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CHEMISTRY Del ur Lgr 11: kursplan i kemi i grundskolan 7-9 (s147) Genom undervisningen i ämnet kemi ska eleverna sammanfattningsvis ges förutsättningar att utveckla sin förmåga att ...
CHEMISTRY Del ur Lgr 11: kursplan i kemi i grundskolan 7-9 (s147) Genom undervisningen i ämnet kemi ska eleverna sammanfattningsvis ges förutsättningar att utveckla sin förmåga att ... ... använda kunskaper i kemi för att granska information, kommunicera och ta ställning i frågor som rör energi,miljö, hälsa och samhälle, ------------------------- Kemin i naturen: Några kemiska processer i ... luft ... ur miljö- och hälsosynpunkt. Kemins metoder och arbetssätt: Källkritisk granskning av information och argument som eleven möter i olika källor och samhällsdiskussioner med koppling till kemi...” Kemin och världsbilden: Historiska och nutida upptäckter inom kemiområdet och deras betydelse för världsbild, teknik, miljö, samhälle och människors levnadsvillkor Kemin i vardagen och samhället: Vanliga kemikalier ... i samhället ... samt hur de påverkar hälsan och miljön. Aktuella samhällsfrågor som rör kemi
CHEMISTRY - The Volatile History (finding the ”Philosoper’s Stone”)
What about ... CO2? Catastrophic “Man Made” Global Warming? OR ...
Global Temperatures ... rising? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2055191/Scientists-said-climate-change-sceptics-proved-wrong-accused-hiding-truth-colleague.html MULLER'S COLLEAGUE PROFESSOR JUDITH CURRY – WHO BESIDES BEING A ”B.E.S.T.” CO-AUTHOR CHAIRS THE DEPARTMENT OF EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES AT AMERICA’S PRESTIGIOUS GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY – ”THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR SAYING THAT WARMING HASN’T STOPPED,”
Is the world hotter now than in the past ? Labours of the Months – Limbourg Brothers 1385 - 1416 IPCC 1990 Arctic temperatures from Polyakov et al., 2002. Loehle and McCulloch [2008].
Highest CO2 ever? Problems: • CO2 leaking out of ice core bubbles • Stomata fossils show much higher CO2 • GeoCarb shows little relation between CO2 and temp • Good C02 readings from 1800s much higher • CO2 today does not mix well from NH to SH • CO2 rises 800 years AFTER temperature
Conflict of Interest & CO2 (BBCs nature and climate documentaries) Kunskapskrav för betyget A i slutet av årskurs 9 ”... för välutvecklade och väl underbyggda resonemang om informationens och källornas trovärdighet och relevans ...” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2063737/BBCs-Mr-Climate-Change-accepted-15-000-grants-university-rocked-global-warning-scandal.html
Conflict of Interest (the evidence: UEA invoices and BBC emails) Alex Kirby in email 4894 on the BBC's neutrality. Yes, glad you stopped this -- I was sent it too, and decided to spike it without more ado as pure stream-of-consciousness rubbish. I can well understand your unhappiness at our running the other piece. But we are constantly being savaged by the loonies for not giving them any coverage at all, especially as you say with the COP in the offing, and being the objective impartial (ho ho) BBC that we are, there is an expectation in some quarters that we will every now and then let them say something. I hope though that the weight of our coverage makes it clear that we think they are talking through their hats. Mike Hulme in email 2496: Did anyone hear Stott vs. Houghton on Today, radio 4 this morning? Woeful stuff really. This is one reason why Tyndall is sponsoring the Cambridge Media/Environment Programme to starve this type of reporting at source. Source: Climategate 2 emails - http://foia2011.org/
Our Future Human World More of everything: • More energy use • More consumption • Cleaner environment • More people • More live in cities • More wildernesses • Healthier people • Happier people • Longer lives (Check the evidence ... ... not the emotion :-) (Check the facts ... ... not the fiction :-)
Our Ape-Human Brains Homo Erectus – 1.5 to 0.5 million years ago Catholic Patron Saints Superstitions
An early ”Scare” Silicon Breast Implants (USA 1992-2006, not EU) [GUT] 1960s – Silicon Breast Implants (SBIs) start to be manufactured. 1976 – FDA approves SBIs. 1982 – Australian report describes 3 women with SBIs and Connective Tissue Disease (CTD). - San Francisco women sues maunfacturers for $millions.(both heavily reported by Media) 1990 – CBS TVs Connie Wong programme accuses FDA over SBIs 1992 – FDA , under intense media pressure, bans SBIs ”not proven to be 100% safe”. 1994- $4.25billion manufactures out-of-court settlement fund proposed. ($1billion for lawyers) - Dow Corning SBI manufacturer files for bankruptcy. 1994- ”No Link between SBIs and CTD”- Mayo Clinic. 1999 – No connection btween SBIs and CTD – Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Science. 2004 – Dow Corning out of bankruptcy, pays $2billion to settle 360,000 claims. 2006- FDA lifts SBI ban: very substantial evidence does not pose a risk for disease. Anti-implant activists still not convinced. ------------------- [HEAD] 100,000,000 American women (1992) 1,000,000 or 1% with SBIs 1,000,000 or 1% with CTD 10,000 women with SBIs and CTD or ... a 1 in 10,000 chance of both -----------------------------
Pushers Activist Scientists Corporations NGOs The Media Politicians NEW SCARE Blockers Skeptical Scientists Skeptical Journalists Common stages of a Scare * Appearance of widely accepted scientific evidence * Obsessive media coverage * Massive response from politicians. * New laws and restrictions enacted. * Social damage - fear/hysteria//panic * Economic damage - $M/$B/$T spent * Scientific evidence & reasoning then accepted as fundamentally flawed. * Fear subsides and money all wasted. * New & different scare begins again. Defining parts of a Scare * A new type of threat. * Something anyone might be exposed to. * A large undefined uncertainty of effects. * Society's response is out of all proportion to the reality of the threat.