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Ultimate Co-ordination and Co-operation for Profits

Enhance your leadership with teamwork, motivate your team, achieve maximum efficiency, and boost profits through effective management of resources and group efforts. Explore the synergy between co-ordination and co-operation in different sectors to accomplish common goals. Learn the characteristics and significance of co-ordination in optimizing organizational performance and balancing competition with cooperation. Discover the importance of team-building and cooperation in driving organizational effectiveness and adaptability in a dynamic environment.

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Ultimate Co-ordination and Co-operation for Profits

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  1. CO-ORDINATION and CO-OPERATION Dikshya Sadan 10.00 – 12.00 hrs; FRI, Mangsir 21, 2075

  2. Security Forces vs Profit Making Orgs Inspiration, trust & confidence. Esprit de corps! Military Work: Max professional efficiency; chance to win ! Judicial use of resources, group effort & the result. Commanders Co-ord and co-operate to Motivate: Duty, service & self sacrifice!(ULTIMATE) Managers Co-op Co-ord People (Group) Leadership Resources Efforts Co-ord Work to increase productivity, sale and profit. Industrial / Business Organizations Market, competition, min expense; max profit. Motivate to work to increase profit! MONEY.

  3. INTRODUCTION Why work in groups? • To do things which is beyond one person’s capacity (WAR and Military) or increase productivity (Industrial Organizations) for maximizing benefit. People work under various relationships: Networking Co-ordination Collaboration Co-operation Multi-sector collaboration Chain of Command Aim: To accomplish common goals. Requirement: Different levels of human resources, trust, skills, time, and budget (group effort) has to be best managed.

  4. CO-ORDINATION (Necessary condition when more than one person or org work for common goal) Economy of Effort & Maximization of Resources

  5. Co-ordination (Co-Ord) “Co-ord: orderly arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals” Mooney and Reelay “Co-ord: integration of several parts into an orderly whole to achieve the purpose of understanding” Charles Worth Co-ord is the unification, integration, synchronization of the efforts of group members so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals. It is a hidden force which binds all the other functions of management. process to establish harmony among the different activities of an org

  6. Characteristic of Co-ordination Integrates Group Effort Units and individuals Ensures Unity of Action -Procurement, R&D, time market, store…………… It is a Continuous Process – simultaneous & on regular basis All-pervasive Function- Time,Purchase. Sell, procurement….. Deliberate Function: takes time and deliberate work-Co-op with co-ord Manager’s Responsibility each level (top, middle & low)

  7. Co-Ord in Mil Task Operation Order - Attack Clear Order –for each component Co-ord and Time: Day Lt….Synchronization of watches Assy Area – 17.00 hrs FUP – 18.00 hrs Arty Fire Support– 17.30 -1800 hrs on Hill top -A 18.00 – 18.30 hrs on Hill Top-B 18.00 – 18.15 hrs P & Q Bty on Call 18.30 – 19.00 hrs on Grid Sq. 62 21 (Regt 1 and 2) Re-Org –19.00 hrs Air Sp–Atk A/C on call to Atk BN CO Kali Bdr 17.00 – 18.00 hrs EngrSp–……………………… Others –………………………

  8. CO-OPERATION A willing contribution for the societal / organizational goals

  9. Co-operation Co-op as a synergistic force is a core organizational process driving organizational effectiveness. High level of Co-op - goals of the organization as a whole will be better served. Quality of co-op = Quality of work Co-op / clashes within and between organizations are common. Competition to acquire resources leads to a focus on short-term gains, neglecting the long-term gains of cooperation.

  10. Cooperation and Competition Competition: (Aquino and Reed II, 1998; de Cremer, 2005). Individuals try to maximize personal benefits at the expense of collective benefits. Conflict (disagreements generated by perceived or real incompatibilities among individuals) Conceptualizations of cooperation: (Smith et al., 1995). Chen et al. (1998) • individuals working together to achieve a common goal; • goal-interdependent agents engaged in social interactions; • individual actions that maximize the collective gain.

  11. Co-operation Leaders / Managers are challenged to foster cooperation within the org / company to ensure that: . the org / company is able to quickly adapt to changes in the environment; . the org / company is well positioned in inter-organizational networks; . flexibility in production or services is assured to cope with changes.

  12. Cooperation Inter-personal cooperation Inter-group cooperation Inter-agency cooperation Inter-departmental cooperation Inter-state cooperation Intra-state cooperation Federal- province cooperation Supervisors’ management styles (their attempts to manage cooperation) are highly relevant for employee attitudes, which will ultimately impact on their willingness to cooperate.

  13. TEAM-BUILDING It is installing willingness to cooperate Work for it; it does not happen on its own. What is it?

  14. Team Building and Cooperation CEO MD MD Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr M M M M M M M M M M M M

  15. Car Factory CEO Coordination MD MD Coordination &Cooperation Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr Tm ldr Light Electric Bumper Wheel Component Frame AC Radiator Engine Body

  16. Team Building Fosters 1. Better communication – among employees, between employees and mgnt. Results – understanding is better & improve office relationships - quality of work. 2. Motivated subordinates –develops trust , subordinates express their ideas; get motivated to take new challenges. 3. Promotes creativity – helps to think some thing new; team members can ignite creativity and fresh ideas.

  17. TB Fosters 4. Problem-solving skills –Crisis can happen at any time - predict problems and find solutions. Work together with co-workers to to solve problems (think rationally and strategically). 5. Breaks the barrier – increases the trust factor and narrows the gap between the two. Leadership could be seen as a colleague rather than a boss; raises employee’s morale. Team building enables better comn, better relationships and increases productivity (results).

  18. How to Build a Team? 1. Recognize the power of teamwork Believe and utilize this tool. Identify personalities who can complement one another. Maximize the talents of individual members, but the true power of teamwork comes from the group's cohesion and combined energies focused on a common goal. 2. Right Choice Get the right person/ deptfor the job. Try to incorporate employees or depts in the orgs that bring varied experience and perspective to the project.

  19. ….How 3. Delegate Chose team, outline expectations, delegate the authority and task the team. (Industrious, energetic, and creative people will get frustrated if they have no freedom, access to tools, and other resources they need to complete their work.) Do your job. They do theirs. Avoid telling members of a team what to do and how to do it. Work with them to set goals, and then remove obstacles, grant access, and provide the support your team needs to achieve those goals.

  20. …How 4. Monitor progress: Ideal world - right people are chosen for the team, and everything will take care of itself. Real world – Have to verify that the team is working well together and that the project is on track. Provide a forum where you and the team can share concerns, successes, and project status on a regular basis. Managers may need to assign a team leader, or redefine the project and reassign roles. Key- Let the team work through its own challenges. Let them identify, addresses, and push through obstacles on its own. Individuals draw closer together, and their success gives rise to confidence and camaraderie.

  21. ……How 5. Celebrate your successes When the team accomplishes or exceeds its goals, make sure that it is recognized and celebrate it. (At minimum, schedule a final team meeting where you can thank the group collectively and describe the positive impact their work have on organization and customers. Hallmark of an outstanding team is camaraderie! The team's success will build on itself, and your team and your organization will be better as the team takes on more responsibility.

  22. TB Advantages Team-based org’s decision making goes down to all levels of mgmt (traditional orgs rely on top mgmt). TB orgs employees participate in the decision-making process. Employees feel they are part of the total org, rather than members of an individual department. Result: TB orgs run more efficiently and effectively, giving them a competitive edge in today's global markets.

  23. TB Disadvantages Recognition for individual achievement within a hierarchical org is a motivator and a factor in determining compensation. TB orgs value team performance over individual performance. Lack of focus on the individual can be a disadvantage of team-based organizations. (participants seek recognition for their individual contributions; thus, motivating individuals in a team-based organization can be more challenging) TB orgs are decentralized rather than hierarchical. This lack of centralization is another disadvantage of team-based orgs, because decentralization can lead to coordination and control problems for management.

  24. Common Goal of SIR: Remove Physical and Psychic Reservoir of Violence REHABILITATION HLPM INTEGRATION GoN Legal Base Legal Base AMA A C P A SC MoFinance TC/Secretariat MoPR NA DONORS UN Systems UNMIN Neighbors NPTF Staffs – University Graduates C A N T O N M E N T S Reservoir of Violence


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