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Staff Call 22 Oct 2012. Quote of the Day. “ Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.” - 1 Corinthians 16:13 OCF (Officer Christian Fellowship) will be this Wednesday at 19:30 at cFanning’s house (address will be sent in email). S1. Baby?. A S1-CULP.
Quote of the Day “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.” -1 Corinthians 16:13 • OCF (Officer Christian Fellowship) will be this Wednesday at 19:30 at cFanning’s house (address will be sent in email)
S1 • Baby?
A S1-CULP • That’s you Alyssa
A S1-SPO • Tent Setup • A Co this weekend • Alumni Weekend • 26-27 October • Park and Crisler
S2 Weather: Mostly sunny, high of 78, low of 44 Community Alert: Continue to use caution along Devon Lane and surrounding neighborhoods Current Events: Baby Mueller! Continued violence in Middle East Talk of military intervention in N. Mali Increasing concern of cyber terrorism by Iran
S3 • Mentorship Binder Inspection today • ASU inspection next Co meetings 29OCT12 • Staff Ride Date Poll up on Facebook • OPORD paragraphs Thursday the week before • CONOPs 2 weeks before *
OCT 2012 Basic Lab: NO LAB Basic Lab: TCCC#4 CAMPUS EVENTS BN EVENTS TRAINING HOLIDAY CAMPUS EVENTS BN EVENTS TRAINING HOLIDAY OTHER LAB/ TRAINING/MEETING CADRE ACTION Last Day to Drop Class Registration For Spring Sem. BN Halloween Run Homecoming JMU V/S GA State Advanced Lab: Movement to Contact (MTC) Ranger Challenge Basic Lab: NO LAB Advanced Lab: Squad Ambush Basic Lab: TCCC#4 Ranger Challenge @ FT Pickett Military Appreciation Day OPORD DEC Commission Invites Sent Ranger Challenge Recovery (T) LTG Mason OPD MS III/IV APFT Failure Retest Ranger Challenge PCC/PCI Final MS III/IV APFT Failure FRAGO Published BDE SITREP Due BDE S3 TEL CON SMP drill Ft. Pickett Mentorship Binders due ASU inspection @ Co Meetings * CURRENT AS OF: 29 MAY 12
NOV 2012 Election Day Advanced &Basic Lab:Squad Attack/Ambush BN Dining In SMP Drill DEC Lego League OPORD NOV Record APFT #2 OPORD NOV Dinning In Final FRAGO SMP Drill TRNG HOL: Veteran’s Day Safety Week/ Leave/POV Inspection JMU V/S ODU Football Military Appreciation Day (T) Miller Coors Color Guard (T) Black Daggers Parachute Team BN PT Turkey Bowl Football Dec Commissioning WARNO Advanced &Basic Lab:MTC and Break Contact Thanksgiving Safety Brief Thanksgiving Holiday Break Thanksgiving Training Holiday NO lAB Thanksgiving Class Resumes Basic Lab: Weapons Familiarizaiton BN APFT Record #2 JMU Open House DEC Commissioning OPORD Advanced Lab: Offensive Operations (T) Lego League Fundraising Cadet Support DEC Lego League FRAGO FEB Dinning Out IPR #1 PMS/CDT Guidance LAB/ TRAINING/MEETING CAMPUS EVENTS CAMPUS EVENTS BN EVENTS BN EVENTS TRAINING HOLIDAY TRAINING HOLIDAY OTHER CADRE ACTION CURRENT AS OF: 29 MAY 12
TCCC#3 MTC, RTC, Break Contact T+1 (14OCT12-21OCT12) Issue: The cadets did not know the phonetic alphabet Discussion: Knowing the phonetic alphabet is something necessary to deliver a 9-line medevac. The students would have liked to learn the phonetic alphabet during lab in order to better understand/deliver the 9-line medevac. Recommendation: When teaching the 9-line medevac, include instruction on the phonetic alphabet. Sustain: Relay races/Round Robin style classes/Practical Discussion: The amount of standing around and boredom was reduced due to various settings throughout the lab. They also enjoyed the sense of competition brought out by the relay race. Recommendation: Continue to seek ways to make lab interesting. Use many different teaching settings throughout 1 lab . Issue: Practical Lane Discussion: Students would have liked to have more hands on in the practical. Recommendation: Develop practical scenario that allows ALL cadets to get involved rather than just key leaders within the squad. Issue: Resources Discussion: Resources were provided for all participants during lab, but were not allowed to write on the TCCC cards or keep the 9-line skeletons. Recommendation: Have resources prepared for the participants to keep. *
T-5 25NOV12 – 02DEC12 8 Step Training Model * CURRENT AS OF: 29 MAY 12
T-4 18NOV12 – 25NOV12 8 Step Training Model * CURRENT AS OF: 29 MAY 12
T-3 11NOV12 – 18NOV12 8 Step Training Model * CURRENT AS OF: 29 MAY 12
T-2 04NOV12 – 11NOV12 8 Step Training Model * CURRENT AS OF: 29 MAY 12
T-1 28OCT12 – 04NOV12 8 Step Training Model * CURRENT AS OF: 29 MAY 12
T 21OCT12 – 28OCT12 8 Step Training Model * CURRENT AS OF: 29 MAY 12
Basic Lab 24 OCT 2012 Mission: JMU Duke Battalion conducts basic lab at AO National Guard Armory on 24 October 2012 IOT test cadets on proper Tactical Combat Casualty Care procedures. 9 Line N Evaluate a Casualty 1 Concept of the Operation This operation will be conducted in 4 phases. Phase I:Phase begins with the issuing of the OPORDduring company meetings on 22 October 2012. The CONOP will be briefed during the training meeting. Phase ends with the final coordination of the instructors. Phase II: Phase begins with first formation outside of National Guard Armory. Phase ends with the movement of the Cadets to their first station, Phase III: Phase begins with the first of four stations. Each Cadet will be assessed on their ability to perform TCCC measures on different scenarios. Each group will have 20 minutes to complete the assessment and then five minutes to rotate. Phase ends when all four stations have been completed. Phase IV: Phase begins with a police call of the area. Phase ends with final formation and AAR Coordinating Instructions: Uniform: ACUs with LBV Risk Assess: L Cadet OIC: Giordano Cadet NCOIC: Mraw Formations Carries Evaluate a Casualty 2
S3: TAC OIC Key Highlights: • FRAGO Lab week 11 and 12 • Adjusting lanes to retrain at the end of lab. • Bluecards ASAP
TAC AAR (SQD MTC/BC/RTC) Issue: RTC and BC Discussion: Lab was planned as a STX lane and did not include BC. Other variables were included to emphasize RTC but RTC was not practiced in lab prior to the STX lane. After conducting the lane, retraining was conducted on RTC, LDA’s, and Actions on OBJ. Recommendation: Depending on the STX lane and the goals of the training, allot time prior to or post STX lane to conduct refresher training and retraining. Issue: Not Staying on Azimuth Discussion: OPFOR were placed in each lab by OIC in correct positions but SQD did not stay on azimuth. As a result the SQD did not make contact and became unorganized and did not meet the goals of the training. Recommendation: Allow SQD to make mistakes but if the mistake hinders the training adjust and take note of the adjustment (ex. Correct the pace and compass to meet the OPFOR or move OPFOR).
T-5 26 – 30 NOV 8 Step Training Model
T-4 19 – 23 NOV 8 Step Training Model
T-3 12 – 16 NOV 8 Step Training Model
T-205- 09 NOV 8 Step Training Model
T-127OCT-2 NOV 8 Step Training Model
LAB300Ambush Mission: Duke BN conducts Squad Ambush Lane from 24OCT12 to 25OCT12 at AO Hillendale Park in order to build the MS3’s confidence in running squad ambush lanes. Concept of Operation Phase 1: Planning This phase will begin with the recon of AO Hillendale Park. Cadet OICs will recon the AO and create an OPORD for the Squad Ambush lane. TACs assigned roles and go over expectations for lane. This phase ends with supply draw. Phase 2: Issue the Order Time, Location, and Uniform briefed at CO meetings on 21Oct12. CONOP emailed to MS3’s Phase 3: Movement This phase will consist of the movement to AO Hillendale Park. MS3’s will be briefed on the route to the AO from Memorial Hall Phase 4: Lab MS3’s issued additional gear and conduct inspection and accountability prior to FF. FF will be conducted at the AA. Conduct squad ambush lanes Phase 5: AAR Conduct AAR and then dismissal Coordinating Instruction: Uniform: ACU’s Assault Pack, 1 tan t-shirt, 1 pair green socks, black gloves, eye pro, poncho, MS3 kit, Kevlar, WW top/bottom, elbow and knee pads, and boots Risk Assessment: L OIC: Zero/Langan NCOIC: Pardue/Fanning 2/1/A/2-19 1/A/2-19 1/1/A/2-19 AA OBJ White OBJ RED TIMELINE: 03OCT12 1425 FF & In Ranks Inspection 04OCT12 1355 FF & In Ranks Inspection 1430 Start lane (Issue OPORD) 1400 Start lane (issue OPORD) 1515 LD 1445 LD 1620 End Lane Start AAR 1550 End Lane Start AAR 1630 Dismissal 1600 Dismissal
S3: TAC OIC Key Highlights: • FRAGO Lab week 11 and 12 • Adjusting lanes to retrain at the end of lab. • Bluecards ASAP
TAC AAR (SQD MTC/BC/RTC) Issue: RTC and BC Discussion: Lab was planned as a STX lane and did not include BC. Other variables were included to emphasize RTC but RTC was not practiced in lab prior to the STX lane. After conducting the lane, retraining was conducted on RTC, LDA’s, and Actions on OBJ. Recommendation: Depending on the STX lane and the goals of the training, allot time prior to or post STX lane to conduct refresher training and retraining. Issue: Not Staying on Azimuth Discussion: OPFOR were placed in each lab by OIC in correct positions but SQD did not stay on azimuth. As a result the SQD did not make contact and became unorganized and did not meet the goals of the training. Recommendation: Allow SQD to make mistakes but if the mistake hinders the training adjust and take note of the adjustment (ex. Correct the pace and compass to meet the OPFOR or move OPFOR).
T-5 26 – 30 NOV 8 Step Training Model
T-4 19 – 23 NOV 8 Step Training Model
T-3 12 – 16 NOV 8 Step Training Model
T-205- 09 NOV 8 Step Training Model
T-127OCT-2 NOV 8 Step Training Model
LAB300Ambush Mission: Duke BN conducts Squad Ambush Lane from 24OCT12 to 25OCT12 at AO Hillendale Park in order to build the MS3’s confidence in running squad ambush lanes. Concept of Operation Phase 1: Planning This phase will begin with the recon of AO Hillendale Park. Cadet OICs will recon the AO and create an OPORD for the Squad Ambush lane. TACs assigned roles and go over expectations for lane. This phase ends with supply draw. Phase 2: Issue the Order Time, Location, and Uniform briefed at CO meetings on 21Oct12. CONOP emailed to MS3’s Phase 3: Movement This phase will consist of the movement to AO Hillendale Park. MS3’s will be briefed on the route to the AO from Memorial Hall Phase 4: Lab MS3’s issued additional gear and conduct inspection and accountability prior to FF. FF will be conducted at the AA. Conduct squad ambush lanes Phase 5: AAR Conduct AAR and then dismissal Coordinating Instruction: Uniform: ACU’s Assault Pack, 1 tan t-shirt, 1 pair green socks, black gloves, eye pro, poncho, MS3 kit, Kevlar, WW top/bottom, elbow and knee pads, and boots Risk Assessment: L OIC: Zero/Langan NCOIC: Pardue/Fanning 2/1/A/2-19 1/A/2-19 1/1/A/2-19 AA OBJ White OBJ RED TIMELINE: 03OCT12 1425 FF & In Ranks Inspection 04OCT12 1355 FF & In Ranks Inspection 1430 Start lane (Issue OPORD) 1400 Start lane (issue OPORD) 1515 LD 1445 LD 1620 End Lane Start AAR 1550 End Lane Start AAR 1630 Dismissal 1600 Dismissal
Special Conditioning(Kin Practicum) Task: Develop, train, and rehab cadet’s pertaining to their physical health and readiness. Purpose: To improve and exceed cadet’s current physical capabilities. End State: Duke BN cadet’s exceed personal and BN made physical goals and expectations.
Suggested Battle Rhythm • Optional workouts will be open to whole BN but strongly encouraged for Special Conditioning identified Cadet’s. • Tuesday SC PT: Required for identified Cadet’s • Wednesday: Optional group workout, open to whole BN. • Friday: Optional group workout, open to whole BN. • Saturday: Optional group RUN, open to whole BN.
Special Conditioning Roster • APFT Failures: • Lee (MS3)-Pushups, Sit-ups • Hughes- Run • Browning- Sit-ups • Paige- Pushups • Gracia- Pushups • Oram- Pushups, Sit-ups • Britton- No show • <70%: • Engle • Pardue • McBride • Francis • Ambrosich • Lawndermeyer • Anthony • Stout • Seitz • Restivo • Formica • Leshock • Williams, J • Vito • Chinn • Pastino • Ramos-Flynn • Failed H/W: • Snellings (MS3) • Mery (MS2) • Profile: • Pace (MS2)- Wrist • Munoz (MS3)- Knee • Cox (MS3)- Knee • Hard (MS1)- Lower leg
S4 • Company commanders ensure that your respective cadets are getting everything they need from supply for their ASU’s • Pins • Rank • Alteration slips
S6 • Computer Status Report: YELLOW • 2 Printers • 6 Computers (1 malfunction) • SharePoint
Mentorship • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfXmgSzUVA4 • ADRP-6-22 • “We need to do a better job of teaching that the pursuit of self-sufficiency is a moral duty. It’s a part of responsibility.” – Michael Josephson
Mentorship • The New due date is 22 OCT 2012– Today!!! • CPT. Ware – 31 OCT 2012 • New memorandum– in binder. • All counseling forms – in binder. • 104R and transcript – in binder. • Over all slides – to Me. • Your list of mentorship activities – to Me.