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DATABASE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT: A VISUAL APPROACH. Raymond Frost – John Day – Craig Van Slyke. Chapter 6 Creating Databases with Oracle Using SQL. Oracle Data Types. Exhibit 6-1: Data Types Available in Oracle. Skydiving Member Database Table Design.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 6 DATABASE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT: A VISUAL APPROACH Raymond Frost – John Day – Craig Van Slyke Chapter 6 Creating Databases with Oracle Using SQL

  2. Chapter 6 Oracle Data Types Exhibit 6-1: Data Types Available in Oracle

  3. Chapter 6 Skydiving Member Database Table Design Exhibit 6-2: Design and Data for the Skydiving Club Member Database

  4. Chapter 6 Skydiving Member Data Exhibit 6-2: Design and Data for the Skydiving Club Member Database

  5. Chapter 6 Sky_Member DatabaseScript Exhibit 6-3: Script File for the Sky_Member Database

  6. Chapter 6 Logging Into Oracle Source: Used by permission of Oracle Exhibit 6-4: iSQL*Plus Login Screen

  7. Chapter 6 iSQL*Plus Work Screen Source: Used by permission of Oracle Exhibit 6-5: iSQL*Plus Work Screen

  8. Chapter 6 Executing a Script in iSQL*Plus Source: Used by permission of Oracle Exhibit 6-6: Script File Executed in Work Screen

  9. Chapter 6 Arcade Database Table Design Exhibit 6-7: Create the Arcade Database

  10. Chapter 6 Arcade Database with Data Exhibit 6-7: Create the Arcade Database

  11. Chapter 6 Arcade DatabaseScript Exhibit 6-8: Script File for the ARCADE Database

  12. Chapter 6 Enrollment DatabaseScript Exhibit 6-9: Design of ENROLLMENT Database

  13. Chapter 6 Enrollment Data Exhibit 6-9: Design of ENROLLMENT Database

  14. Chapter 6 Enrollment Data Exhibit 6-9: Design of ENROLLMENT Database

  15. Chapter 6 Enrollment Data Exhibit 6-9: Design of ENROLLMENT Database

  16. Chapter 6 Enrollment Data Exhibit 6-9: Design of ENROLLMENT Database

  17. Chapter 6 Enrollment Data Exhibit 6-9: Design of ENROLLMENT Database

  18. Chapter 6 Dropping and Creating Tables Tables must be dropped in the opposite order from which they were created. Exhibit 6-10: Order for Dropping and Creating Tables

  19. Chapter 6 Enroll DatabaseScript:Part 1 Exhibit 6-11: Script File to Create the Enroll Database

  20. Chapter 6 Enroll DatabaseScript:Part 2 Exhibit 6-11: Script File to Create the Enroll Database

  21. Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Reserved words cannot be used as field names. Exhibit 6-12: Reserved Words May Not Be Used as Field Names

  22. Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Do not include a comma after the last field in the list. Exhibit 6-13: Including a Comma after the Last Field Name

  23. Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Commas cannot be omitted in the field list. Exhibit 6-14: Omitting Commas in the Create Table Statement

  24. Chapter 6 Troubleshooting There should not be a comma at the end of the field list. Exhibit 6-15: Extra Comma in Column List

  25. Chapter 6 Troubleshooting There should not be a comma at the end of the value list. Exhibit 6-16: Extra Comma in Value List

  26. Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Values in foreign key fields must match the corresponding primary key value. Exhibit 6-17: Referential Integrity Violation

  27. Chapter 6 Practice Exercise 1 Exhibit 6-18: Hospital Database Design

  28. Chapter 6 Practice Exercise 1 Exhibit 6-19: Hospital Database Data

  29. Chapter 6 Practice Exercise 2 Exhibit 6-20: Acme Database Design

  30. Chapter 6 Practice Exercise 2 Exhibit 6-21: Acme Database Data

  31. Chapter 6 Practice Exercise 3 Exhibit 6-22: Amazon Database Design

  32. Chapter 6 Practice Exercise 3 Exhibit 6-23: Amazon Database Data

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