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Grasses, Grass-likes, Forbs & Woody Plants Cumulative FLASH CARDS

Study essential grasses, grass-likes, forbs, and woody plants with cumulative flashcards in random order. Detailed botanical information to be learned prior to the field trip. Explore various plant species for a better understanding of plant diversity.

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Grasses, Grass-likes, Forbs & Woody Plants Cumulative FLASH CARDS

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  1. Grasses, Grass-likes, Forbs & Woody PlantsCumulative FLASH CARDS Plants to be learned before the field trip. In Random Order

  2. Baileyamultiradiata Desert Marigold • Heliantheae Hairy leaves Western Washington State University Herbarium

  3. Switchgrass Panicumvirgatum Paniceae

  4. California Oatgrass Danthoniacalifornica Danthonieae

  5. Black Grama Boutelouaeriopoda Cynodonteae University of Idaho Herbarium

  6. Baltic Rush Juncusbalticus Juncaceae University of Idaho Herbarium

  7. Mountain Alder Alunusincana Betulaceae

  8. Big Bluestem Andropogongerardii Andropogoneae

  9. Catclaw Acacia Acacia greggii Fabaceae University of Idaho Herbarium

  10. Adenostomafasciculatum Chamise Rosaceae

  11. Quercusgambelii Gambel Oak Fagaceae

  12. Indiangrass Sorghastrumnutans Andropogoneae University of Idaho Herbarium

  13. Oxytropislambertii Purple Locoweed Fabaceae University of Idaho Herbarium University of Idaho Herbarium

  14. Missouri Goldenrod Solidagomissouriensis • Astereae Montana State University Herbarium

  15. Mormon Tea or Longleaf Jointfir Ephedratrifurca Ephedraceae University of Idaho Herbarium University of Idaho Herbarium

  16. Dotted Gayfeather Liatrispunctata • Eupatorieae

  17. Blue Grama Boutelouagracilis Cynodonteae

  18. Ratibidacolumnifera Prairie Coneflower • Heliantheae

  19. Penstemonglaber SawsepalPenstemon Scrophulariaceae Western Washington University Herbarium

  20. Larreatridentata Creosotebrush Zygophyllaceae University of Idaho Herbarium

  21. Nebraska Sedge Carexnebrascensis Cyperaceae University of Idaho Herbarium

  22. Delphinium occidentale Tall Larkspur Ranunculaceae University of Idaho Herbarium

  23. Tobosa Grass Hilariamutica Cynodonteae

  24. Prosopisglandulosa Honey Mesquite Fabaceae University of Idaho Herbarium

  25. Little Bluestem Schizachyriumscoparium Andropogoneae University of Idaho Herbarium

  26. Male Flower Female Flower Buffalograss Buchloedactyloides Cynodonteae University of Idaho Herbarium

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