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Detector R&D for the ILC

Detector R&D for the ILC. W. Lohmann, DESY. e + e - Collider 500 GeV – 1 TeV Fixed and tunable CMS energy Clean Events Beam Polarisation gg option. Physics Requirements for a Detector. Major Goal: Explore Elektroweak Symmetry Breaking

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Detector R&D for the ILC

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  1. Detector R&D for the ILC W. Lohmann, DESY e+ e- Collider 500 GeV – 1 TeV • Fixed and tunable CMS energy • Clean Events • Beam Polarisation • gg option JINR Dubna BMBF

  2. PhysicsRequirements for a Detector Major Goal: Explore Elektroweak Symmetry Breaking Understanding of Particle Mass Generation Two cases: A light Higgs Boson, Identification of the Higgs (Mass, Spin, Parity), Couplings Measurement of Higgs Strahlung, e+e- Z H l+ l- X (‘golden physics channel’), with d(ml+l-) << GZ Spin, Parity Higgs Field Potential, l Mass accuracy ~40 MeV

  3. Or, no Higgs Boson Strong Interactions of Gauge Bosons -Reconstruction of the W’s from the measured Jet energies and directions e+e- Z H bbe+e- Impact on the Detector: • Excellent Tracking • Excellent Jet Reconstruction • Excellent Vertex Reconstruction • (Flavour Tagging, e.g. to • measure Higgs branching • fractions)

  4. Detector Hermeticity SUSY: Detection of l  , sleptons for small m signal major background :  ee  l 0 l 0 ee  (e)(e) l l  ~ 10 fb  ~ 106 fb – efficient electron and photon detection at small polar angles

  5. Performance Requirementsin Numbers: Momentum resolution 10 х LEP Impact Parameter 3 х LEP dE/dx LEP Jet energy resolution 2 х LEP, HERA Granularity 200 х LEP, HERA Luminosity precision 3 x LEP Hermeticity > 5 mrad Dedicated Detector R&D needed

  6. Example- “TESLA” Detector

  7. Silicon Vertex Detectors Example: CCD technology 20x20 mm2 pixel, cosq=0.96, Inside a foam cryostat,1800K, thickness 0.01 % X0 Critical: readout speed Other options: MAPS and DEPFET technologies

  8. Central Tracker- TPC 1.7 m radius, 3% X0, 4T B-field Challanges: Gas amplifiction system Field stability 100 mm single point resolution Other option for gas amplification: Micromegas

  9. Examples of Prototype TPCs Carleton, Aachen, Desy(not shown) for B=0 studies Desy, Victoria, Saclay (fit in 2-5T magnets)

  10. Prototype ResultsPoint resolution, Gem --Two examples of σ_pt measured for Gems and 2x6mm^2 pads. --In Desy chamber triple Gem isused --In Victoria chamber a double Gem --In general (also for Micromegas) the resolution is not as good as simulations expect; we are searching for why (electronics, noise, method). B=4T Gas:P5 30cm

  11. FORWARD TRACKING Central region: Pixel vertex detector (VTX) Silicon strip detector (SIT) Time projection chamber (TPC) Forward region: Silicon disks (FTD) Forward tracking chambers (FCH) (e.g. straw tubes, silicon strips) • momentum resolutiond(1/p) =7 x 10-5 /GeV +SIT : s(1/p) = 0.5 x 10-4 GeV-1

  12. Calorimetry HCAL ECAL Electromagnetic Calorimeter Tungsten-Silicon sandwich. With pad of 1x1 cm and 40 layers, 24 X0, RM ~ 1 cm Other options: Shashlyk, Tile-Fiber, Scitillator-Si Hybrid TPC D E /E = 11% / sqrt(E) Hadron Calorimeter Stainless steel Scintillator tile, other options: digital calorimeter (RPC’s) D E /E = 35% / sqrt(E)+ 3% LEP ILC Energy flow measurement for jets: (Combined tracking, ECAL, HCAL) D E /E = 30%/ sqrt(E)

  13. Example Calorimetry Goal: detect electrons and photons, Photon direction from shower Si- Waver, 1 x 1 cm2 pads Detector slab

  14. Calorimetry Silicon PM’s for read out m 42 20m pixel h Resistor Rn=400 k Al R 50 Depletion Region 2 m substrate Ubias Example: Steel-Scintillator Sandwich HCAL with WLS fibre readout Example of tile-fibre geometry dependence; varies from ~9 to ~25.e./MIP Example of tiles equipped with fibres <Nph.e> =46 Hamburg, DESY, Dubna, MEPhI, Prague, LPI, ITEP

  15. MINICAL Prototype First Tests with hadron beam in 2005

  16. Very Forward Detectors • Measurement of the Luminosity with precision O(10-4) Beamstrahlung Depositions: 20 MGy/year Rad. hard sensors • Fast Beam Diagnostics • Shielding of the inner Detector • Detection of Electrons and Photons at very low angle – extend hermeticity L* = 4m 300 cm VTX FTD IP LumiCal: 26 < q < 82 mrad BeamCal: 4 < q < 28 mrad PhotoCal: 100 < q < 400 mrad LumiCal BeamCal

  17. Sensor prototyping, Diamonds Scint.+PMT& Diamond (+ PA) gate signal • ADC Pads Pm1&2 May,August/2004 test beams CERN PS Hadron beam – 3,5 GeV 2 operation modes: Slow extraction ~105-106 / s fast extraction ~105-107 / ~10ns (Wide range intensities) Diamond samples (CVD): - Freiburg - GPI (Moscow) - Element6

  18. DESY R&D Program (since year 2000) http://www.desy.de/prc/ The following proposals were approved: • Barrel Calorimeters (electromagnetic and hadron) • PRC R&D 00/01, 00/02, 01/02 • Vertexing • PRC R&D 01/01(CCD), PRC R&D 01/04 (MAPS) • PRC R&D 03/01(DEPFET), PRC R&D 03/02(SILC) • Tracking • Time Projection Chamber, PRC R&D 01/03 • Forward Calorimeters, PRC R&D 02/01 These Collaborations represent the ‘state of the art’ in the fields

  19. Additional Components • Beam Momentum Spectrometers • (match the accuracy for mH ~ 40 MeV) • Polarisation Diagnostics for Electrons and • Positrons • (electroweak precision measurements • require sub % level) • Accelerator-Detector Interaction • (Lumi optimisation, Rad. Protection, • BDS, Final Quad’s..) These components need dedicated R&D, Most of the topics are part of the ‘EuroTEV’ project coordinated by DESY (partly funded by EU)

  20. Worldwide R&D • Ongoing R&D Programs in Europe, US/Canada • and Asia • Currently the Effort is in the Process of • Re-Coordination (Think Global-Act Local), • Detector R&D panel will be formed soon • Next Milestones: LCWS Stanford, March 05 • Snowmass WS, August 05 • ECFA WS Vienna, Nov. 2005 • And many special workshops ……

  21. Concepts: Gaseous or Silicon Central Tracking? B = 5T B = 4T B = 3T Large R Small R

  22. Time Schedule ILC Detector Step 1. Form panels (see below) Step 2. To match accelerator CDR (2005 0r 2006?) Single preliminary costing and performance paper for all concepts. Step 3. To match accelerator TDR (2007?) Detector CDRs with performance on benchmarks, technical feasibility, refined costs etc. Received by WWSOC Step 4. When Global Lab. is formed (2008?) L.O.I.s for Experiments. Global Lab. invites TDRs. Step 5. Global Lab. + 1 year (2009?) G.L. receives TDRs and selects experiments. (Detector R&D, MDI ) Its time to become a visible collaborator…

  23. Summary • R&D for a linear Collider Detector will be a major • effort at DESY in the next 5+x years • In 2008 we must be ready for LOI’s • In 2010 a clear scheme for the production of • Subdetectors must be ready • There is world-wide activity going on- lets unite our intellectual capacitance and expertise to invent the best performance subdetectors and demonstrate this to the community

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