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Sustainable Development in Inspection

Explore the pivotal role of sustainable development in inspection practices to raise standards and improve lives. Learn how to integrate sustainable development to benefit learners, providers, and the community.

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Sustainable Development in Inspection

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  1. Sustainable Development in Inspection Bryan Davies HMI

  2. Ofsted – our purpose We will raise standards and improve lives by: • serving children and learners • encouraging services to improve • securing value for money

  3. “From Here to Sustainability ” • Makes a strong case sustainable development being at the heart of all learning. • Stresses that ‘all learners should acquire sustainable development skills that will equip them to lead their lives and work in a sustainable way and to influence others to do the same’.

  4. Sustainable development in inspection - our intention We will evaluate the contribution that providers are making to a sustainable future by : • ensuring our frameworks take account of sustainable development • providing guidance and training for inspectors • encouraging providers to consider sustainable development in their own self assessment. Sustainable Development Plan (2010)

  5. An integrated approach to sustainable development in inspection • Raises profile and status of sustainable development without adding to the burden of inspection • Encourages inclusion of sustainable development considerations within self assessment • Inspectors can use existing inspection processes to gather evidence and evaluate progress in sustainable development • Focusing on particular aspects of SD through our survey programme and disseminating examples of effective practice

  6. Aspect A - Outcomes for learners

  7. Aspect B – Quality of provision

  8. B2. How effectively does the provision meets the needs and interests of users?

  9. B3. How effectively does the provider use partnerships to develop its provision to meet learners’ needs?

  10. Aspect C - Leadership and Management • C1. How effectively do leaders and managers raise expectations and promote ambition throughout the organisation? • C4. How effectively does the provider actively promote equality and diversity, tackle discrimination and narrow the achievement gap? • C5. How effectively does the provider engage with users to support and promote improvement?

  11. Ofsted Findings (unpublished) Most successful where: • there is leadership at the most senior level • “sustainable” policies which inform organisation wide decisions • there is strong CSR ethos • education for sustainability encourages learners to evaluate their impact on the future • sustainable development champions make a positive contribution • staff development to raise awareness and empower staff

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