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Church Past and Present

Explore the key moments in church history and discover the different ways the Church manifests itself in the community. Ultimately, you are the Church, meant to reveal Christ and do the work of the Father.

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Church Past and Present

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Church Past and Present

  2. Quick definition: • Capital “C’ Church – people • Little “c” church – The building, “service”, Living Christ church.

  3. 8 Key Church History Moments • Life and Death of Christ 4 BC- 30 AD • The plague of Cyprian 249-262 • Christianity Becomes legal in Rome 313 AD • Crusades 1095 AD • Martin Luther 1517 AD (Reformation) • Azusa Street revival April 9, 1906 • A.B. Simpson and the CMA 1974 • Living Christ Church (Simpson Memorial Church) March 26 1945

  4. It is a mixed bag.

  5. Who is the Church?What are they meant to do?

  6. Who is the Church? He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough. (Matthew 13:33)

  7. Who is the Church? The Church is a people group that mixes into the community.

  8. Who is the Church? • The Church manifests itself in different ways • Church congregation • Parachurch • Small groups • Individuals

  9. Who is the Church? YOU are the Church.

  10. What is the Church meant to do? Matthew 16:13-19

  11. Two Responsibilities of the Church • The Revelation of Christ • The keys of the Kingdom

  12. The Revelation of Christ • Our responsibility as a Church is the revelation of Christ. To help everyone see more of Christ, that we might fall deeper in love with him.

  13. The Keys of the kingdom • The Church has the Keys of the Kingdom (power and authority)- to do the Father’s work.

  14. “Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, The Church was created for the Worship of God, edification of saints, and the redemption of the world”- S John

  15. In Summary • Church History is a mixed bag • The Church is a people group that mixes into the community • The Church manifests itself in different ways • But ultimately, YOU ARE THE CHURCH • The Church is meant to • Reveal Christ • Do the Work of the Father.

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