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Pre-Launching Provident Woodfield - Donu2019t miss out your opportunity to be the proud owner of a fully developed plot for sale near Electronic city, Bangalore<br>https://www.providenthousing.com/projects/bangalore/provident-woodfield<br>
PRM/KA/RERA/1251/308/PR/200211/003268 PREMIUM PLOTS NEAR ELECTRONICCITY Imageryusedinthebrochureisindicativeofstyleonly.Thephotographsofthelayout,surroundingviewsandlocation areindicativeandmay havebeendigitallyenhancedoraltered.Theydonotrepresentactualviewsorsurroundingviews.
ABOUT PROVIDENT Provident Housing Limited, a 100% subsidiary of Puravankara, is a pioneer in developing “Premium-A"ordable” homes in India. The company has accomplished over 18 million sft. of constructed space across Bangalore, Chennai,Coimbatore, Goa, Hyderabad andMangalore. With over 16+ projects,Provident has sold homes to 15,000+ families and delivered over 7500 homes to the delighted customers across thecountry. Provident Woodfield is the first plotted development project by Provident which is poised to redefine the way plots are identified, developed and sustained. The project promises large wide boulevards with beautifully manicured landscaped gardens, plethora of amenities, luxury clubhouse, community infrastructure and underground concealedservices planned to seamlessperfection. PEACE OF MIND IS BUYING LANDFROM A TRUSTEDBRAND TRUSTEDBRAND Provident is a pioneer in developing premium a"ordable homes and a 100% subsidiary of Puravankara Group - the pan India real estate major with over 45years ofexperience. PROXIMITY TOMETRO Just 10 minutes fromthe upcoming MetroStation. GREATINVESTMENT Investments in land have appreciated exponentially over the last couple of decades and areexpected to give excellentROI. SAFE &SECURE Asafegatedcommunity with 24/7security. WELL-DEVELOPED LAYOUT Lifestyle amenities, landscaped wide roads,underground electric conduiting,water and sewagelines. Imageryusedinthebrochureisindicativeofstyle only. Thephotographsofthelayout,surroundingviewsandlocationareindicativeandmay havebeendigitallyenhancedoraltered.Theydonotrepresentactualviewsorsurroundingviews. Imagery used in the brochure is indicative of style only. The photographs of the layout, surrounding views and location are indicative and may have been digitally enhanced or altered. They do not represent actual views or surroundingviews.
LOCATIONMAP ProposedPRRRingRoad HOSUR MAINROAD PESUNIVERSITY KORAMANGALA HSRLAYOUT METRORAIL NICEROAD Towards SarjapuraRoad INFOSYS BIOCON ToWhitefield Outer RingRoad ProposedBMRDA 300ftRingRoad Ebenezer International School H.S.RLayout ExpressWay Flyover Flyover ChandapuraCircle ToHosur Koramangala NH7 NH7 Proposed RailwayStation BommasandraRoad 4.5km SilkBoard ToAnekal E-Inn Hotel 3km NiceRoad Narayana Hrudayalaya ElectronicCity WHERE YOU LIVE IS AS IMPORTANT ASHOWYOULIVE. Provident Woodfield is at the epicentre of Bangalore’s IT hub, Electronic City. Well-connected by highways,flyoversandtheupcoming Metro Network, the place is in close proximity to Koramangala, HSR LayoutandBTMLayout.AlltheITBT majors like Infosys, Wipro, TCS and Biocon are closeby.Commute to o‰ces, schools and entertainment hubs can be accomplished in mere minutes. In fact, this location retains thecharmofaquietgetawaythat’sa farcryfromthechaosofthecity. ImportantLandmarks Schools & Colleges in theArea Infosys Wipro TechMahendra TCS Biocon NarayanaHrudhayala Achiever’s Academy Ebenezer InternationalSchool Treamis WorldSchool Surana Vidyalaya D American InternationalSchool NazarethSchool Manipal InternationalSchool EdifySchool Sri ChaitanyaSchool BTL Institute ofTechnology &Management Narayana college ofNursing Imagery used in the brochure is indicative of style only. The photographs of the layout, surrounding views and location are indicative and may have been digitally enhanced or altered. They do not represent actual views or surroundingviews.
Senior Citizen Corner &OutdoorChessArea Outdoor GeriatricGym HopScotch Transformer Children’s PlayArea MASTERPLAN The GrandEntrance 5 7 SkatingRink 8 6 4 1 LandscapeGardens 2 3 KabbadiCourt OverheadTank Sump RETAILZONE 10 9 11 12 7 NatureWalk Maidan Half BasketballCourt 15 Children’s PlayArea CricketPitch ClubHouse 14Multi-PlayCourt 30ft x40ft 30ft x50ft OddSizes 13ClimbingWall Outdoor GeriatricGym 4 40ft x60ft Orgnic WasteConnector Transformer CommercialSites STP RERA No.:PRM/KA/RERA/1251/308/PR/200211/003268
PEDESTRIANINFRASTRUCTURE: Pedestriansidewalksareapartofthe road network constructed using concrete pavers, lending the whole a"air a polished & aestheticlook. ROADNETWORK: We provide well-designed asphalt roads withadequate drainage & service network that ensures the roads are never flooded during rains, thus outlasting many conventional cityroads. TREE-LINEDAVENUES: Landscape is designed with seasonalflowering treesonthesideofthe roads, giving a green ambience to the whole development. SEWAGE TREATMENTPLANT: TheprincipalobjectiveofSTPistoallow human e½uents to be disposed without danger to human health. A modified biological process like SBR method is proposed for the same. After the treatment,thetreatedwatercanbeused for landscaping & toiletflushing. WATER TREATMENTPLANT: The Water Treatment Plant is proposed to reduce the hardness levelinthesourcedwaterusedfordomesticuse,toensurethatthe scaling of the fittings and fixtures are eliminated. The quality of water supplied to the plots is in accordance with the requirements specified in IS-10500-2012- DRINKING WATERSPECIFICATIONS. Dependingontheanalysisreport,thewateristreatedwithpressure sandfilter,carbonfilterandsofteneralongwithrenderingthewater disinfectant by chlorinedosing. ORGANIC WASTECONVERTER: The solidwaste management as the discipline is associated with the control of generation, collection, storage, transfer and transport, automatic processing and disposal of solid waste in a manner that is in accord with the best principles of public health, engineering, conservation, economics, aesthetic and other environmentalconsiderations. LIGHTINGSYSTEM: Modern LED street lighting system is taken into consideration while lighting the entire layout. Also,post top lanterns are provided for the park and garden areas to beautify the entire area. In addition to this, flood lights are installed for the outdoor geriatric gym enhancing the visibility of thelayout. OUR PLOTTED DEVELOPMENTSARE NOTHING SHORT OFWORLD-CLASS Unlike a conventional plotted-development, ProvidentWoodfield believes in a masterplan-based community development, where every road, amenity, corner, green zones and community infrastructure are planned to seamlessperfection. MODERN ELECTRICALCABLING: From ground transformers to underground cabling, the infrastructure will be far more e"ectiveand far less intrusive. WATERSYSTEM: The water supply system is designed to provide reliable service, easymaintenance and most hygienic conditions for the project. Through a suitable capacity overhead tank, water is supplied via a gravity distribution system enhancing the flow pressure for eachplot. COMMUNICATIONNETWORK: Designed DWC pipingnetwork is provided to facilitatecabling for television, telephone and modem along with the cable inspection chambers installed at regularintervals. SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGESYSTEMS: Soil & waste pipes are an integral part of the drainage system which carry foul and ablution wastes from the fixtures to the sewer system outside the building. It is designed for the e‰cient and quick disposal of sewage and waste water, providing essential hygienic andhealthy environment conditions for eachplot. RAINWATERHARVESTING: Rainwaterharvestingdoesrechargingofthe ground water by soak/ percolation pits running along the drain. The excess water post harvesting is disposed to the external municipaldrainastopologyofthesite. Imagery used in the brochure is indicative of style only. The photographs of the layout, surrounding views and location are indicative and may have been digitally enhanced or altered. They do not represent actual views or surroundingviews.
THE GRAND ENTRANCE BOULEVARD Imagery used in the brochure is indicative of style only. The photographs of the layout, surrounding views and location are indicative and may have been digitally enhanced or altered. They do not represent actual views or surroundingviews. Imagery used in the brochure is indicative of style only. The photographs of the layout, surrounding views and location are indicative and may have been digitally enhanced or altered. They do not represent actual views or surroundingviews.
CHILDREN’S PLAYAREA SPORTS ZONE Imagery used in the brochure is indicative of style only. The photographs of the layout, surrounding views and location are indicative and may have been digitally enhanced or altered. They do not represent actual views or surroundingviews. Imagery used in the brochure is indicative of style only. The photographs of the layout, surrounding views and location are indicative and may have been digitally enhanced or altered. They do not represent actual views or surroundingviews.
Pool Table Gym Table Tennis Swimming Pool CLUBHOUSE Imagery used in the brochure is indicative of style only. The photographs of the layout, surrounding views and location are indicative and may have been digitally enhanced or altered. They do not represent actual views or surroundingviews. Imagery used in the brochure is indicative of style only. The photographs of the layout, surrounding views and locationare indicative and may have been digitally enhanced or altered. They do not represent actual views or surroundingviews.
Climbing Wall Outdoor Chess Skating Rinks Senior Citizen Corner Kids’ Play Area Cricket Pitch Multi-Play Court Bush Trees Imagery used in the brochure is indicative of style only. The photographs of the layout, surrounding views and locationare indicative and may have been digitally enhanced or altered. They do not represent actual views or surroundingviews. Imagery used in the brochure is indicative of style only. The photographs of the layout, surrounding views and locationare indicative and may have been digitally enhanced or altered. They do not represent actual views or surroundingviews.
Call: 080-44555585 sales@providenthousing.com www.providenthousing.com Theimageryusedinthebrochureisindicative ofstyleonly.Thephotographsoftheinteriors, surroundingviewsandlocationmayhavebeen digitally enhanced or altered and do not represent actual views or surroundingviews. These photographs are indicativeonly. Fullydevelopedplotswithallservices,roads& infrastructurewillbedeliveredonpossession. Designed bySANKALP