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Understanding Allylic Systems: Conjugation & Reactivity in Alkadienes

Explore the conjugation in alkadienes, stability of allylic carbocations, nucleophilic reactions of allylic halides, and key concepts in Allylic Systems. Learn about allylic radicals, halogenation, NMR spectra interpretation, and diene classification.

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Understanding Allylic Systems: Conjugation & Reactivity in Alkadienes

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  1. Chapter 10Conjugation in Alkadienes andAllylic Systems • Conjugare is a Latin verb meaning "to link or yoke together."

  2. C C C C C C + • Allylic carbocation Allylic radical C C C C Conjugated diene The Double Bond as a Substituent

  3. H H C C H H C H 10.1The Allyl Group

  4. Allylic carbon Vinylic carbons Vinylic versus Allylic C C C

  5. Vinylic versus Allylic H C C H C H Vinylic hydrogens are attached to vinylic carbons.

  6. H H C C H C Vinylic versus Allylic Allylic hydrogens are attached to allylic carbons.

  7. Vinylic versus Allylic X C C X C X Vinylic substituents are attached to vinylic carbons.

  8. Vinylic versus Allylic X X C C X C Allylic substituents are attached to allylic carbons.

  9. + C C C 10.2Allylic Carbocations

  10. Allylic Carbocations • Allylic carbocations are more stable than other carbocations. CH3 CH3 + + H2C C C CH CH3 CH3 CH3 Formed faster

  11. CH3 + H2C CH CH3 Allylic Carbocations • Allylic carbocations are more stable than other carbocations. CH3 + C C CH3 CH3 H2C=CH— stabilizes C+ better than does CH3—.

  12. Stabilization of Allylic Carbocations • Delocalization of electrons in the doublebond stabilizes the carbocation. • Resonance modelOrbital overlap model

  13. CH3 CH3 + + C C H2C H2C CH CH CH3 CH3 CH3 C + + H2C CH CH3 Resonance Model

  14. Orbital Overlap Model + +

  15. Orbital Overlap Model

  16. Orbital Overlap Model

  17. Orbital Overlap Model

  18. 10.3 & 10.4Nucleophilic Substitution Reactionsof Allylic Halides SN1 (and SN2) reactions are faster for allylic halides than corresponding nonallylic halides.

  19. CH3 Cl H2C C C CH CH3 Allylic Carbocations • A tertiary allylic halide undergoes solvolysis (SN1) faster than a simple tertiary alkyl halide. CH3 Cl CH3 CH3 123 1 Relative rates (ethanolysis, 45°C)

  20. CH3 Cl H2C C CH CH3 CH3 CH3 C CH + HOCH2 OH H2C C CH CH3 CH3 (15%) (85%) Hydrolysis of an Allylic Halide H2O Na2CO3

  21. CH3 C CH ClCH2 CH3 CH3 CH3 C CH + HOCH2 OH H2C C CH CH3 CH3 (15%) (85%) Corollary Experiment H2O Na2CO3

  22. CH3 CH3 C CH Cl ClCH2 H2C C CH CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 + + C C H2C H2C CH CH CH3 CH3 and Give the same products because they form the same carbocation.

  23. (85%) (15%) CH3 CH3 + C CH OH HOCH2 H2C C CH CH3 CH3 More positive charge on tertiary carbon;therefore, more tertiary alcohol in product. CH3 CH3 + + C C H2C H2C CH CH CH3 CH3

  24. Cl H2C CH2 CH Allylic SN2 Reactions • Allylic halides also undergo SN2 reactions • faster than simple primary alkyl halides. Cl H3C CH2 CH2 1 80 Relative rates Reason: steric and electronic effects.

  25. C C C 10.5Allylic Free Radicals

  26. • C C C C C C Allylic Free Radicals Are Stabilized byElectron Delocalization

  27. Allylic Free Radicals Are Stabilized byElectron Delocalization • Spin density is a measure of the unpaired electron distribution in a molecule. • The unpaired electron in allyl radical "divides its time" equally between C-1 and C-3.

  28. Allylic Free Radicals Are Stabilized byElectron Delocalization Spin density in allyl radical

  29. CHCH2 CHCH2—H H2C H2C Free-Radical Stabilities Are Related toBond-Dissociation Energies • C—H bond is weaker in propene because resulting radical (allyl) is more stable than radical (propyl) from propane. 410 kJ/mol • + CH3CH2CH2—H CH3CH2CH2 H• • 368 kJ/mol + H•

  30. 10.6Allylic Halogenation

  31. ClCH2CHCH3 Cl CHCH3 H2C CHCH2Cl H2C Chlorination of Propene Addition + Cl2 500°C + HCl Substitution

  32. Allylic Halogenation • Selective for replacement of allylic hydrogen. • Free radical mechanism. • Allylic radical is intermediate.

  33. H H .. . Cl : C C .. H C Hydrogen-Atom Abstraction Step H • Allylic C—H bond weaker thanvinylic. • Chlorineatom abstracts allylic H in propagation step. H 410 kJ/mol 368 kJ/mol H

  34. .. Cl : : H .. Hydrogen-Atom Abstraction Step H H • C C H H C 410 kJ/mol 368 kJ/mol H

  35. Br O O heat + + NBr NH CCl4 O O (82-87%) N-Bromosuccinimide • Reagent used (instead of Br2) for allylic bromination.

  36. Limited Scope Allylic halogenation is only used when: • All of the allylic hydrogens are equivalent • and • the resonance forms of allylic radicalare equivalent.

  37. H H H H Example Cyclohexene satisfies both requirements. All allylichydrogens areequivalent. H H H H • • H H Both resonance forms are equivalent.

  38. CH3CH CHCH3 But • • CH3CH CH CH2 CH3CH CH CH2 Two resonance forms are not equivalent;gives mixture of isomeric allylic bromides. Example All allylichydrogens areequivalent. 2-Butene

  39. 10.8 Classes of Dienes

  40. C Classification of Dienes • Isolated diene • Conjugated diene • Cumulated diene

  41. C Nomenclature • (2E,5E)-2,5-Heptadiene • (2E,4E)-2,4-Heptadiene • 3,4-Heptadiene

  42. 10.9Relative Stabilitiesof Dienes

  43. Heats of Hydrogenation • 1,3-Pentadiene is 26 kJ/mol more stable than 1,4-pentadiene, but some of this stabilization is because it also contains a more highly substituted double bond. 252 kJ/mol 226 kJ/mol

  44. 126 kJ/mol 111 kJ/mol Heats of Hydrogenation 126 kJ/mol 115 kJ/mol 252 kJ/mol 226 kJ/mol

  45. Heats of Hydrogenation • When terminal double bond is conjugated with other double bond, its heat of hydrogenation is 15 kJ/mol less than when isolated. 126 kJ/mol 111 kJ/mol

  46. Heats of Hydrogenation • This extra 15 kJ/mol is known by several terms: • Stabilization energy • Delocalization energy • Resonance energy 126 kJ/mol 111 kJ/mol

  47. H° = -295 kJ/mol H2C CH2CH3 H° = -125 kJ/mol Heats of Hydrogenation Cumulated double bonds have relatively high heats of hydrogenation. + CH3CH2CH3 C 2H2 H2C CH2 + CH3CH2CH3 H2

  48. C Stabilities of Dienes • Conjugated diene = most stable • Isolated diene • Cumulated diene = least stable

  49. 10.10Bondingin Conjugated Dienes

  50. Isolated diene 1,4-Pentadiene 1,3-Pentadiene Conjugated diene

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