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Challenges of future. neutrino oscillation physics. A. Yu. Smirnov. International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. Oscillation physics. physics of. oscillations for. oscillations. physics. oscillations as a tool. as physics phenomenon. Measurements of neutrino
Challenges of future neutrino oscillation physics A. Yu. Smirnov International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
Oscillation physics physics of oscillations for oscillations physics oscillations as a tool as physics phenomenon Measurements of neutrino parameters Study properties of medium Searches for New physics interactions Oscillation tomography Technology Applications Study properties of neutrino sources
Challenges: experiment Accomplish ``standard’’ program of determination of of neutrino parameters Searches for new physics non-standard interactions - short range - long range 1-3 mixing Deviation of 2-3 mixing from maximal New neutrino states Mass hierarchy Effects of violation of fundamental symmetries CP-phase Test of theory of oscillations
Challenges: theory Theory of oscillations: Quantum mechanics at macroscopic distances Search for new realizations of the oscillation setup Phenomenological consequences Energy-momentum conservation Collective effects Entanglment Coherence Interplay of oscillations with other non-standard effects Academic interest? Manipulating with oscillation setup Identify origins of neutrino mass
Content: 1. To the theory of oscillations 2. Implications of large 1-3 3. CP, hierarchy 4. Sterile neutrinos, NSI, VU...
1. To the theory of oscillations Oscillation setup for LBL Neutrinos from pion, muon, nuclei decays Long life-time, large decay pipes straight lines of storage rings
Oscillation space-time diagrams XD detector detector Coherent emission of neutrino by pion along his trajectory n X m pion target p Separation of the WP can be neglected long pipe lp T
Oscillation space-time diagrams XD detector detector detector n2 n1 X m p pion target lp T
Formation of the wave packet A (x,t) = dxS dtS ap(xS, tS) exp[ ipS(x - xS) – iES(t – tS)] Vprod pS = pn + pm – pp ES = En + Em – Ep E. Akhmedov, D. Hernandez A.S. ap(xS, tS) ~ exp[ – ½ GtS] Manipulating with oscillation picture - Bust the sources - Cut the production region (change length of the decay pipe) - Time window in detection - Collisions of sources - acting on source by magnetic field
Playing with oscillation setup XD detector detector Coherent emission of neutrino by pion along his trajectory n X p pion target m Decreasing length of decay pipe lp T
Playing with oscillation setup XD detector detector n X target m pion p muon detector With time window lp T
Decoherence effect at production L p n D. Hernandez, AS lp sin22q 2(1 + x2) 1 1 – e x = Dm2 L/2EG P = P + [cos fL + K] -Glp decoherence parameter -Glp MINOS: x ~ 1 b-beam ? K = x sin fL - e [cos(fL - fp) - xsin (fL - fp)] fL = Dm2 L/2E fp = Dm2 lp/2E Incoherent n-emission - short WP Coherent n-emission - long WP Equivalence x x
D. Henandez, A.S. Probabilities P(nmnm) MINOS, ND Coherence: DE ~ G ldecay ~ ln with decoherence
Test of theory of oscillations Confronting different effects adiabatic vacuum conversion 2 oscillations D m MSW Sun q Phase effect Change of mixing in matter does not depend on oscillation phase Atmospheric vs. SBL oscillations Looking for mismatch of parameters determined from different effects in matter Modified dependence on parameters
Nature of neutrino mass Smallness may indicate that nature of the neutrino mass (or at least what we observe in oscillations) differs from masses of other fermions Is it of the same nature as the mass of electron or top quark? ? mn(oscillations) = mn(kinematics) mn = mstandard + msoft(E,n) medium (environment ) dependent (``soft’’) component In general: Can msoft dominate? G. Bellini, et al 1104.2150 [hep-x] BOREXINO: absence of a significant Day-Night asymmetry for Be-neutrinos Excluded one of such scenarios
2. Implications of large 1-3 • - Supernova neutrinos – main effect • strong adiabatic conversion • - Atmospheric neutrinos; • - Theory (flavor symmetries)
Global fit G.L Fogli et al., 1106.6028 [hep-ph] TBM QLC New reactor fluxes - shift by arrows
Implications for theory T2K: sin2q13 = 0.028 Naturalness of mass matrix, two large mixings (absence of fine tuning), normal mass hierarchy Dm212 Dm322 O(1) QLC (GUT + BM mixing) Quark-lepton unification + Horizontal symmetry ½ sin2qC sin2q13 = nm - nt - symmetry violation A cos2 2q23 Normal mass hierarchy is preferrable Violation of TBM with certain flavor hierarchy of the breaking parameters Accidental?
Possible scenario Disappointing scenario High scale seesaw GUT Negligible unitarity violation Flavor physics at very high scales above GUT? Negligible NSI Difference of quarks and leptons is related to smallness of neutrino mass The same mechanism which Explains smallness of neutrino mass is responsible for large lepton mixing Seesaw enhancement of mixing No particular symmetry? QLC: certain symmetries at High scales bi-maximal mixing; Double seesaw? Hidden sector at GUT, Planck scales SUSY-? Hierarchy problem?
SO(10) GUT + ... RH-neutrino ur , ub , uj , n dr , db , dj , e urc, ubc, ujc, nc drc, dbc, djc, ec 16 S S S S S S S S S S S S S • - Enhance mixing • Produce zero order mixing • - Screen Dirac mass hierarchies • Produce randomness (anarchy) • Seesaw symmetries • Sterile • Violation of unitarity S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Hidden sector
3. 13- ,CP, Mass hierarchy
Oscillograms sin2 2q13 = 0.050 ne - ne ne - ne Normal mass hierarchy The Earth in neutrino light ne - nm ne - nm contours of constant oscillation probability in the energy- nadir (or zenith) angle plane nm - nm nm - nm
Oscillograms sin2 2q13 = 0.125 Normal mass hierarchy
CP-violation d = 60o Standard parameterization
CP-violation domains P(d) – P(0) Magic grid formed by grids of magic lines and lines of interference phase DP
CP-violation domains DP
Oscillograms contours of constant oscillation probability in energy- nadir (or zenith) angle plane 100 IceCube ne nm , nt NuFac 2800 0.005 CNGS 0.03 IC Deep Core 0.10 10 LENF E, GeV MINOS NOvA PINGU-1 T2KK T2K 1 Degeneracy of parameters 0.1
4. Sterile neutrinos, NSI, VU... Challenge for theory, phenomenology experiment
New neutrino states - LSND, MiniBooNE 40 - 70 MeV 1 MeV ns • Warm Dark matter • Pulsar kick ~ 10 keV 1 keV • - LSND, MiniBooNE • Reactor anomaly • Calibration experiments • - Extra radiation 0.5 - 2 eV 1 eV (2 – 4) 10-3 eV - Solar neutrinos - Extra radiation in the Universe 10-3 eV
(3 + 1) scheme ne ns nt nm LSND/MiniBooNE: vacuum oscillations n4 P ~ 4|Ue4 |2|Um4 |2 restricted by short baseline exp. BUGEY, CHOOZ, CDHS, NOMAD Dm2LSND mass For reactor and source experiments n3 Dm2atm P ~ 4|Ue4|2 (1 - |Ue4|2) n2 Dm2sun n1 With new reactor data: ( 0.89 eV2) Dm412 = 1.78 eV2 - additional radiation in the universe - bound from LSS? Um4 = 0.23 Ue4 = 0.15
Mixing ne nm nt mee mem met … mmm mmt … … mtt meS mmS mtS Mass matrix nS … … … mSS tanqjS = mjS/mSS For mSS ~ 1 eV ~ 0.2 - is not small large corrections to the active neutrino mass matrix dmij ~ - tanqiStanqjS mSS ~ 0.04 mSS mSS >> mab , maS In general can not be considered as small perturbation! Effect can be small if J. Barry, W. Rodejohann, He Zhang arXiv: 1105.3911 meS mmS mtS have certain symmetry Active neutrino spectrum is quasi degenerate mSS ~ mab
Applications mn = ma + dm Original active mass matrix e.g. from see-saw Induced mass matrix due to mixing with nu sterile dm can change structure (symmetries) of the original mass matrix completely (not a perturbation) produce dominant mt - block with small determinant Enhance lepton mixing Be origin of difference of Generate TBM mixing UPMNS and VCKM
MINOS bound nm-ns mixing In assumption of no-oscillations in ND q13 = 0 |Um4|2 < 0.015 (90% CL) q13 = 11.5o |Um4|2 < 0.019 (90% CL) cosmology BUGEY+MINOS LSND/MiniBooNE: |Um4|2 > 0.025 Dm412 < 0.5 eV2
Looking for sterile in ice H Nunokawa O L G Peres R Zukanovich-Funchal Phys. Lett B562 (2003) 279 IceCube nm - ns oscillations with Dm2 ~ 1 eV2 are enhanced in matter of the Earth in energy range 0.5 – few TeV This distorts the energy spectrum and zenith angle distribution of the atmospheric muon neutrinos S Choubey HEP 0712 (2007) 014 S Razzaque and AYS , 1104.1390, [hep-ph]
Survival probability Neutrinos Antineutrinos MSW resonance dip
Suppression factor S = N(osc.)/N(no osc.) Eth = 0.1 TeV
For different mixing schemes Varying |Ut0|2 s242 s242 + s342 sin2b =
Zenith angle distribution nS - mass mixing case Free normalization and tilt factor
(3 + 1) scheme ne ns nt nm Very light sterile neutrino n3 Motivated by Dm2atm mass - solar neutrino data n2 Dm2sun • additional radiation • in the Universe if mixed in n3 • no problem with LSS • (bound on neutrino mass) n0 Dm2dip n1
Up-turn? pp 7Be CNO 8B SNO: LETA gap BOREXINO ne- survival probability from solar neutrino data vs LMA-MSW solution
Survival probability - dip - wiggles
Up-turns sin22a = 10-3 (red), 5 10-3 (blue) SK-I SNO-LETA P. De Holanda, A.S. SK-III Borexino SNO-LETA RD = 0.2 Dm2 = 1.5 10-5 eV2
KamLAND solar S. Abe, at al., [The KamLAND collaboration] 1106.0861 [hep-ex]
Implications; consequences M2 MPlanck Theory: m0 ~ 0.003 eV m0 = M ~ 2 - 3 TeV h vEW M mixing sin2 2a ~ 10-3 a ~ h = 0.1 vEW M sin2 2b ~ 10-1 b ~ Phenomenology: With sterile SN Atmospheric difference IceCube DeepCore
LBL and sterile MINOS as a model MiniBooNE Increase of base-line matter effects but no enhancement for large… FD Near detectors… ND 1 – 3 km Non-averaged effect averaged oscillation effect No matter enhancement Dm412 ~ 1 eV2 Matter enhancement: Resonance at E= 12 GeV Very small effect Non-averaged effect Dm432 ~ 0.0025eV2 nm–- ns distortion of spectrum nm-disappearance nm–- ne suppressed, difficult to extract from BG and usual oscillation channels (FD) A la LSND
Non-standard interactions m e NC NSI matter NSI CC NSI CC NSI • - Zero distance LFV • Oscillation enhancement of the NSI effect • (interference with oscillation linear effect in e ) • - Modification of matter potential • - Effect does not disappear with increase of E Interesting physics: - MINOS anomaly - Solar - MiniBooNE Motivation: Ad hoc assumptions to be further affected by LHC Bounds: e < 10-2 Expectation ?
Conclusions Physics of oscillations: various conceptual issues; coherence at production. In future a possibility to manipulate with neutrino wave packets Large 1-3 mixing: Discrete symmetries? TBM accidental? QLC? Quark-lepton unification? Possible: GUT + high scale seesaw + fermion singlets (hidden sector) with some symmetries? 1-3 mixing, Mass hierarchy, CP (?) with atmospheric neutrinos and DeepCore IC, PINGU-I, INO New (still controversial) evidences of new neutrino states = sterile neutrinos. Tests: with Solar and atmospheric neutrinos IceCube, Deep-Core IC