategies • Regional Approach to • Innovation for VET • and Learning Communities • The European host companies • Network for the promotion of • International workplace training • Network for the Accreditation • of the Managerial Skills • International catalogue • of study visits in SMEs
Overview of 2011 selection results examples of themes :Accompanying Measures • MOB 2.0 – Promotion • of LDV Mobility Results • Women Entrepreneurship • on the verge of ICT • Integrated Maritime • Promotion Action • Drivers & Road Transport • Instructors Vocational • European Network
ADAM – Leonardo project portal How to find ALL centralised projects: 1. Go to web page - http://www.adam- europe.eu/adam/project/extendedsearch.htm 2. For « COUNTRY » chose « EU – Centralised projects » How to find specific centralised projects: 2. For « Project type » choose « Development of Innovation » OR « Network » OR « Accompanying measure » How to find progress report of a specific project: 3. Go to the section « PRODUCTS » 4. Click « Progress report », then « Product downloads area »
AWARD CRITERIA • Relevance • Quality of the work programme • Innovative character • Quality of the consortium • European added value • The cost benefit-ratio • Impact • Quality of the valorisation plan (dissemination and exploitation of the results) • Where applicable: participation of organisations fromthird countries
AWARD CRITERIA Can be found in: • Lifelong Learning Programme Guide - Part II b – Explanations by Action (available on http://ec.europa.eu/education/llp/doc1943_en.htm) • Instructions for completing the application form and the financial tables (available on http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/funding/2012/call_lifelong_learning_2012.php): Experts’ assessment grids with award criteria + points to be addressed by experts in the assessment
Call for proposals EAC / S01 / 2012 Specific call Pilot project for the development of Sector Skills Alliances http://ec.europa.eu/education/calls/s0112_en.htm Benoît Desjeux DG Education and Culture Unit B4 – Vocational training; Leonardo da Vinci benoit.desjeux@ec.europa.eu
Sector Skills Alliances : call 2012 • Large-scale and multilateral partnerships, At least 7 partners covering 5 LLP participating countries (including 4 MS) • 3 categories of stakeholders : VET providers, sector expertise, policy/decision makers (with at least one representative from each category) • Duration : 12 or 24 months • Maximum grant : 400 000 Euros • Co-financing : 75% • Deadline 16/8
Sector Skills Alliances : objectives • Bring education closer to labour market in order to better match VET provision with skills needs • improve economic sectors' competitiveness • implement the “New skills for jobs” agenda… • Promote innovation, mutual trust and mobility tools • develop innovative ways of vocational teaching and training (WBL, ICT…) • implement learning outcomes (ECVET, EQF…), quality assurance (EQAVET)… • Target dissemination strategy • internet platforms, guidance services, human resource managers, VET schools • Achieve systemic impact on training provision
SectorSkills Alliances : activities Conclusions on skills needs or European core profile based on robust evidence • (Skills, occupation and qualification survey or analysis when needed) Joint curriculum design • (e.g.: translate skills or occupation profile into curricula, common standard or reference, European tools implementation) Joint curriculum delivery • (e.g.: implementation of work based learning or innovative ways of teaching and learning; development of new learning opportunities) Dissemination
SectorSkills Alliances : categories of partner • 1) VET providers • Public or private VET providers, • including higher education and research bodies specialised in E&T. • 2) Sector specific expertise • Sector or professional association • Social partners • Economic or skills bodies (e.g. chambers, agencies for economic development, skills observatories ...) • 3) Bodies involved in education and training • Policy makers or decision makers • Qualification, accreditation and awarding bodies • Guidance and counselling services • NB : Large enterprises, SMEs (including craft industry) are relevant if any above capacities
SectorSkillsAlliances, call 2012 • 5 economic sectors : • Automotive industry • Aeronautic industry • Health and social work • Energy saving including sustainable construction • Tourism and catering
AWARD CRITERIA 1) Relevance (30%)2) Quality of the work programme (25%)3) Quality of the Partnership (25%)4) Sustainability and expected impact on partnership participants (20%)
Useful tips Respond to the policy priorities. All communications are sent to the co-ordinator’s address: make sure that you indicate the right person and the right address (both e-mail and postal) on the application form. Strong proposal is: Coherent (problems, solutions, target groups, activities, budget, ambitions/resources/competence); Simple (objectives, approach); Evidence based (ex-ante needs analysis, state of art); Clear (identifying the need for such proposal, the solutions, and the outputs) Rigorous in its planning (which activities, when, for how long, and with what resources); Explicit (do not give for granted any information, if it is not in the application it cannot be taken into account); Circumscribed (a proposal is not about solving the worlds' problems, but about solving a specific issue however complex this might be). 30
Information sources Documents and contacts (I) VET policy: http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/doc60_en.htm Leonardo da Vinci: http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/doc82_en.htm ADAM projectdatabase: http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/homepageView.htm ADAM thematic groups (projects on New Skills; ECVET; Quality assurance) http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/thematicgroups EACEA LLP : http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/index_en.php http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/events/infodays_2012/infoday_llp_2012_en.php
Documents and contacts (II) ECVET projects (2008 and 2010 specific calls for proposals): http://www.ecvet-projects.eu/ EQAVET projects (2010 specific call for proposals) : http://www.eqavetprojects.eu CEDEFOP (European Centre for Development of VET): http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/ E-mail Leonardo da Vinci: EACEA-Leonardo-da-Vinci@ec.europa.eu