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Looking for a solid web development stack but aren't sure between MEAN and MERN? Don't worry; this article will help you decide. <br><br>MEAN and MERN both have advantages and disadvantages that make them suitable for different types of projects. Both of these options offer good functionality.<br><br>The MEAN Stack includes Angular as its front-end framework and Express as its backend framework. On the other hand, MERN uses React as its front-end framework and MongoDB as its backend database.
Choosing Between the Mean Stack and the MERN Stack When it comes to web development, the two most popular programming languages are JavaScript and Python. But the question arises, what’s the best MEAN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, Node) or MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, React Native) stack for building web applications? While it can be tough to choose between MEAN vs MERN, there are some factors you should consider when deciding which architecture is best suited to your project needs. We’ll go over some of the advantages and disadvantages of both frameworks in this article. What is a MEAN Stack? A Brief Introduction A MEAN stack refers to a group of technologies that are used in conjunction with each other to build robust web applications. The acronym MEAN stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS. Each of these technologies plays a vital role in creating such applications. MongoDB is an open-source document database that can store information in NoSQL form. It is ideal for storing data from JSON objects. What is a MERN Stack? A Brief Intro MEAN is a full-stack JavaScript web application stack that makes it easy to build, deploy, scale and maintain your apps. MEAN stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js. A new way of defining MEAN stack is MERN – MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJs and Node.js stack.
1. Mean vs. Mern: Learning Curve Most developers are already familiar with Express, so using it in combination with MongoDB, Redis, and Node will be easy for them. The MERN stack also takes advantage of some more advanced technologies with the help of mern stack companies, making it a better choice for experienced devs who need to build more complicated web apps. If you’re building something simple that won’t go beyond one or two pages, however, you may find that Express is just fine. 2. Mean vs. Mern: Third-Party Support The community support behind each of these tools is unrivaled. With nearly 400,000 packages for JavaScript alone on npm, your problem can likely be solved by pulling in a piece of code. If not, there are plenty of options available to get help from other users. 3. Mean vs. Mern: Popularity The biggest difference between MEAN and MERN is in how their respective stacks are optimized. On one hand, Angular’s rendering time has been improved over time to yield better performance than other frameworks that rely on data binding for two-way communication. On the other hand, React is designed to promote developer efficiency even though its rendering isn’t as fast. But compared to Angular, it provides quicker initial page loads by applying a one-way data flow principle instead of two-way data binding for DOM manipulation. 4. Mean vs. Mern: Performance The biggest difference between these two stacks is performance. MEAN is designed to be easy to use, fast, easy to learn, easier to scale, etc., but if you are looking for top-notch performance then you’re going to have a hard time finding that in MEAN. If anything, it can cause bottlenecks at certain points. However, you could fix those bottlenecks by adding more load balancers or simply optimizing your code so it runs better under high traffic. 5. Mean vs. Mern: MVC Architecture What’s most important to you? Is it picking a stack that can help with scalability, or is it finding one that allows for easy mobile development? Your answer might depend on your company’s goals but remember: You don’t have to choose just one. While MEAN is built specifically with mobile in mind, there are many benefits of using both technologies together. 6. Mean vs. Mern: Data Flow The MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) was built to make web development easier than before by building on top of well-tested software frameworks in an open-source ecosystem. The MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJs, Node), in contrast, was built to
take advantage of newer features that allow developers to use more up-to-date tools to create faster web applications than before. 7. Mean vs. Mern: Testing Testing either MEAN or MERN is a good way to see which one you prefer, so let’s do that. In our test, we’ll create a simple web app using React, Express, MongoDB, and Node.JS. As an added bonus we’ll use Webpack to bundle up our project into one static file that we can host on Github Pages for free! Conclusion There are a lot of development stacks to choose from out there, whether you want to focus on frontend, backend or both. Each of these different frameworks offer a wide variety of tools at your disposal. You’ll have a hard time deciding which stack is right for you, but sometimes it just comes down to personal preference. Get in touch with a top web development company in India and get started.