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LTSN - 21 January 2003 Widening Participation Liaison Group. WIDENING PARTICIPATION THE SCOTTISH DIMENSION Margaret Dundas SFC National Co-ordinator for Widening Participation. LTSN - 21 January 2003 Widening Participation Liaison Group. CURRENT SCOTTISH CONTEXT social inclusion
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group WIDENING PARTICIPATION THE SCOTTISH DIMENSION Margaret Dundas SFC National Co-ordinator for Widening Participation
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group CURRENT SCOTTISH CONTEXT social inclusion lifelong learning smart, successful Scotland knowledge economy
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group CURRENT SCOTTISH CONTEXT 80% of the workforce for 2020 is already in work. Increase in elderly population %
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group OVERVIEW Most privileged ££££££ Socially deprived £ ‘The wealthiest seventh of the population are still five times more likely .…’
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group OVERVIEW ££££££ Most resources £ Least resources ‘….. to go to university than the poorest seventh.’
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group CURRENT ACADEMIC CONTEXT Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Higher National Review HE Review / Quality enhancement strategy ELLC Report on Lifelong Learning High profile for FEC/HEI Interface + Fora Financial constraints
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group SHEFC MISSION The Council seeks to make effective use of public funds in helping Scottish HEIs to increase and communicate knowledge and skills that will enrich society, allow individuals to realise their potential, and make a major contribution to the country’s prosperity. Extract from SHEFC 2000/2003 Corporate Plan
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group SHEFC AIMS In allocating public funds, developing policies and providing advice to Government, the Council aims: To work towards equal opportunity of access to high quality higher education Extract from SHEFC 2000/2003 Corporate Plan
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group SHEFC AND SFEFC Did you know that 52% of entrants to Scottish HE enter HN programmes in FE Colleges? COUNCILS’ RESPONSE? Joint secretariat Joint Council Meetings 2x a year Joint initiatives
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group FUNDING COUNCIL STRATEGY Wider Access Premium Wider Access Development Grant (1999-2003) 1 FE/HE Interface and SNAP 2 HEI development and co-ordination 3 Four Regional Forums (SFEFC 2001-4) 4 Selective funding for collaborative projects
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group SOME REGIONAL FORA PROJECTS surveys of MIS data; articulation routes awareness raising; link students; mentoring adult outreach; community programmes one door entry local websites; admissions survey case studies; student feedback/evaluation toolbox for HE; minority ethnic group access identifying access opportunities; DDA issues
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group IMPLICATIONS FOR INSTITUTIONS strategy and policy identifying potential students staff development for academic staff admissions staff administrative staff
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group QUICK FIX? Postcode target approach Concentration on school leavers from under-represented schools
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group WORKING TOWARDS EQUAL ACCESS identifying non-traditional routes raising awareness and options identifying potential students
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group DO WE NEED TO CHANGE? Can we: identify non-traditional students / routes? monitor student retention? track students year on year to achievement? track students beyond graduation? identify students at risk? demonstrate success in widening access?
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group GCU RESEARCH PROJECT 2001 new FT u/g entrants in questionnaire survey (2,500 entrants to Year 1; 1,500 direct entrants) ‘First in family to HE’ Social class, ethnicity and postcode Factors affecting choice of institution/programme Data entered on to SPSS Single page programme profile produced
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group SACCA and NATIONAL PROJECTS Scottish Advisory Committee on Credit and Access (Universities Scotland, QAA) FE – HE Working Group Working with SFC Wider Access Regional Fora on: National mapping of routes from HNs - Degrees Developing effective student tracking systems Identifying good practice / guidelines in bridging
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group HN TO DEGREE 2 + 1; 2 + 2; 1 + 2/3 - mainly to post-92 HEIs Napier website www.napier.ac.uk (direct entry) Subject top-up Generic skills top-up/bridging UHI Millennium Institute
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group HN TO DEGREE Articulation agreements (full or partial credit) by programme award e.g. HND Social Sciences with specified number of merits by reference or interview to ring-fenced places on individual student merit to combined studies/customised degrees (CATS)
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group SUBJECT-BASED DEVELOPMENT SNAP event - ‘Am I in Credit?’ December 2002 4 broad subject area workshops Staff exchanges Collaboration on HN Review National / local networks for HN to degree? Subject bridging courses?
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group RETENTION STRATEGIES Scottish Higher Education Retention Forum Providing student mentors and guides Providing drop-in support sessions Monitoring progress – short term
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group MONITORING PROGRESS identifying and collecting robust student data ‘owning’ the data to identify progress, good practice and areas for improvement longitudinal tracking of students recognising students ‘at risk’ valuing student feedback developing a self-evaluation culture
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group RETENTION STRATEGIES Encouraging progress e.g. personal letter Providing support for resits – group and personal Improving and enhancing guidance and support Using course reviews to inform improved provision
LTSN - 21 January 2003Widening Participation Liaison Group USEFUL LINKS www.shefc.ac.uk and www.sfefc.ac.uk www.universities-scotland.ac.uk www.sfeu.ac.uk www.snap.ac.uk www3.open.ac.uk/near-you/scotland m.dundas@napier.ac.uk