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Grouper Training Developers and Architects Web Services - Part 4. Chris Hyzer Internet2 University of Pennsylvania. This work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Contents. Introduction Operations (Part 4) Add/delete member Get members
Grouper TrainingDevelopers and Architects Web Services - Part 4 Chris Hyzer Internet2 University of Pennsylvania This work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Contents Introduction Operations (Part 4) Add/delete member Get members Has member Get memberships Group save/delete Find groups Stem save/delete Find stems Operations (Part 5) Get subjects Get/assign privileges Get/assign attributes Get/assign permissions Member change subject Attribute name save/delete Find attributes Attribute inheritance
Add member • wsGroupLookup - group to add the members to • subjectLookups - subjects to be added to the group • replaceAllExisting - optional: T or F (default), if the existing members should be replaced • fieldName - is if the member should be added to a certain field membership of the group (certain list). by fieldName • disabledTime - date this membership will be disabled, yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS • enabledTime - date this membership will be enabled (for future provisioning), yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS • addExternalSubjectIfNotFound - T or F, if the subject is not found, then add an external subject 4
Delete member wsGroupLookup subjectLookups - subjects to be deleted to the group fieldName - is if the member should be added to a certain field membership of the group (certain list) 5
Get members wsGroupLookups - are groups to check memberFilter - must be one of All, Effective, Immediate, Composite fieldName - certain field membership sourceIds - source ids of members to get pointInTimeFrom - To query members at a certain point in time or time range pointInTimeTo - 6
Has member wsGroupLookup subjectLookups memberFilter - can be All, Effective (non immediate), Immediate (direct), etc fieldName - students, profs, etc pointInTimeFrom - To query members at a certain point in time or time range pointInTimeTo 7
Get memberships wsGroupLookups - are groups to look in wsSubjectLookups - are subjects to look in wsMemberFilter - All, Effective, Immediate, NonImmediate fieldName - students, profs, etc scope - is a sql like string group names wsStemLookup - is the stem to look in for memberships stemScope - ONE_LEVEL, ALL_IN_SUBTREE enabled - A for all, T or null for enabled, F for disabled membershipIds - ids to search for if they are known 8
Group save wsGroupToSaves - groups to save group name lookup composite info 9
Group delete wsGroupLookups - groups to delete 10
Find groups wsQueryFilter - is the filter properties that can search by name, uuid, attribute, type, and can do group math on multiple operations, etc wsGroupLookups - if you want to just pass in a list of uuids and/or names. Note the groups are returned in alphabetical order 11
Stem save wsStemToSaves - stems to save name description etc 12
Stem delete wsStemLookups - stem lookups of stems to delete (specify name or uuid) 13
Find stems wsStemQueryFilter - is the filter properties that can search by name, uuid, approximate attribute, and can do group math on multiple operations, etc wsStemLookups - to pass in a list of uuids or names to lookup. Note the stems are returned in alphabetical order 14
Quiz • Click on the quiz link in the video description to reinforce your knowledge of this topic 15
Thanks! • Further information: • Infosheets, mailing lists, wiki, downloads, etc.:www.internet2.edu/grouper • Grouper demo server:grouperdemo.internet2.edu/ • Grouper Online Training Home:spaces.internet2.edu/x/IIGfAQ This work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.