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The European Investment Fund & Technology Transfer. Future Internet Assembly, Dublin 8 May 2013 Dr. Piyush Unalkat. What is the EIF?. “. We’re the leading developer of risk financing for entrepreneurship and innovation across the EU. ”.
The European Investment Fund & Technology Transfer Future Internet Assembly, Dublin 8 May 2013 Dr.PiyushUnalkat
What is the EIF? “ We’re the leading developer ofrisk financing for entrepreneurshipand innovation across the EU ” HelpingSMEs, micro-enterprises and European regions innovate and grow by making finance more accessible Fulfillingour dual goal and pursuing EUpolicy objectives as well as financial sustainability Addressingmarket needs by acting as a countercyclicalinvestor in tough economic times Workingwith financial intermediaries across the 27 EU countries, EFTA and all Accession countries
A few key facts about us… “ We’ve supported over 1 Million SMEsover 15 years ” 1994founded and started providing venture capital to European businesses in 1997 2000Majority owned by the European Investment Bank (EIB) Shareholders62% EIB, 30% EC, 24 public andprivate financial institutions holding the remaining 8% AAA-ratedWe’re AAA-rated byall major rating agencies, with a strong capital base
Our objectives “ To support smart, sustainable andinclusive growth ” Working with a broad rangeof financial intermediariesto provide credit enhancementand invest in venture andgrowth capital Being Europe’s cornerstone venture and growth capitalinvestor, leading catalystto promote SME lendingand microfinance Promoting cohesionand regional and social development Bringing together nationalpublic and private partners tosupport innovation and entrepreneurship Filling the financing gapsin Europe’s economy
Helping businessesat every stage Public Stock Markets Portfolio Guarantees & Credit Enhancement Formal VC Funds & Mezzanine Funds Microcredit VC Seed & Early Stage Business Angels,Technology Transfer PRE-SEED PHASE SEED PHASE START-UP PHASE EMERGING GROWTH DEVELOPMENT SME Development Stages HIGHER RISK LOWER RISK
Our resources “ We manage resourcesfromdifferent stakeholders ” • National & Regional Funds • 20 European and regionalFunds-of-Fundsincluding Germany, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, UK • 14 Holding Fundssupported by structural fundsEUR1.3bn • European Investment Bank • Risk Capital Mandate(RCM) EUR5bn • Mezzanine Facility for Growth (MFG) EUR1bn • European Commission • Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Progr. (CIP) EUR1bn allocated to equity and guarantees • Risk-Sharing Instrument (RSI) EUR 120m • Progress MicrofinanceEUR 200m
Our impact “ ” Over 1 Million SMEs supported in 30 different countries. “ EUR 11.7bn in equity and guarantees commitments have mobilised over EUR 60bn from partner banks, investorsand other market players. ” “ Broad European coverage,- 20 Funds-of-Funds/Holding funds,- 400 Venture and Growth Capital Funds,- 150 banks, guarantee and promotional institutions ”
Involved throughoutthe business cycle TechnologyTransfer Accelerator Investing inVC funds Investing inGrowth Capital EIF Current Investment Focus Mezzanine Technology Transfer Proof of Concept Business Angels Seed Stage EarlyStage Business Angels Expansion/DevelopmentCapital LowerMid-Market Instruments to stimulateinnovation, competitivenessand cross-border investment Support VCecosystemanddecreasedependencyon public finance Catalyse hybrid debtfinance for growth Fill funding gap left by institutional investors Strategic Challenges European Commission Resources EIB / EIF Resources Member States / Private Sector Resources
Bridging the gap between research and the market Technology Transfer “technology IP” Marketable Product“prototype IP” R&D University / Research Organisation Spin-out Market Licensing Collaboration (contract research) IP / Idea
Contact Dr.PiyushUnalkat EuropeanInvestmentFund 15 avenue J.F. Kennedy L-2968 Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG Em: p.unalkat@eif.org Tf: +352 2485 81529