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2. Agenda . Understanding the Why and the How
1. Understanding .NET Remoting Better Kumar Gaurav KhannaDeveloper Evangelistgkhanna@microsoft.comMicrosoft Corporation
2. 2 Agenda Understanding the Why and the How…
The Fundamentals
Understanding the Internals
Lifetime Management
Security and Remoting
Contexts and Dynamic Publication
3. 3 Understanding the Why and the How…
4. 4 Understanding the Why… Cross-AppDomain Communication
Allows objects in different .NET AppDomains access each other directly.
Includes communication between Application domains in the same Microsoft Win32® process, in different processes on the same machine, and different machines.
The .NET analogy to DCOM but better!
No proprietary communication protocol
Uses TCP and HTTP transports
Possible to control object lifetime
5. 5 Understanding the How…
6. 6 The Fundamentals
7. 7 .NET Remoting vs DCOM Channel based architecture
Flexible in activation and deployment options
Is customizable (you can add logging or other features)
.NET Remoting requires more explicit client and server application configuration.
.NET Remoting has no built-in support for security.
8. 8 Development Flow Write the components that you wish to make remotely accessible into a .NET DLL.
Configure any managed executable to host those components.
Write the client(s) that call the components. Unlike DCOM, the client application must configure the object to be remoted.
9. 9 Writing Remotable Components To make an object remotable, simply derive it from MarshallByRefObject
Makes the object externally creatable
Allows it to be passed in method/property calls
Causes the object to run in the application domain that created it
What in an object is remoted?
Public methods (non-static)
Public properties (non-static)
Public fields (non-static)
10. 10 Remotable Object Example
11. 11 Writing Serializable Components To make an object marshall itself by value, make it serializable
Use the [Serializable] attribute or implement ISerializable
Copy of the object in the client application domain.
Member-wise copy of an object’s public and private member variables
Member objects in object-graph must be serializable themselves
Allows object to be passed in method/property calls
Requires that the serialized object assembly be referenced by the client and server
12. 12 Serializable Object Example
13. 13
14. 14 Configuring Remoting Hosts A Remoting host can be any managed .exe
To be a host, an .exe file must do two things:
Configure a remoting channel
Register each of the types it will make available via remoting
Can be done programmatically or using config files
15. 15 And we talk using… Channels! A channel is the inter-AppDomain transport mechanism.
Can be done programmatically or via a config files.
There are two choices: HTTP, or TCP.
Which one should you use?
TCP is faster than HTTP; Uses binary formatting
HTTP channel is required for calling objects hosted in IIS; uses SOAP formatting
16. 16 Registering Remoting Objects Object types can be configured to have several activation behaviors:
Client activated
Singleton and SingleCall types are known as WellKnown object types
17. 17 SingleCall objects Server's remoting layer creates one SingleCall object per method call
Each object services one and only one request
Created on-demand as method calls arrive
Lifetime limited to method call
Useful in stateless applications
Best choice for load-balanced applications
18. 18 Singleton objects Server's remoting layer creates one Singleton object
Sole object handles method calls from all clients
Lifetime equals server lifetime
Useful in stateful applications
Can only store client-independent state
Best choice where overhead of creating and maintaining objects is substantial
19. 19 Client activated objects Server activated is one activation model
Client activated is quite different
Each client activation creates one object
Object's lifetime extends until the earliest event:
Client drops reference to object
Object's lease expires
Similar to COM coclass activation semantics
Can store per-client state, receive constructor args
20. 20 Well-known objects Server activated types are "well-known"
Server tells remoting
Here's a type
Here's how and when to instantiate the type
Here's the name (end point) a client will use to contact the type
Clients tell remoting
Connect to this server machine
Get the (known) type at this end point (name)
21. 21 Configuring Remoting Clients Client specifies the URL of remotable object
Config file
For WellKnown objects
Activator.GetObject() instead of New to create a remote object reference
GetObject immediately returns a proxy to the object without creating the object first. This avoids unnecessary network roundtrips.
Client activated object factory exists at a URL
Client requests factory to instantiate object and return a proxy to it using Activator.CreateInstance
Client can also make same request using new
22. 22 Example of Channel and Type Registration For a Remoting Host
23. 23
24. 24 Activator.GetObject GetObject returns a proxy for the well-known type served at the specified location
No network traffic until first method call!
Proxy built on client from metadata
Server activates object on first method call
25. 25 RemotingServices.Connect GetObject is a thin wrapper over System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices.Connect
Which calls System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices.Unmarshal
26. 26 RemotingServices.Unmarshal RemotingServices.Unmarshal does the real work
Checks that type is MarshalByRef or Interface
Find or creates identity based on URI
Creates envoy and channel sink chains
Gets or creates transparent and real proxy
End results is client gets a proxy
27. 27 Activator.CreateInstance Client activation requires a network round trip
Send activation message to server
Can include constructor parameters
Server creates object using specified constructor
Server builds ObjRef about new instance
Server sends message with ObjRef to client
Client creates proxy from ObjRef
28. 28 Activator.CreateInstance CreateInstance returns a proxy to a new instance of the type served at the specified location
29. 29 Remoting config file All hard-coded remoting information in prior example can reside in external config file
Default filename is executable plus ".config"
E.g. RuntimeHost.exe is RuntimeHost.exe.config
Host must tell remoting to use the config file
RemotingConfiguration.Configure (file)
Server code simplifies…
30. 30 Example of Type Registration for a Remoting Client
31. 31
32. 32 Client Metadata Deployment Options For a client to use a remoted object, it must have the object’s metadata
Object metadata can be deployed to a client application in the following ways:
Include the remoted object assembly with client applications.
Specify interfaces in a separate assembly and reference that assembly in both client and server applications.
Generate metadata-only assemblies using Soapsuds.exe. They use the HTTP remoting channel and the SOAP formatter.
33. 33 Hosting Objects in IIS IIS can be used as a remoting host
All remoting object types can be specified
Remoting objects can be exposed as Web Services
WSDL is returned in response to WSDL queries
For WellKnown objects, use: http://<Computer>/<VirtDir>/ObjectURI>?wsdl
For Client Activated objects, use: http://<Computer>/<VirtDir>/RemoteApplicationMetadata.rem?wsdl
The object is accessible to SOAP clients
SOAP clients cannot access Client Activated objects
.NET Remoting objects use RPC SOAP encoding
34. 34 Hosting Objects in IIS Clients can use the HTTP channel with either the binary or SOAP formatters
When creating IIS hosted .NET objects, you cannot specify constructor parameters
35. 35 Hosting in IIS – The How… Put the DLL containing the remotable objects into the \bin directory of an IIS Web application or put it in the GAC
Put the remoting configuration section into the Web.Config file for the Web application
Alternatively, the Gobal.asax file can contain an Application_Start() function where you can register your objects in the same way you would in an .exe host.
Do not specify a channel. IIS already listens on port 80. Specifying a port for a channel causes exceptions to be thrown when new IIS worker processes are started.
WellKnown object URIs must end with .rem or .soap.
36. 36
37. 37 Understanding the Internals
38. 38 How does it work? Client receives a proxy object when activating a remote object
Client "thinks" proxy is actual object
Proxy is instance of TransparentProxy class
Mimics inheritance hierarchy of remote object
A call on the proxy:
passes control to actual object when in same domain
creates an IMessage to object in different domain
Passes message to a RealProxy instance
39. 39 How does it work - RealProxy class RealProxy forwards msg to remote object
Handles all method calls to remote object
RealProxy class can be extended, customized
For example, load balancing method calls, client side validation/processing of certain calls
TransparentProxy cannot be replaced
Internal remoting implementation class
40. 40 How does it work - IsTransparentProxy You can call IsTransparentProxy on any object reference to see if it is a proxy
Normally, you don't care
How does TransparentProxy know about the remote class?
41. 41 How does it work - ObjRef Runtime creates an ObjRef when you register an object with the remoting services
An ObjRef contains all information required to locate and access a remote object
the strong name of the class
the class's hierarchy (its parents)
the names of all interfaces the class implements
the object URI
details of all available registered channels
42. 42 How does it work - Client-side remoting Client calls method on TransparentProxy
TransparentProxy builds message
Stack frame to message
TransparentProxy passes msg to RealProxy
RealProxy forwards msg to envoy sink(s)
Last envoy sink forwards msg to context sink(s)
Last context sink forwards msg to channel sink(s)
Channel sinks turn message into a byte stream
Last channel sink sends byte stream to server
43. 43 How does it work - Server-side remoting Channel receives a stream of bytes
Channel forwards stream to channel sink(s)
Last channel sink converts stream into message
Last channel sink forwards msg to context sink(s)
Last context sink forwards msg to server sink(s)
Last server sink is stack frame sink
Stack frame sink builds and issues call to requested method
44. 44 How does it work - Remoting chain
45. 45 Lifetime Management
46. 46 Object Life Time Management Need to know not-required objects for garbage collection
Differs from DCOM pinging that’s not scalable
Concept of lease allows Sponsors to control object lifetime
Leases apply only to Singleton and Client Activated objects.
47. 47 Object Lifetime Management Default initial lease of five minutes
Each call renews the lease by two minutes or the current lease time, whichever is greater
Lease times can be controlled through the <lifetime> section of a config file
Individual objects can control their own lease times by overriding MarshalByRefObject.InitializeLifetimeService();
48. 48 Object Lifetime Management Clients can explicitly renew leases using the RemotingServices.GetLifetimeService() API and the ILease interface
49. 49 Object Lifetime Management Use a lease sponsor to directly control the life of a lease.
The lease manager periodically calls the sponsor requesting it to renew the lease.
50. 50
51. 51 Security and Remoting
52. 52 .NET Remoting Security .NET Remoting has no security built into it!
Remoting relies on the remoting host to provide security
The only host that provides security for remoted objects at present is IIS; therefore, secured objects must be hosted in IIS
The HTTP remoting channel supports the IIS security mechanisms
In IIS, standard ASP.NET security mechanisms can be used
53. 53 .NET Remoting Security To secure remoted objects via IIS:
Configure the objects in IIS as you normally would.
Set the desired security settings for the IIS application.
Configure the client to use the correct authentication method
For Integrated security, use the HTTP channel and set the useDefaultCredentials property to TRUE.
Set the credentials property for a channel to a NetworkCredential to enable Integrated, Basic, and Digest authentication.
If IIS security is enabled, only clients using a properly configured HTTP channel can make calls.
54. 54 .NET Remoting Security Configure the Web.config file to allow or deny access to the IIS application using the following tags in Web.Config:
Determines which identity will be placed in the HttpContext. It must have attribute “mode = Windows”.
Allows/denies access based on the identity placed in HttpContext. It contains comma-separated lists of users.
This is an optional setting. It determines what identity the thread runs as. If the attribute impersonate=“true” is set, the caller will be impersonated for the call. This is useful for ACL checking.
55. 55 .NET Remoting Security Client-side configuration tags:
56. 56
57. 57 Context and Dynamic Publication
58. 58 Understanding CallContext Set of named objects that flow with the execution code path
Flows across local function calls and to remote objects
Flowed back to a remoting caller when a call returns.
Clients can place items into the context that can be modified
Types placed into the context implement ILogicalThreadAffinitive interface and are serializable.
59. 59 Dynamically Publishing a WellKnown Object WellKnown objects cannot have a non-default constructor.
Use RemotingServices.Marshal to publish an existing object instance and Remoting Services.Disconnect to disconnect it.
60. 60
61. 61 Considerations
62. 62 Considerations - Server activated object Type identity is determined using the type and assembly name combination
Name of assembly containing the type must be identical on client and server
Name of type must be identical on client and server
SoapSuds builds assembly with correct name
63. 63 Considerations - Client activated object Same requirements as server activated objects
Additionally, client assembly must contain an implementation of the types
All members must have identical signatures as same members in the server's implementation
Implementation need not be the same!
Typically stubs throw NotSupportedException
SoapSuds creates such stubs for clients using SOAP
64. 64 To sum up… .NET Remoting is future of Distributed communication in Windows Development
Highly Flexible
Complete control over lifetime, serialization, transport channels
Provides variety of object activation mechanisms
Hosting in IIS helps scaling and securing
Indigo is the future of Remoting
65. 65 For More Information… This PPT and Source Code Download at
MSDN Web site at
Dot Net Remoting
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