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SC-214/WG-78 SG-3 Status of INTEROP Standards at Plenary 9

SC-214/WG-78 SG-3 Status of INTEROP Standards at Plenary 9. Plenary #9: 14 – 18 December 2009 Albuquerque, NM, U.S.A. Claudia Chitty - Frédéric Picard . Issues to be addressed Technical Issues Documentation Isssues Validation Process Issues. SC-214 / WG78 Standard Status

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SC-214/WG-78 SG-3 Status of INTEROP Standards at Plenary 9

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  1. SC-214/WG-78 SG-3Status of INTEROP Standardsat Plenary 9 Plenary #9: 14 – 18 December 2009Albuquerque, NM, U.S.A Claudia Chitty - Frédéric Picard

  2. Issues to be addressed Technical Issues Documentation Isssues Validation Process Issues • SC-214 / WG78 Standard Status • ATN INTEROP Standard • FANS Accommodation Standard • ATN Technical Specifications • SC-214 / WG78 Data Link Profiles

  3. ATS INTEROP (ATN) Current Scope: DLIC+, CPDLC: ACL+, ACM+, AMC+, D-TAXI, DCL ADS-C DOTIS, RVR Backwards compatibility rules with ED110B ATN implementations (LK2+) Current Version V0.16 Aligned with SPR Version G Editors: F. Picard (DLIC,CPDLC/FIS) G. Saccone (ADS-C) Status Review to be completed this week (17 ATN comments) Ready for validation Future Work Completion D-RVR (P10) Inclusion of D-HZWX, ITP and Oceanic Services (2010) Validation Effort CPDLC : medium (validation by « delta » vs. ED110B/DO280B) ADS-C and FIS: high (new) INTEROP LK2+ Backwards Compatibility Specifications: high (new)

  4. FANS1/A+ INTEROP Scope: Accommodation for CM & CPDLC (WP1) Guidance Material for ADS-C (WP2) Current Version WP1_v11 – WP2_v0.3 Aligned with SPR Version G Editor: G. Collings Status 7 comments on DCL Ready for validation Validation Effort CPDLC-based services: low (validation by « delta » vs. ED-154 / DO-306)

  5. SC-214 / WG78 Data Link Profiles(POICS) CPDLC Editor: Bruce Eckeert Current Version: v0.16 Review in progress (1 comment) ADS-C Current version: V0.16 Editor: Fred Picard Airborne part only available 4DTRAD Support only Concern Simplification of POICS proforma for a better use Future Work Ground ADS-C Part FIS not started NEW

  6. ATN Technical Specifications(Doc 9880) CM – ATN A/G Protocol Specification Doc 9880 Edition 1 fully applicable No change require to support SC-214 profile PM-CPDLC – ATN A/G Protocol Specification Doc 9880 Edition 1 fully applicable No change require to support SC-214 profile PM-ADS – ATN A/G Protocol Specification Editor: G. Saccone V0.6 (V0.5 output ICAO) Aligned with Doc 9694 Draft 12 Distribution at Plenary #9 PM-FIS – ATN A/G Protocol Specification V1.4 (V1 output ICAO) Distributed with the April FAA Evaluation Version Status Review in progress (no comments) Ready for validation (PM-ADS & PM-FIS) Required Validation Effort CM & (PM)CPDLC = low (validation/implentation done) (PM)ADS-C & (PM)FIS : medium (ICAO validation in 2006) NEW

  7. Comment Process – StatusATN INTEROP = 25 comments

  8. Technical Issues CPDLC (5) showstopper: Error / enhancement in ASN.1 No LINK backwards compatibility for [route clearance] parameter ACM (2) Document differences between normal and abrupt CPDLC connection termination (End vs. Abort) No latency check on downlink system messages (e.g. DM99 CDA) DCL (8) Inconsistency SPR / IOP Messages in DCL requests (a/c type, prefered level, departure frequency…) ADS-C (7) showstopper: single or multiple RTA ? Emergency status in ADS-C contract reject message ? Level defined twice in ADS-C report Fixname replaced by Waypoint Identifier in ADS-C report « Lateral Type » values, EPP parameter optional/mandatory attributes not consistent with SPR SNOWTAM (1) ASN.1 definition of SNOWTAM report (close) ITP (1) Alignment with ED122 Change 1 proposal PICS (1) Errors detected in CPDLC PICS

  9. Documentation Management Issues • Traceability • SC-214 INTEROP Requirements to ED110B/DO280B IRs • SC-214 FANS Accommodatrion Requirements to ED-154/DO-306 Requirements • Question to Plenary: confirm the need for such traceability. • Document Naming • Names required for SC-214/WG-78 documents (e.g. « PU-40 » before ED-154 publication) • Document Versions • Several version conventions for SPR (letter), INTEROP documents (major/minor release) – Decide on way and document in José’s WP. • Document Configuration Control • Wide distribution of defects and defect resolutions • Need for a formal Configuration Process • Comment matrix is not sufficient • Formal PDR (Proposed Defect Report) • Need for establishing a CCB before validation starts • Need for a dedicated mailing list and/or a PDR data base (e.g. bugzilla)

  10. Validation Process (2010) – S-214 Issues • Need to define a Validation Plan with Validation Objectives covering all documents (SPR, IOP, Tech Specs) • Functional Validation Objectives (VO) • Technical Validation Objectives (TO) • Document/Specification Validation Objecftives (SO) • Need to define Validation means and Validation level • Paper Review • Implementation of Prototypes by 1 or more than 2 independant initiatives • Consolidate a Validation Report • From validation reports sent by validation initiatives • Validation Coverage Analysis • Validation Assessment and Statement

  11. Week output • No separate INTEROP meeting – Common working sessions with the SPR SG. Issues and resolution are the one reported by SPR SG. • 32 new comments have been raised. Editors have clear instructions how to handle these comments. Should be done by January. No showstopper for INTEROP. • The DCL issues for FANS accommodation have been addressed in the DCL session and are closed. • CPDLC PICS are up to date. • Material for CPDLC is now stable. • Work remains to be done is to align the INTEROP doc with the decisions taken this week on ADS-C

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