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The Python Programming Language and HDF5: H5py. Application to Satellite Remote Sensing Data Processing. Needs of satellite remote sensing data processing and programming languages. Introduction to some Python elements. Introduction to Numerical Python with Numpy.
The Python Programming Language and HDF5: H5py. Application to Satellite Remote Sensing Data Processing. Needs of satellite remote sensing data processing and programming languages. Introduction to some Python elements. Introduction to Numerical Python with Numpy. Tying them together with H5py. Examples. Daniel Kahn, Science Systems and Applications Inc. HDF/HDF-EOS Workshop XIII, Riverdale, MD 3 Nov 2009
Where credit is due: Andrew Collette, UCLA, author of h5py Francesc Alted, author of PyTables and the HDF5 1.6 Pyrex definitions (i.e Python-C defs used in H5py) Andrew also requested acknowledgment for Darren Dale (Cornell) and Armando Sole (ESRF) for their suggestions, patches and encouragement.
Modern remote sensing satellite data and data processing needs have several characteristics. 1) The data need to be subjected to numerical algorithms. The algorithms vary in their sophistication but few, if any, require supercomputer architectures. E.g. Computing a zonal mean. (Fortran, C, C++) 2) The data need to be subjected to non-numerical “bookkeeping” algorithms. Associated metadata needs to be read, matched, sliced, diced, acted upon and committed to databases. (Perl) 3) Modern systems automatically the schedule processing on to lots of inexpensive, commodity CPUs. This complicates using managed (i.e. licensed) commercial runtime environments, e.g. IDL, Matlab, Mathematica. 4) Satellite processing systems are dynamic. They need customization several times over the course of each instrument's life. Development time needs to be short. (Perl, IDL, Matlab, Mathematica) 5) Data processing systems need to track data provenance.
A Remote Sensing Data Processing Challenge... Problem: We lack a programming language which spans the breath of our remote sensing data processing needs, i.e. Which can handle both numerical and non-numerical processing (including HDF5) and that has a short development cycle. Goal: Find a programming language which allows fast development and is adept at numerical processing as well as non-numerical processing. “Adept” doesn't mean “best”, just pretty good.
...and the Python Programming Language Why Python fits the bill better than: Fortran As an interpreted language with dynamic variable bindings Python offers more flexibility during development. The multidimensional array extension (numpy) provides efficient and competitive array operations. It is more similar to IDL or Matlab... IDL or Matlab No license required which can save money on several levels. Python language can be more well suited to non-numerical data processing tasks such as are encountered in production processing of remote sensing. It is more similar to Perl... Perl/PDL Nicer syntax for array operations. More complete HDF5 support (h5py vs PDL HDF5).
Some elements of Python Python is an interpreted language. Python statements can easily be run from an interactive prompt. Python programs are written in ASCII files. Python has many of the same elements as programming languages used for numerical processing (I.e. loops, conditionals, etc) plus... Name spaces Lists Dictionaries
Python has name spaces Name spaces allow related functions and data to be grouped together in a way that will not conflict with unrelated functions and data which happens to be named the same. Name space are very useful, but are only relevant here because Python name spaces correspond to Python modules. The numerical and HDF5 routines we will see later are implemented as Python modules. For example, to open an HDF5 file in Python we first import the h5py module and then we open the file using the File function of the h5py module. import h5py # First import the module. FileID = h5py.File('hdf5_test.h5','r')#Now use the File function, #note the module name in red. . . . We could import other modules simultaneously which have an unrelated function called File and there would be no conflict or error.
Python has Lists: These are 1D arrays which are useful for solving many problems. List index notation looks like 1D array notation in many languages. >>> MyList = [1.0,70] # initialize variable to 2 element list >>> MyList.append("Demo Data!") # Append an element, NOT like fortran >>> MyList.append(MyList[0] + MyList[1]) # Append sum of first 2 elements >>> print MyList [1.0, 70, 'Demo Data!', 71.0] Python has Dictionaries: (Aka hash tables) These map symbols to objects in analogy to how a 1D list maps an integer index value to an object. >>> MyDictionary = {} # Initialize empty Dictionary >>> MyDictionary[0] = 1 >>> MyDictionary['Gadzooks'] = 70 >>> MyDictionary['Kind of Data'] = 'Demo Data!' >>> MyDictionary['Result'] = MyDictionary[0] + MyDictionary['Gadzooks'] >>> print MyDictionary {0: 1, 'Kind of Data': 'Demo Data!', 'Result': 71, 'Gadzooks': 70}
Python Lists vs Python Dictionaries vs Arrays in Fortran Index to a List must be an integer, but a Dictionary can be indexed by an integer or string. MyList[Integer] vs. MyDictionary[Integer or String] The objects referenced by a List or Dictionary can be any Python object. This is in contrast to more traditional languages, eg. The elements Fortran array must be of a particular type such as real*4. MyList = [34,”String Datum”] or MyDictionary={'FirstKey':34,'SecondKey':”String Datum”}
The List and Dictionary data structures make it possible to write flexible programs very quickly. However, they are not good for numerical computation. The variety of objects (number, string, etc) which they can reference makes computation slow. For example, adding array elements: MyList[0] + MyList[1] Python must check at run time if MyList[0] and MyList[1] are objects that can be added together, and not, say, a number and a string. In a loop this check is performed at every iteration! What to do? Enter Numpy Numpy is a package for use with Python which provides multidimensional arrays of numeric (and other) types and extends Python syntax to provide a familiar interface to the arrays. Numpy extends Python syntax to allow the expression of vector operations similar to those in IDL, Matlab, or Fortran (>=90).
Numpy Example: Create, Print, and add two 2D arrays Build from Python lists of lists of elements (the module name is numpy)... >>> a = numpy.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) >>> print a [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]] Build from dimension sizes... >>> b = numpy.ones([2,3]) >>> print b [[ 1. 1. 1.] [ 1. 1. 1.]] Print a selected element... >>> print a[1,2] 6 Example: Add two dimensional arrays. >>> print a+b [[ 2. 3. 4.] [ 5. 6. 7.]] >>>
The HDF5 connection: H5py H5py is an Python-HDF5 interface is a Python module written by Andrew Collette. Its design allows the use of familiar Python structures for working with HDF5 files. The interface maps Python syntax for familiar Python objects to similar objects in the HDF5 file.
Here is a familiar example HDF5 file from the HDFView distribution: Here is how to read the 3D int array using h5py. >>> import h5py >>> fid = h5py.File('hdf5_test.h5','r') >>> group = fid['arrays'] >>> The3DArray = group['3D int array'].value >>> fid.close() >>> The3DArray array([[[ 174, 27, 0, ..., 102, 71, 100009], [ 171, 27, 0, ..., 194, 79, 100109], [ 172, 27, 0, ..., 102, 55, 100209], ...,
Equivalence of HDF5 Groups and Python Dictionaries Print value of dictionary entry: >>> MyDictionary = {'RandArray':numpy.random.random([2,2])} >>> print MyDictionary['RandArray'] [[ 0.82066938 0.39219683] [ 0.86546443 0.91276533]] Print value of HDF5 file entry: >>> fid = h5py.File('RandomArray.h5','r') >>> print fid['RandArray'].value [[ 0.1 3.14152908] [ 2.71828008 0. ]]
Simple Real world example: Goal: Retrieve HDF5 file from Configuration Management (CM) and insert CM metadata into HDF5 file. We want to place the CM path and revision number inside the HDF5 file as an attribute.
Python script to retrieve file from CM and store Rev number as attribute. #! /usr/bin/env python import sys import os import h5py Rev = sys.argv[1] # Specifiy CM path on command line SVNFilepath = sys.argv[2] # Specify revision number on #comand line. command = 'svn export -r ' + Rev + ' ' + SVNFilepath #Subversion # Command InStream = os.popen(command,'r') ExportString = InStream.read() ExportReturnCode = InStream.close() Elements = SVNFilepath.split('/') # HDF5 code fid = h5py.File(Elements[-1]) # Elements[-1] is file name fid.attrs['SVN Path and Revision'] = SVNFilepath + '@' + Rev fid.close() H5py code in red. Note the minimal effort coding HDF5 calls.
Another real world example (if NPOESS is your real world). We have had several occasions to do data aggregation on HDF5 files for the OMPS Limb instrument. Our retrieval code (Fortran) processes an orbit of data as 480 distinct pieces and places the results into 480 distinct HDF5 files. We wish to aggregate the files such that an N dimensional array in a unaggregated file becomes a N+1 dimensional array in the aggregated HDF5 file. The Fortran code is (mostly) the product of the retrieval scientist, while the aggregation is a requirement of the production data processing system. It makes sense to aggregate as a post-processing step to the Fortran code so as to minimize changes to the original Fortran code.
Aggregation Algorithm 1) Input is list of HDF5 files 2) Analyze structure of one file to generate list of fully qualified dataset names, dimensions, and type (In the code I use a Python Dictionary and not a list). 3) Assume all files have that structure. Read corresponding datasets (of dim N) from each file into aggregation variable (of dim N+1). 4) After corresponding datasets have been read from all files write aggregation variable to HDF5 file. 5) Repeat 3 until all datasets have been aggregated. Array 4 Array 3 File 1 Array File 2 Array File 3 Array File 4 Array Array 2 Array 1 + + + Schematic of Array Aggregation for One Dataset
# Data Aggregator. This script takes a set of HDF5 files as input. # The files are expected to have identical struture. All the # corresponding arrays in the input files are combined into an array # which has dimensions N+1, where N is the number of dimensions in the # original, constituent arrays. import sys import h5py import numpy Files = sys.argv[1:] # Get file names from command line # First step is to select one file and create a map of the shape and # data type of all datasets. This is naturally done via a recursive # function, called VisitAllObjects FirstFid = h5py.File(Files[0],'r') # Open first HDF5 file FileInfo = {} # Initialize FileInfo to be a dictionary. We will use it to build a mapping from # dataset name to a tuple containing shape and type of dataset. # EVALUATE HDF5 HIERARCHY # Evaluating a a hierarchy is naturally a recursive process so we define a function.... def VisitAllObjects(Group,Path): for i in Group.items(): if isinstance(i[1],h5py.Group): VisitAllObjects(i[1],Path + '/' + i[0]) else: DatasetName = Path + '/' + i[0] FileInfo[DatasetName] = (Group[DatasetName].shape, Group[DatasetName].dtype) VisitAllObjects(FirstFid,'') FirstFid.close()
# Print dataset paths and info to screen for (k,v) in FileInfo.items(): print k,v # AGGREGATE DATA # Now that we understand the file structure we can perform the aggregation. OutputFileID = h5py.File('AggregatedData.h5','w') NumberOfFiles = len(Files) # Here is the meat of the code. The outer loop is over datasets, the inner over all files. for Dataset in FileInfo.keys(): AggregatedData = numpy.ndarray(FileInfo[Dataset][0]+(NumberOfFiles,),dtype = FileInfo[Dataset][1]) for FileNumber in range(NumberOfFiles): # Open file, read data into aggregation array, and close fid = h5py.File(Files[FileNumber],'r') AggregatedData[...,FileNumber] = fid[Dataset].value fid.close() Path = Dataset.split('/') map((lambda(x): OutputFileID.require_group(x)), Path[1:-1]) #OutputFileID[Dataset] = AggregatedData OutputFileID.create_dataset(Dataset,data=AggregatedData,compression=5,chunks=FileInfo[Dataset][0]+(1,)) OutputFileID.close()
Original, Unaggregated Data Field $ h5dump -H -d /ANCILLARY_DATA/GeopotentialHeight_NCEP \ Data/OMPS_LP_SDR_20041121_55_146_-69_-119.h5 HDF5 "Data/OMPS_LP_SDR_20041121_55_146_-69_-119.h5" { DATASET "/ANCILLARY_DATA/GeopotentialHeight_NCEP" { DATATYPE H5T_IEEE_F32LE DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 5, 3, 21 ) / ( 5, 3, 21 ) } ATTRIBUTE "Title" { DATATYPE H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 25; } DATASPACE SCALAR } ATTRIBUTE "Units" { DATATYPE H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 2; } DATASPACE SCALAR } ATTRIBUTE "_FillValue" { DATATYPE H5T_IEEE_F32LE DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 1 ) / ( 1 ) } } } Note 3 dimensions
Aggregated Data Field $ h5dump -H -d /ANCILLARY_DATA/GeopotentialHeight_NCEP \ AggregatedData.h5 HDF5 "AggregatedData.h5" { DATASET "/ANCILLARY_DATA/GeopotentialHeight_NCEP" { DATATYPE H5T_IEEE_F32LE DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 5, 3, 21, 4 ) / ( 5, 3, 21, 4 ) } } } Now we have 4 dimensions. The new dimension has extent 4, corresponding to the number of input files. Note that none of the attributes were copied. This is a bug, but easily fixed.
To fix the bug, I assume attributes (like “Units”) are not aggregated, and I take attributes and values from first file. New code consists of only 2+ additional lines, shown below in green. def VisitAllObjects(Group,Path): for i in Group.items(): if isinstance(i[1],h5py.Group): VisitAllObjects(i[1],Path + '/' + i[0]) else: DatasetName = Path + '/' + i[0] FileInfo[DatasetName] = (Group[DatasetName].shape, Group[DatasetName].dtype, Group[DatasetName].attrs.listitems()) And also.... DS=OutputFileID.create_dataset(Dataset,data=AggregatedData,compression=5,chunks=FileInfo[Dataset][0]+(1,)) [DS.attrs.__setitem__(Attribute[0],Attribute[1]) for Attribute in FileInfo[Dataset][2]]
Fixed output: $ h5dump -H -d /ANCILLARY_DATA/GeopotentialHeight_NCEP \ AggregatedDataWithAttributes.h5 HDF5 "AggregatedDataWithAttributes.h5" { DATASET "/ANCILLARY_DATA/GeopotentialHeight_NCEP" { DATATYPE H5T_IEEE_F32LE DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 5, 3, 21, 4 ) / ( 5, 3, 21, 4 ) } ATTRIBUTE "Title" { DATATYPE H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 25; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } DATASPACE SCALAR } ATTRIBUTE "Units" { DATATYPE H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 2; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } DATASPACE SCALAR } ATTRIBUTE "_FillValue" { DATATYPE H5T_IEEE_F32LE DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 1 ) / ( 1 ) } } } } Now we have attributes.
Summary: Python offers a high degree of flexibility for code development, combined with the ability to do easy text, numerical array and HDF5 coding make it a good candidate for solving problems in satellite remote sensing data processing. Few, if any, other computer languages offer this combination of benefits making it uniquely suited for this task. Future Work: Tracking module version provenance is likely one of the outstanding questions for Python use in production. Acknowledgment: Curt Tilmes at NASA Goddard funded this work via contract NNG06HX18C task 614.5-01-07