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Black Snake

Black Snake. Smooth scales; all black; may have a little white under chin. Musk Turtle. Small turtle; white lines around eye. Diamond-back Terrapin. Spots on body; unique upper shell. Box Turtle. High dome shell. Painted Turtle. Red and black around edge of carapace. Wood Turtle.

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Black Snake

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Black Snake Smooth scales; all black; may have a little white under chin

  2. Musk Turtle Small turtle; white lines around eye

  3. Diamond-back Terrapin Spots on body; unique upper shell

  4. Box Turtle High dome shell

  5. Painted Turtle Red and black around edge of carapace

  6. Wood Turtle Under part of body orange

  7. Snapping Turtle Large turtle; pointed snout

  8. Spotted Turtle Spots on body

  9. Timber Rattlesnake Only rattlesnake in Connecticut – can be dark or two-toned

  10. Copperhead Light and dark brown body pattern

  11. Garter Snake Thinner than ribbon snake- lateral stripes on 2 & 3 row of scales

  12. Ribbon Snake Thinner than garter snake – lateral stripe on row 3 and 4.

  13. Water Snake

  14. Black Racer

  15. Milk Snake

  16. Hosenose Snake

  17. Red-backed Salamander

  18. Black Rat Snake Keeled scales; may show more white under chin than black snake

  19. Red-Spotted Newt

  20. Spring Peeper Brown X on back; swollen toes (tree frogs)

  21. Green Frog Dorsal lateral ridges

  22. Pickeral Frog Square chocolate ridges on back

  23. American Toad One wart on each spot

  24. Hognose Snakes

  25. Black Rat Snake

  26. Marbled Salamander

  27. Fowlers Toad 2-3 warts on each spot

  28. Red-spotted Newt

  29. Dusky Salamander

  30. Spotted Salamander

  31. Leopard Frog Irregular spots on back

  32. Smooth Green Snake

  33. Snapping Turtle

  34. American Toad

  35. Red-spotted Newt

  36. Red-spotted Newt

  37. Eastern Spadefoot

  38. N Water Snake

  39. Ribbon Snake

  40. Smooth Green Snake

  41. Ribbon Snake

  42. Hognose Snake

  43. Hognose Snake

  44. Smooth Green Snake

  45. Black Racer

  46. Black Racer

  47. Milk Snake

  48. N. Water Snake

  49. Garter Snake

  50. Copperhead

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