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Jains . The Ascetic Lifestyle. Mahavira. 599-527 BCE Prince, married with a daughter Parshva order of ascetics after the death of parents-voluntary self-starvation Plucked hair out, 1 robe Left order, disrobed Salvation obtained through severe ascetism, and practice of ahimsa

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  1. Jains The Ascetic Lifestyle

  2. Mahavira • 599-527 BCE • Prince, married with a daughter • Parshva order of ascetics after the death of parents-voluntary self-starvation • Plucked hair out, 1 robe • Left order, disrobed • Salvation obtained through severe ascetism, and practice of ahimsa • Joined Goshala and wandered-karma;fate of each life predetermined; separates from him also

  3. Shvetambaras White clad Wore one garment Women admitted, can obtain enlightenment Sthanakvasis- No idols, temples Meditation and introspection Digambaras Clad in atmosphere Monk, pilgrimage, religious fasts and rituals South India-warmer Mahavira saw women as occasion for sin, not admitted 2 Sects

  4. Where • Bombay • Jains are a both/and principle as all is transient • Ahimsa-to the extreme • May buy animals to release them into the wild • Leaders in world peace movement

  5. Vows for monks • Ahimsa, renounce killing all living things • Truth speaking • Renounce taking anything not given • Renounce all sexual pleasure • Renounce all attachments

  6. Rules for the laity • Never take life knowingly • Never lie • Never steal or take what is not given • Never be unchaste • To check greed put a limit on one’s wealth giving away excess • To avoid sin, avoid unnecessary travel • Limit number of things in daily use • Guard against evils that can be avoided • Keep stated periods for meditation • Observe periods of self-denial • Spend occasional days as a monk • Give alms, especially in support of ascetics

  7. Fasting Practice • Paccakkhan, intent is very important to fasting • Naukarsi - Porisi • Four whole day fasts • Upvas – Triphala water • Ekasan - Can combine with Upvas • Ayambil fasts also allow one meal a day • Rohini tap fast for women • Three Jewels of their religion, right knowledge, right faith, and right conduct. The importance of proper paccakkhan in performing a fast is understood by Jains to determine the fasts effectiveness.

  8. Ahimsa • Non violence doctrine, freedom from action results in no Karma • “I want to make pratikramana for injury on the path of my movement, in coming and in going, in treading on living things, in treading on seeds, in treading on green plants, in treading on dew, on beetles, on mould, on moist earth, and on cobwebs; whatever living organism with one or two or three or four or five senses have been injured by me or knocked over or crushed or squashed or touched or mangled or hurt or affrightened or removed from one place to another or deprived of life—may all that evil have been done in vain.” (Jains, Dundas page 171)

  9. Worldview • Universe goes through cycles of improvement and decline • Currently in 5th and next to last 21000 year period of decline • Shorter, nastier, more immoral, more in need of restraints by government power • Decline until 6th age passes then slowly we will improve over 100000 years to a new golden age

  10. Tirthankaras • Savior beings of whom Mahavira was the last. • Ford makers • Parshva, Mahavira’s predecessor • Holy shrines

  11. Cosmology • Jain universe is a colossal human shape • Jiva life monads float lower or higher as they accumulate or shed heavy karmic matter. • Jiva-living beings in the universe • Good, with souls that are indestructable • Ajiva- lifeless things in the universe • Eternal yet evil, thick dead matter

  12. Cosmology • When a soul is liberated from matter, perfect they rise through the universe to an umbrella like place where Siddhas(perfect ones) live.

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