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Teach Computer Literacy to Seniors at Horizon House

Become an instructor and teach Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to Horizon House neighbors seeking job opportunities. Join Cathedral students every Saturday from 12-2:30 PM. Contact Dale Pedzniski to express your interest.

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Teach Computer Literacy to Seniors at Horizon House

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  1. Helping Computer LiteracyCathedral Seniors Teach Neighbors at Horizon House Want to be an instructor? Two to four senior students will work together to instruct a class of Horizon neighbors. These neighbors are individuals who may have been homeless or have had interruptions in their lives. They are preparing for job opportunities and have received job training at Horizon. The Horizon House neighbors really enjoy the opportunity to learn Word, Excel and Power Point from Cathedral students. We travel together as a group from Cathedral each Saturday from 12-2:30 PM with an adult who joins you. Meet at Cathedral by the Kelly Hall flagpole thirty minutes before noon to timely arrive for instruction with Horizon neighbors. Classes Schedule DayClass Saturday 12:00-2:30 Email Dale Pedzniskiabout your interest.

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