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گارگاه کامپیوتر CPU and Main Memory. تهيه كننده: علي برادران هاشمي. Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU is the main chip in the computer Brain of the PC The CPU is also called the microprocessor The most important chip in the computer
گارگاه کامپیوترCPU and Main Memory تهيه كننده: علي برادران هاشمي
Central Processing Unit (CPU) • The CPU is the main chip in the computer • Brain of the PC • The CPU is also called the microprocessor • The most important chip in the computer • Modern processors contain millions of transistors which are etched onto a tiny square silicon called a die, which is about the with of a standard thumb. • The CPU processes instructions, performs calculations, and manages the flow of information through a computer • The CPU performs millions of calculations every second
Second Memory Input Device Output Device CPU CU ALU Primary Memory Input Processing Output CPU: Central Processing Unit ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit CU : Control Unit CPU (Cont.)
Control Unit (CU) • Send signals to execute strored programs • DOES NOT execute programs but tells other to execute • Primary functions : • Read & Interpret program instructions • Direct operation of process • Control memory access (Data In/Out) • Program is loaded in RAM. • During the execution program instructions moves to control unit.
ALU • Arithmetic Operations: • Addition, subtraction, division, multipication • Logical operations : • Equal, Greater than,…
Instruction Time Execution Time Arithmetic/Logic Unit Control Unit Step 2: Decoding Step 3: Executing Step 1 : Fetching Step 4: Storing main Memory How the CPU executes Program Instructions ?
Math Coprocessor • Coprocessors take over calculations floating-point math. • Math coprocessors will speed your computer's operation when utilizing software applications that take advantage of its capabilities. • Built-in in modern CPUs.
Processor History • INTEL 4004 - microprocessor introduced in 1970 with the speed of 108khz was the worlds first microprocessor. • INTEL 8080 • running at the speed of 2 MHz was used in the world's first PC, the Altair. • INTEL 8086 1976 • 16-bit architecture that allowed it to work with 16-bit binary numbers and pass them through a 16-bit data bus. • The 8086 was available in clock speeds of 5Mhz, 8Mhz, and 10Mhz.
Processor History(Cont.) • INTEL 8088 1979 • The 8088 was the first processor used in the original IBM PC and XT personal computers. • INTEL 80286 1982 • 286 processor. • The 286 processor supported 16-bit architecture, supported virtual memory, and was available in clock speeds of 8Mhz, 10Mhz, and 12Mhz.
DX • INTEL 80386DX 1985 • The chip was available in clock speeds of 16mhz, 20mhz, 25mhz, and 33mhz. • INTEL 80486DX 1989 • The 486DX featured a built-in memory cache and 32-bit architecture. It had more than three times the computing power of the 386DX and was available in clock speeds of 25mhz, 33mhz, and 50mhz.
SX • INTEL 80386SX (1989) • The 80386SX lacked a math coprocessor however still featured the 32-bit architecture and built-in multitasking. The chip was available in clock speeds of 16mhz, 20mhz, 25mhz, and 33mhz. • INTEL 80486SX (1991) • less expensive version of the 80486DX. • It lacked the math coprocessor of the 80486DX and ran at lower clock speeds then the DX it ran at 16mhz, 20mhz, 25mhz, or 33 MHz.
Dx2 – Dx4 • INTEL 80486DX2 (march 2, 1992). • Based upon the popular 486DX. • Internal clock speeds that doubled that of the system that operated it. • A DX2 on a system with a 33mhz bus would run at 66mhz. • INTEL 80486DX4 (1993) • The 486DX4 would triple that of the system that operated it. • 100 MHz.
Pentium • INTEL PENTIUM (march 22, 1993) • designed to replace the 486 processors. • The Pentium has a 32-bit address bus and a 64-bit data bus. • It can operate at speeds of 60mhz to 200mhz. • The Pentium was released in three generations.
Pentium Generations • The first-generation of Pentium processors was the Pentium 60 and 66 MHz. • The second-generation introduced march 7, 1994 included new processors from 75, 90, 100, 120, 133, 150, 166, and 200 MHz. • The third-generation of Pentium processors code named P55C were introduced January 1997, which incorporated the new technology MMX. • The Pentium MMX processors were available 166, 200, 233 MHz, and 266 MHz mobile version.
INTEL PENTIUM PRO! • INTEL PENTIUM PRO • designed for the corporate users and for high-end servers and workstations, preferably those using windows NT. • The Pentium pro CPUs are extremely fast with 32-bit applications and 3-D image processing and rendering when compared to previous Intel processors. • The chip runs at 166mhz and higher
P2 • INTEL PENTIUM II • The Pentium II 233mhz was released in 1997 • previous owners of Pentium motherboard could not upgrade to this new type of chip unless the motherboard!? • they had included a SLOT 1 technology. The Pentium II runs from 233mhz to 450mhz.
P3 • INTEL PENTIUM III (1999) • The Pentium III chip continued to use the SLOT 1 and could be used on previous Pentium II motherboards with BIOS support. • The Intel Pentium III chips have a ID for each chip helping to authenticate peoples purchase over the internet. • Privacy
Processor Specifications • Processors can be identified by two main parameters : How wide they are and how fast they are. • The speed of a processor is fairly simple concept. • Speed is counted in MegaHertz, which means millions of cycles per second.
Processor Specifications • A little more complicated to discuss • because there are three main specifications in a process that are expressed in width: • Internal registers. • Data input and output bus. • Memory address bus.
Internal Registers or Internal Data Bus • The size of the internal registers • A register is a holding cell within the processor; • For example the processor can add numbers in two different registers, storing the result in a third register. • The register size determines the size of the data the processor can operate on.
Address Bus • The address bus is the set of wires that carries the addressing information used to describe the memory location to which the data is being sent or from which the data is being retrieved. • As with the data bus, each wire in an address bus carries a single bit of information.
Address Bus • This single bit is a single digit in the address. • The more digits used in calculating these addresses, the greater the total number of address locations. • The size of the address bus indicates the maximum amount of RAM that a chip can address.
Cache memory • A small very fast memory. • Holding recently accessed data, designed to speed up subsequent access to the same data. • When data is read from, or written to, main memory a copy is also saved in the cache, along with the associated main memory address.
Internal Level 1 (L1) Cache • All modern processors starting with the 486 family include integrated L1 cache. • L1 cache is built in to the processor die, this means it runs at full core speed of the processor. • Main system RAM is often slower than the CPU so L1 cache works as a temporary storage space between the CPU and memory.
Ok… But What Does It Do? • Think of L1 cache as local computer distributor. • When a client (CPU) calls up and requires a certain part for a computer, the distributor (L1) checks its inventory for that part. • If it has it in stock, it sends that part out right away and you get it very quickly. (Cache hit). • If that part is not in stock, it must call up its head office (RAM) and have them ship it, which takes much longer to receive. (Cache miss).
Level 2 (L2) Cache • When there is a cache miss, the processor must go to memory and read through it and locate the information. Main memory runs a lot slower then L1 cache. Because of this, it takes much longer to get the appropriate information. • L2 cache is an even larger storage space that gathers information from RAM incase there is a cache miss with the L1. This way we can speed up the process a little better.
Ok… Again what does it do? • This of L2 cache as a Regional Office • When the distributor (L1) does not have a certain item in stock, instead of calling all the way to the head office (RAM), they call the regional office (L2) which is much closer. • If the regional office (L2) has the part, they can ship it out much fast than the head office. • If the regional office (L2) does not have this part, then the head office (RAM) must be called.
Socket VS Slot • Depending on the type of processor you purchase will depict the type of motherboard you will buy. • Most computers up to the 3rd generation of Pentiums used socket technology. • When Pentium 2 CPUs arrived, slot 1 became the new style.
Slot 1 • In the late 1990's, Intel decided to abandon the Socket type CPU design and move to a edge connected, or slot form CPU. • This allows for a much larger CPU package, which usually includes tightly coupled cache to boost CPU performance. • Intel Pentium II was the first of these slot type CPUs, utilizing Slot 1, • However, in order to compete in lower cost, easier to manufacture systems, Intel returned to the Socket for with Socket 370, and both the Pentium III and Celeron are now available in Socket 370 form.
Slot A • developed by Digital Equipment for their Alpha processor • supports the new AMD Athlon, at speeds from 500 MHz to 800 MHz. • support for the Athlon’s 266MHz front side bus (FSB) appeared in the Fall of 2000 when AMD introduces it's new chipsets that support DDR (Double Data Rate) SDRAM. • AMD is phasing out Slot A in favor of Socket A.
Socket 7 and 8 • The Intel Pentium CPU is a Socket 8 device • The Intel Pentium PRO CPU is a Socket 8 device • Pentium PCs can be loosely divided into families by their CPU socket. • The majority of Pentium motherboards is Socket 7, • But some Pentium and other upgrade processors can be used on motherboards equipped with Socket 3 (486 and OverDrive CPU's), Socket 4 (60 and 66MHz Intel Pentiums) or Socket 5 (some of the mid-range Pentiums).
Socket 370 • In January 1999, Intel released a new socket for P6 class processors. • The new socket is called socket 370, because it has 370 pins and was designed for lower-cost PGA versions of the Celeron and the P3.
Socket 370 (cont.) • Intel has decided to take it's Celeron CPU back into competiton in the PGA (Pin Grid Array) Socket world, in parallel with continuing to produce it as a Slot 1 device. • Socket 370, so named for it's 370 pin grid, is NOT compatible with Socket 7 or Super 7, it just looks similar. • The Pentium III is now also available for Socket 370, but make sure your Socket 370 motherboard can handle a 100MHz or 133MHz bus before wasting a FCPGA (Flip Chip Pin Grid Array) Pentium III on it. • The Socket 370 motherboards don't carry external cache, the new Celeron for Socket 370 has 128KB on the die, the Pentium III for socket 370 has 256KB on-board.
Socket 423 and 478 • Socket 423, named for its 423 pins, • The original Pentium 4 socket. • Socket 478 is the successor to 423, supporting new sizes and speeds of the P4. • current P4s only support Rambus RIMM for high performance or the old PC133 memory for slower systems, support for 266MHz DDR is now. • The P4 is not available in a slot format.
Socket A • AMD is currently the only manufacturer of Socket A CPUs, these being the Athlon and the Duron. • Socket A CPUs are somewhat less expensive than their Slot A brothers, due to the smaller package and reduced amount of cache memory integrated with the CPU. • AMD warns that Socket A CPUs should not be used with adapters as Slot A CPUs.
Memory • Definitions of Memory • Memory is the workspace of the computer’s processor. • A temporary storage space where the programs and data being operated on must reside. • Memory refers to integrated circuits that store program instructions and data that can be retrieved. • Memory is the part of the computer that holds data and instructions for processing. • Names of Memory • primary storage ,primary memory, main storage, internal storage, main memory
RAM and ROM - Memory (2) • Random Access Memory (RAM) • Memory that provides temporary storage for data and program instructions. • The programs and data stored in RAM are erased when the power to the computer is turned off. • Read Only Memory (ROM) • Memory that can be read-only and that store data or instructions that do not change. • Data and instructions in it remains after the power is turned off.
ROM • Read Only Memory • This type of memory is Read Only meaning that it is almost impossible to write to it! • ROM is non volatile, meaning it does not require electricity for information to remain in ROM.
ROM (cont.) • Programmable ROM • Similar to ROM, except there is a fuse connected to • ground. Hence, the default value is 0. Burn the fuse to get 1. • It can only be write to once. • Firmware • Instructions that are stored in ROM are called firmware.
ROM (cont.) • Erasable PROM • A special transistor instead of the fuse (as in PROM) is used. • It allows the stored data to be erased and reprogrammed. • EPROM uses ultraviolet light to erase the content. • EEPROM uses higher than normal electricity voltage to erase the content. • The number of times it can be reprogrammed is limited. • The speed of EEPROM is slower than RAM as it can only erase and reprogram one byte at a time.
Flash memory • Flash memory is based on EEPROM technology. • It uses normal voltage to erase and reprogram. • Faster than EEPROM as it can erase and reprogram one block of memory at a time (instead of one byte at a time). • Flash memory is used in digital cellular phones, PDAs, digital cameras, LAN switches, digital set-up boxes, embedded controllers, and other devices. • In modem PCs, flash memory is commonly used to store system BIOS.
BIOS • Basic Input/Output System • The BIOS is built-in software that determines what a • computer can do without accessing programs from a disk. • It tells the microprocessor what to do after right after you turn on the computer. • On PCs, the BIOS contains all the code required to control the keyboard, display screen, disk drives, serial communications, and a number of miscellaneous functions.
RAM • DRAM :Dynamic RAM) • built from capacitors; • it’s called dynamic because it must periodically refresh the capacitors. • higher density, lower speed • used in main memory • Refreshing the memory takes processor time from other tasks. • For each refresh cycle, there are multiple processor cycles.
SDRAM: Synchronous Dynamic RAM • DDR SDRAM: Double Data Rate SDRAM • RDRAM: Rambus DRAM (proprietary) (DRDRAM)
SRAM • SRAM: Static RAM • because it does not require refreshing. • Not only are refreshes not required, SRAM is much faster then DRAM. • SRAM is available in access times of 2ns or less, which means it can keep pace with modern processors. • lower density, higher speed • SRAM uses a cluster of six transistors for each bit of storage. • Problem with SRAM is it is very expensive. • SRAM is mostly used in CACHE memory inside of processors and on motherboards
EDO DRAM • Extended Data Out RAM • became available with Pentium systems in 1995. • Allowing the memory controller to begin a new instruction while it is currently reading data at that current address. • The actually use EDO memory, your motherboard chipset must support it. • EDO is great for systems with bus speeds of up to 66mhz, which fit perfectly with the PC market through 1997. • However, in 1998 EDO lost out to a newer fast memory called SDRAM.