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End Times Prophecy: Last Days of Israel and Restoration of Jerusalem

Explore the symbolic numbers in the Bible related to Israel's creation in 1948, the end of the 2,520 years of iniquity, and the beginning of the last days as prophesied. Learn about the Rapture Generation, the Church Age, the Great Christian Tribulation, and the Millennium era described in Scripture. Delve into the events leading to Christ's return, the defeat of the Antichrist, and the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel. Discover the intricate details of Daniel's 70th week, the Throne Room scene, and the reign of the redeemed with Christ. Uncover the significance of the 24 elders and the 4 Living Ones surrounding the throne, as described in Revelation and Daniel's visions.

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End Times Prophecy: Last Days of Israel and Restoration of Jerusalem

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  1. Bible numbers used symbolically

  2. Creation of Israel as a nation in 1948 A.D. and restoration of Jerusalem ended the 2,520 time of iniquity (servitude of the land and Jerusalem) as prophesized by Ezekiel 4 and began what Scripture calls the last days, end times or latter days.See study of Israel’s 3 steps to the Kingdom. Rapture Generation Matt 24:34 ChristreturnsAntichristdefeated.Kingdom of Israelrestored.Millen-niumbegins. Church Age (Rev 2,3). Church Age ends 3 ½ yrs after the rapture. These 3 ½ yrs are the Great Christian Tribulation. Then Daniel’s 70th week begins. C H U R C H A G E(gap between Daniel’s 69th and 70th week)

  3. Click here forquick view of6 seals, 7 trumpet andvial judgments

  4. Rev 5:8-10 Redeemed as Priests and Kings and we will reign on the earth w/Christ 24 Elders, 4 Living Ones around the throne God the Father (Ancient of Days) Christreturnsto earthwithsavedimmortalSaints Christ takes the 7 sealed book and opens seals Rev 6 Christ gives orders to the 4 living ones who send forth the 4 horsemen with orders. First 4 seals TrIbM artyrsraIsed 144000Sealed RaptureRev 4 Earthtilted Beast;FalseProphet;The mark 666 Millennium Terrible Day Of The Lord Christian Tribulation Period Wrath mixed with grace 3 ½ yrs Pure wrath without mixture 7 yrs Millennium

  5. Throne room scene the raptured Church will see in heaven as told by John Revelation Chapter 4 Daniel called Father theAncient of Days wearingwhite raiment and hair as pure woolin Dan 7:9 John saw just the glory of the Father asa precious jasper and Sardine stone. Round about was a rainbow as like an Emerald First the trumpet call to the Church. As the Holy Spirit appeared as dove upon Jesus, tongues of fire at Pentecost, now as 7 lamps as torches like the Olympics saying let the judgments of God begin 24 Elders seatedaround the throne clothed in white raiment and wearing crowns of gold 4 Beasts (Living Ones) A face of Lion, Ox, Man, Eagle. Each had 6 wings and eyes within and without Subject: Throne

  6. Rev 5:8-10 Redeemed as Priests and Kings and we will reign on the earth w/Christ 24 Elders, 4 Living Ones around the throne God the Father (Ancient of Days) Christreturnsto earthwithsavedimmortalSaints Christ takes the 7 sealed book and opens seals Rev 6 Christ gives orders to the 4 living ones who send forth the 4 horsemen with orders. First 4 seals TrIbM artyrsraIsed 144000Sealed RaptureRev 4 Earthtilted Millennium Christian Tribulation Period Terrible Day Of The Lord Wrath mixed with grace 3 ½ yrs Pure wrath without mixture 7 yrs Rev12

  7. Noah’s day – a picture ofRapture Generation New beginning Thronescast down Ancient of Days Daniel 7:11 Daniel 7:8 Daniel 7:9,10 Habakkuk 1 – 2:8 Hab 3:7-15wrath mixed w/mercy Hab 3:3-6pure wrath of God 7th Seal – Heaven’s view of 7 angels w/ 7 trumpet judgments Revelation:Heaven’sview Laodicea Church period Rev 3:14 Beast;FalseProphet;The mark 666 7th Seal – 7 vialssame as 7 trumpets but earth’s view Revelation:Earth’s view Wrath mixed w/mercy Pure wrath of God Kingdom Antichrist Reigns: 2 Thess 2:9-12Man of Deception Antichrist Revealed: 2 Thess 2:1-8 Man of Sin: Son of Perdition

  8. Millennium Kingdom 1 2 3 4 Martyr’sraised 5 Christreturns Rapture Polesshift Earthupright Eternity

  9. Comparison of four beasts of Daniel 7 and 4 metals of the image of Daniel 2 (same world empires)

  10. Great 3 ½ Year Christian Tribulation Period While the 6 seals of Rev 6 are being opened during the 3 ½ year Christian Tribulation Period the words of Jesus spoken in Matt 24 and Luke 21 concerning the same Christian tribulationperiod will be fulfilled helping the Church left behind after the rapture to survive another 3 ½ yrs. Then the Church age ends.

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