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Welcome to. Unity. of Reno. LoV. "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”. Winston Churchill. LoV. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”. LoV. Albert Einstein.
Welcome to Unity of Reno LoV
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill LoV
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” LoV Albert Einstein
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer LoV
Our Mission Unity Ministry of Reno is a spiritual community centered in God, fostering spiritual growth, inner strength, integrity and learning. Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, faith, prayer and meditation, our loving family provides inspiration, healing and service to our church and community.
One Presence/One Power Unity believes: There is one Presence and one Power in the universe and in our lives, and that power is God. God is absolute Spirit , absolute good and everywhere present.
The Christ Individualized in Everyone Unity believes: Human beings are expressions of God and have the spark of divinity, the Christ Spirit within. Therefore, they are inherently good.
Law of Mind Action Unity believes: Human beings create their own experiences by the activity of their thoughts. "A thought held in mind produces after its own kind." Positive thoughts produce positive results. Negative thoughts produce negative results.
Denials & Affirmations Unity believes: Prayer is the link that connects us with God. Through affirmative prayer we bring forth good, and it is through denials we let go of negative thoughts that keep us from a greater experience of Good/God.
Prayer & Meditation Unity believes: Prayer is communion with God either silently or audibly. Meditation is listening to or waiting upon God... man's spiritual approach to God.
Unity believes:Knowing and understanding the laws of life (Truth) are not enough. We must also strive to live the Truth that we know.
We accept Jesus Christ as our spiritual teacher and recognize that the same Christ Spirit that was within Jesus is also within us.
Please take a moment to turn off your cell phones. Also, please be sure your car is locked. We are a community church and can not watch our cars while in church!
We have worked hard to provide a wonderful Children’s Church. Our Sunday Service does not lend itself to the interest of children. If you bring a child to the service, we honor that; however in the interest of others, we ask you to sit in the back row where exit is easily available.
Unity… A family church of Loving hearts and open minds, Transforming humankind, One heart, one mind at a time...
Whoever you are, Wherever you are Along your journey of faith, You are welcome in this place.
Our Mission Unity Ministry of Reno is a spiritual community centered in God, fostering spiritual growth, inner strength, integrity and learning. Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, faith, prayer and meditation, our loving family provides inspiration, healing and service to our church and community.
Welcome... Whether you are our guest for the first time or the 100th time, we are blessed and honored to have you with us today. Unity of Reno is a place where we gather toremember the Truth of our oneness with God and with each other. LoV
Welcome to Unity of Reno LoV
It’s A Special Day Something is occurring; Something new is stirring; Something of the Spirit, Blesses me today. Energies are swarming, Totally transforming; Something of the Spirit, Blesses me today.
It’s a special day! It’s a special day! I can feel it deeply in a special way. It’s a special day! It’s a special day! I can feel it deeply in a special way.
Knowledge is provided; I am being guided; Something of the Spirit, Blesses me with light. I have perfect leading, To the good I’m needing; Something of the Spirit, Blesses me with light.
It’s a special day! It’s a special day! I can feel it deeply in a special way. It’s a special day! It’s a special day! I can feel it deeply in a special way.
I accept my blessing; Through it I’m expressing, Something of the Spirit, Gloriously good. Every trouble ceases; All my joy increases; Something of the Spirit, Blesses me with good.
It’s a special day! It’s a special day! I can feel it deeply in a special way. It’s a special day! It’s a special day! I can feel it deeply in a special way.
This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad in it, and be glad in it. This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made. LoV
I Am The Light of God I am the Light of God, I am the Love of God, I am the Power of God, I am the Presence of God, Where ever I am God is… (repeat)
You are the Light of God, You are the Love of God, You are the Power of God, You are the Presence of God, Where ever You are God is… (repeat)
We are the Light of God, We are the Love of God, We are the Power of God, We are the Presence of God, Where ever we are God is.
Affirmation of Oneness “As I claim my power, I am inspired to greatness.”
Statement of Being I live, move and have my being in One Presence, One Mind, One Life, One Love in all, through all, as all, God the Good,Omnipotent.
I live, move and have my being in One Presence, One Mind, One Life, One Love in all, through all, as all, God the Good,Omnipotent. God the Good,Omnipotent.
I Am an Expression Oh yes I am an expression of God's light!Oh yes I am an expression of God's light!Oh yes I am an expression, I am an expression,I am an expression of God's light! I walk in the Holy Spirit, when I walk
Oh yes I am an expression of God's love!Oh yes I am an expression of God's love!Oh yes I am an expression, I am an expression,I am an expression of God's love.
Oh yes I am an expression of God's peace!Oh yes I am an expression of God's peace!Oh yes I am an expression, I am an expression,I am an expression of God's peace.
God’s The Love That I Am God’s the love that I am. God’s the love that I am. God’s the love that I am. God’s the love that I am.
God’s the joy that I am. God’s the joy that I am. God’s the joy that I am. God’s the joy that I am.
God’s the peace that I am. God’s the peace that I am. God’s the peace that I am. God’s the peace that I am.
Four Basic Laws of Karma 1. Results are similar to the cause. 2. No results without a cause. 3. Once an action is done, the result is never lost. 4. Karma expands.
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.Watch your words, for they become actions.Watch your actions, for they become habits.Watch your habits, for they become character.Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Karma decrees that every decision must have its consequences, but the decisions themselves are, in the last analysis, freely arrived at.
Who or what decides the severity of our Actions? Our intention or motivation The nature of the action 3. The actual deed The basis or object Doing the reverse of good