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Muon efficiencies and fake rates. Iris Borjanovic (INFN Lecce) for Lecce/Napoli groups. - Reference web page: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/LeptonIDComparison. SUSY WG meeting, 25 October 2007.
Muon efficiencies and fake rates Iris Borjanovic (INFN Lecce) for Lecce/Napoli groups - Reference web page: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/LeptonIDComparison SUSY WG meeting, 25 October 2007
Efficiency is number of truth muons matched with reconstructed muons divided by total number of truth leptons • Fake rate is number of reconstructed muons without truth muon match (reco muon match with truth jet is not asked !!!), divided by total number of truth jets Matching coneΔR(reco muon – truth muon) = 0.02 Overlapping (Truth Electron – Truth Jet) : if truth electron (with pt, eta, ETisol cuts applied) found in cone ΔR=0.2 around truth jet (pt, eta cuts applied) then this truth jet is removed from the truth jet block Truth muons could be from 1. From heavy particles: SUSY, W, Z, tau (definition 1) 2. All particles except G4 muons (definition 2) 3. All particles (definition 3)
Muon and jet ID cuts Algorithms ,methods Muons: MuidMuonCollection, MuId Algorithm, isCombinedMuon(), bestMatch() not use of soft muons (MuGirl, author != 2) Truth jet: Tower Clustering with cone 0.4 Reco mu: pt> 15 GeV ( efficiency ) or 20 GeV ( fake rate) |eta|<2.5, Etisol (dR=0.2) < 10 GeV Chi2(fit) / DoF < 5, 0 < Chi2(match) / DoF < 4 Truth mu: pt> 20 GeV(efficiency) or 15 GeV ( fake rate) |eta|<2.5 Etisol (dR=0.2) <10 GeV ( applied for efficiency only, not for fake rate studies ) Truth jets: pt > 20 GeV, |eta|<2.5 Truth electron (overlapping studies): pt> 20 GeV, |eta|<2.5, Etisol (dR=0.2) < 10 GeV • - Insertion order: Muon, Electron, Photon, Tau, Jet • Overlap on reco ( tau-electron ) applied, ΔR=0.2
SusyPhys package is used (SUSYPhysAlgs-01-02-00, SUSYPhysUtils-01-05-00 ) • Samples: T1 : trig1_misal1_mc12.005200.T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.recon.AOD.v12000604_tid008037 SU3 : trig1_misal1_csc11.005403.SU3_jimmy_susy.merge.AOD.v12000605_tid008685 Many thanks to Milan group for produced ntuples !!!
Muon efficiency for T1 sample (86.5 ± 0.2 )% pT dependence eta dependence GeV Truth muons are all muons apart from G4, with pT, ƞ and ETisol cuts applied
Muon efficiencies, T1 16887 / 19514 16963 / 19613
Efficiencies with no ETisol cut on truth 6596 / 8046 17073 / 20287 6676 / 10400 17456 / 23311
Fake rates, T1 398 / 241362 386 / 241409 0 / 241362 4 / 241409 0 / 241362 4 / 241409
Fake rates, SU3 83 / 235358 84 / 228068 4 / 228068 3 / 235358 3 / 228068 3 / 235358 No electron overlapping (truth ele – truth jet) included in Lecce studies, because of problems with ETisol truth . For the same reason no efficiencies studies for SU3.
Plans • Complete studies for more background samples • Solve problem with ETisol truth for SU3 12.0.65 samples
Selection and overlap removal in SusyPhys package • 1) First high pt muons (i.e.: thisMuon->author() == MuonParameters::highPt) satisfying preselection cuts (very loose cuts on pt, eta, etisol and chi2 and/or defined in SusyCreators) are saved. • 2) Then electrons (satisfying isEM & 03xFF = 0 and including softe) are saved. Muon-electron overlap is neglected. • 3) Later photons are saved. • 4) In next step tau's are saved, unless they have been found within a 0.2 cone wrt an accepted electron. • 5) Finally jets are saved